Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

Henry the fourth.
1130house, nor no cheter, but I do not loue swagering by my troth,
I am the worse when one saies swagger: feele maisters, how I
shake, looke you, I warrant you.
Teresh. So you do hostesse.
Host. Doe I? yea in very trueth doe I, and twere an aspen
1135leafe, I cannot abide swaggrers.
Enter antient Pistol, and Bardolfes boy.
Pistol God saue you sir Iohn.
Fal. Welcome ancient Pistoll, heere Pistoll, I charge you
with a cuppe of sacke, do you discharge vpon mine hostesse.
Pist. I will discharge vpon her sir Iohn, with two bullets.
Fal. shhe is pistoll proofe: sir, you shall not hardely offend
1145Host. Come, Ile drink no proofes, nor no bullets, Ile drink
no more than will do me good, for no mans pleasure, I.
Pist. Then, to you mistris Dorothy, I will charge you.
1150Doro. Charge me? I scorne you, scuruy companion: what
you poore base rascally cheting lacke-linnen mate? away you
mouldie rogue, away, I am meate for your maister.
Pist. I know you mistris Dorothy.
1155Doro. Away you cutpurse rascall, you filthy boung, away,
by this wine Ile thrust my knife in your mouldie chappes, and
you play the sawcie cuttle with me. Away you bottle ale ras-
call, you basket hilt stale iuggler, you. Since when, I pray
you sir: Gods light, with two points on your shoulder? much.
Pist. God let me not liue, but I will murther your ruffe for
1161.1sir Iohn No more Pistol, I would not haue you go off here,
discharge your selfe of our company, Pistoll.
Host. No, good captaine Pistoll, not here, sweete captaine.
Doro. Captain, thou abhominable damnd cheter, art thou
1165not ashamed to be called Captaine? and Captaines were of my
mind, they would trunchion you out, for taking their names
vpon you, before you haue earnd them: you a captaine? you
slaue, for what? for teareing a poore whoores ruffe in a bawdy
house: hee a captaine! hang him rogue, he liues vpon mowldy