Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

Henry the fourth.
But indeed these humble considerations make me out of loue
with my greatnesse. What a disgrace is it to mee to remember
thy name? or to know thy face to morow? or to take note how
805many paire of silke stockings thou hast with these, and those
that were thy peach colourd once, or to beare the inuentorie of
thy shirts, as one for superfluitie, and another for vse. But that
the Tennis court keeper knows better than I, for it is a low eb
810of linnen with thee when thou keepest not racket there, as thou
hast not done a great while, because the rest of the low Coun-
tries haue eate vp thy holland: and God knows whether those
812.1that bal out the ruines of thy linnen shal inherite his kingdom:
but the Midwiues say, the children are not in the fault where-
vpon the world increases, and kinreds are mightily strengthe-
Poynes How ill it followes, after you haue labored so hard,
815you should talke so ydlely! tell me how many good yong prin-
ces woulde doe so, their fathers being so sicke, as yours at this
816.1time is.
Prince Shall I tel thee one thing Poynes?
Poynes Yes faith, and let it be an excellent good thing.
820Prince It shall serue among wittes of no higher breeding
then thine.
Poynes Go to, I stand the push of your one thing that you
will tell.
Prince Mary I tell thee it is not meete that I should bee sad
825now my father is sicke, albeit I could tell to thee, as to one it
pleases me for fault of a better to call my friend, I could be sad,
and sad indeede too.
Poynes Very hardly, vpon such a subiect.
Prince By this hand, thou thinkest me as farre in the diuels
830booke, as thou and Falstaffe, for obduracie and persistancie,
let the end trie the man, but I tel thee, my heart bleeds inward-
ly that my father is so sick, and keeping such vile company as
thou arte, hath in reason taken from me all ostentation of sor-
835Poynes The reason.