Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

The second part of
there cosin, I came, saw, and ouercame.
Iohn It was more of his curtesie then your deseruing.
2280Falst. I know not, here he is, and here I yeeld him, and I
beseech your grace let it be bookte with the rest of this daies
deedes, or by the Lord, I wil haue it in a particular ballad else,
with mine owne picture on the top on't, (Coleuile kissing my
foote) to the which course, if I bee enforst, if you doe not all
2285shew like guilt twoo pences to mee, and I in the cleere skie of
Fame, ore-shine you as much as the full moone doth the cin-
dars of the element, (which shew like pinnes heads to her) be-
leeue not the worde of the noble: therefore let me haue right,
2290and let Desert mount.
Prince Thine's too heauy to mount.
Falst. Let it shine then.
Prince Thines too thicke to shine.
Falst. Let it do some thing, my good lord, that may doe me
2295good, and call it what you will.
Prince Is thy name Colleuile?
Col. It is my Lord.
Prince A famous rebell art thou Colleuile.
Falst. And a famous true subiect tooke him.
2300Col. I am my lord but as my betters are,
That led me hither, had they bin rulde by me,
You should haue wonne them deerer then you haue.
Fal. I know not how they sold themselues, but thou like a
kind fellow gauest thy selfe away gratis, and I thanke thee for
2305thee. enter Westmerland.
Prince Now, haue you left pursuit?
West. Retraite is made, and execution stayd.
Prince Send Colleuile with his confederates
2310To Yorke to present execution,
Blunt leade him hence, and see you guard him sure.
And now dispatch we toward the court my lordes,
I heare the King my father is sore sick,
2315Our newes shall go before vs to his maiestie,
Which cosin you shall beare to comfort him,