Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

The second part of
Your pennes to launces, and your tongue diuine,
1920To a lowd trumpet, and a point of warre?
Bish. Wherefore do I this? so the question stands:
Briefly, to this end we are all diseasde:
The dangers of the daie's but newly gone,
Whose memorie is written on the earth,
1950With yet appearing blood, and the examples
Of euery minutes instance (present now,)
Hath put vs in these ill-beseeming armes,
Not to breake peace, or any braunch of it,
But to establish heere a peace indeede,
1955Concurring both in name and quallitie.
West. When euer yet was your appeale denied
Wherein haue you beene galled by the King?
What peere hath beene subornde to grate on you?
That you should seale this lawlesse bloody booke
1960Of forgde rebellion with a seale diuine,
1960.1And consecrate commotions bitter edge.
Bishop My brother Generall, the common wealth
1961.1To brother borne an houshold cruelty,
I make my quarrell in particular.
West. There is no neede of any such redresse,
Or if there were, it not belongs to you.
1965Mowbray why not to him in part, and to vs all
That feele the bruises of the daies before?
And suffer the condition of these times,
To lay a heauy and vnequall hand
Vpon our honors.
West. But this is meere digression from my purpose.
Here come I from our princely generall,
To know your griefes, to tell you from his Grace,
That he will giue you audience, and wherein
2010It shall appeere that your demaunds are iust,
You shall enioy them, euery thing set off
That might so much as thinke you enemies.
Mowbray But he hath forcde vs to compel this offer,