Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

Henry the fourth.
1570Psalmist saith) is certaine to all, all shall die. How a good yoke
of bullockes at Samforth faire?
Silens By my troth I was not there.
Shal. Death is certaine: Is olde Dooble of your towne li-
uing yet?
1575Silens Dead sir.
Shal. Iesu, Iesu, dead! a drew a good bow, and dead? a shot
a fine shoote: Iohn a Gaunt loued him well, and betted much
money on his head. Dead! a would haue clapt ith clowt at
twelue score, and caried you a forehand shaft a foureteene and
1580foureteene and a halfe, that it would haue doone a mans heart
good to see. How a score of Ewes now?
Silens Thereafter as they be, a score of good Ewes may be
worth tenne pounds.
1585Shal. And is olde Dooble dead?
Silens Heere come twoo of sir Iohn Falstaffes men, as I

Enter Bardolfe, and one with him.

Good morrow honest gentlemen.
1590Bard. I beseech you, which is Iustice Shallow?
Shall. I am Robert Shallow sir, a poore Esquire of this
Countie, and one of the Kings Iustices of the Peace: what is
your pleasure with me?
Bard. My Captaine, sir, commends him to you, my Cap-
1595taine sir Iohn Falstaffe, a tall gentleman, by heauen, and a most
gallant Leader.
Shall. He greets me wel, sir, I knew him a good backsword
man: how doth the good knight? may I aske how my Ladie
his wife doth?
1600Bar. Sir, pardon, a souldiour is better accommodate than
with a wife.
Shallow It is well sayde in faith sir, and it is well sayde in-
deede too, better accommodated, it is good, yea in deede is