Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

Henry the fourth.
strong, and of good friends.
Fal. Is thy name Mouldie?
1640Moul. Yea, and't please you.
Fal. Tis the more time thou wert vsde.
Shal. Ha, ha, ha, most excellent yfaith, things that are moul-
dy lacke vse: very singular good, infaith well said sir Iohn, very
well said. Iohn prickes him.
Moul. I was prickt wel enough before, and you could haue
let me alone, my old dame will be vndone now for one to doe
her husbandrie, and her drudgery, you need not to haue prickt
me, there are other men fitter to go out then I.
Fal. Go to, peace Mouldy, you shall go, Mouldy it is time
you were spent.
Moul. Spent?
Shal. Peace fellow, peace, stand aside, know you where you
1655are? for th'other sir Iohn: let me see Simon Shadow.
Fal. Yea mary, let me haue him to sit vnder, hees like to be
a cold soldiour.
Shal. Wheres Shadow?
1660Shad. Here sir.
Fal. Shadow, whose sonne art thou?
Shad. My mothers sonne sir.
Fal. Thy mothers sonne! like enough, and thy fathers sha-
dow, so the sonne of the female is the shadow of the male: it is
1665often so indeede, but much of the fathers substance.
Shal. Do you like him sir Iohn?
Fal. Shadow wil serue for summer, pricke him, for we haue
a number of shadowes, fill vp the muster booke.
Shal. Thomas Wart.
Fal. Wheres he?
Wart Here sir.
Fal. Is thy name Wart?
1675Wart Yea sir.
Fal. Thou art a very ragged wart.
Shal. Shall I pricke him sir Iohn?
Fal. It were superfluous, for apparell is built vpon his back,
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