Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

Henry the fourth.
And the deuision of our amitie.
War. There is a historie in all mens liues,
Figuring the natures of the times deceast:
1500The which obseru'd, a man may prophecie,
With a neere ayme of the maine chance of things,
As yet not come to life, who in their seedes,
And weake beginning lie intreasured:
Such thinges become the hatch and broode of time,
1505And by the necessary forme of this,
King Richard might create a perfect guesse,
That great Northumberland then false to him,
Would of that seede growe to a greater falsenesse,
Which should not find a ground to roote vpon
1510Vnlesse on you.
King. Are these thinges then necessities,
Then let vs meet them like necessities,
And that same word euen now cries out on vs:
They say the Bishop and Northumberland,
1515Are fiftie thousand strong.
War. It cannot be my Lord,
Rumour doth double like the voice, and eccho
The numbers of the feared, please it your grace,
To go to bedde: vpon my soule, my Lord,
1520The Powers that you alreadie haue sent foorth,
Shall bring this prise in very easily:
To comfort you the more, I haue receiued,
A certain instance that Glendour is dead:
Your Maiestie hath beene this fortnight ill,
1525And these vnseasoned howers perforce must adde
Vnto your sicknesse.
King. I will take your counsaile,
And were these inward warres once out of hand,
We would (deare Lords) vnto the holy land. exeunt
Enter Iustice Shallow, and Iustice
E5 Shal.