Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

The second part of
Imply the countenance and grace of heau'n,
2125As a false fauorite doth his princes name:
In deedes dishonorable you haue tane vp,
Vnder the counterfeited zeale of God,
The subiects of his substitute my father,
And both against the peace of heauen and him,
2130Haue here vpswarmd them.
Bishop Good my Lord of Lancaster,
I am not here against your fathers peace,
But as I told my lord of Westmerland,
The time misordred doth in common sense,
2135Crowd vs and crush vs to this monstrous forme,
To hold our safety vp: I sent your grace,
The parcells and particulars of our griefe,
The which hath beene with scorne shoued from the court,
Whereon this Hidra, sonne of warre is borne,
2140Whose dangerous eies may well be charmd asleepe,
With graunt of our most iust, and right desires,
And true obedience of this madnes cured,
Stoope tamely to the foote of maiestie.
Mow. If not, we ready are to trie our fortunes,
2145To the last man.
Hast. And though we here fal downe,
We haue supplies to second our attempt,
If they miscarry, theirs shal second them,
And so successe of mischiefe shall be borne,
2150And heire from heire shall hold his quarrell vp,
Whiles England shall haue generation.
Prince You are too shallow Hastings, much too shallow,
To sound the bottome of the after times.
2155West. Pleaseth your grace to answere them directly,
How far forth you do like their articles.
Prince I like them all, and do allow them well,
And sweare here by the honour of my bloud,
My fathers purposes haue beene mistooke,
2160And some about him haue too lauishly,