Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

The second part of
1170stewd pruins, and dried cakes: a captaine? Gods light these vil-
laines wil make the word as odious as the word occupy, which
1171.1was an excellent good worde before it was il sorted, therefore
captains had neede look too't.
Bard. Pray thee go downe good Ancient.
1175Falst. Hearke thee hither mistris Dol.
Pist. Not I, I tell thee what corporall Bardolfe, I could
teare her, Ile be reuengde of her.
Boy Pray thee go downe.
Pist. Ile see her damnd first, to Plutoes damnd lake by this
1180hãd to th'infernal deep, with erebus & tortures vile also: holde
hooke and line, say I: downe, downe dogges, downe faters haue
we not Hiren here?
Host. Good captaine Peesell be quiet, tis very late yfaith, I
beseeke you now aggrauate your choller.
1185Pist These be good humors indeede, shal pack-horses, and
hollow pamperd iades of Asia which cannot goe but thirtie
mile a day, compare with Caesars and with Canibals, and tro-
iant Greekes? nay rather damne them with King Cerberus, and
let the Welkin roare, shall we fall foule for toies?
Host. By my troth captaine, these are very bitter words.
Bard. Be gone good Ancient, this will grow to a brawle
1195Pist. Men like dogges giue crownes like pins, haue we not
Hiren here?
Host. A my word Captaine, theres none such here, what
the goodyeare do you thinke I would denie her? for Gods sake
be quiet.
1200Pist. Then feed and be fat, my faire Calipolis, come giues
some sacke, si fortune me tormente sperato me contento, feare we
brode sides? no, let the fiend giue fire, giue me some sacke, and
sweet hart, lie thou there, come we to ful points here? and are &
caeteraes, no things?
Falst. Pistol, I would be quiet.
Pist. Sweet Knight, I kisse thy neaffe, what, we haue seene
the seuen starres.