Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

The second part of
Hostesse Master Phang, haue you entred the action?
Phang It is entred.
Host. Wheres your yeoman? ist a lusty yeoman? wil a stand
620Phang Sirra, wheres Snare?
Host. O Lord I, good master Snare.
Snare Here, here.
Phang Snare, we must arest sir Iohn Falstaffe.
Host. Yea good master Snare, I haue entred him and all.
625Snare It may chaunce cost some of vs our liues, for he will
Host. Alas the day, take heed of him, he stabd me in mine
owne house, most beastly in good faith, a cares not what mis-
chiefe he does, if his weapon be out, he will foyne like any di-
uell, he will spare neither man, woman, nor child.
Phang If I can close with him, I care not for his thrust.
Host. No nor I neither, Ile be at your elbow.
Phang And I but fist him once, and a come but within my
635Host. I am vndone by his going, I warrant you, hees an in-
finitiue thing vppon my score, good maister Phang holde him
sure, good master Snare let him not scape, a comes continually
to Pie corner (sauing your manhoods) to buy a saddle, and he
is indited to dinner to the Lubbers head in Lumbert streete to
640master Smooths the silk man, I pray you since my exion is en-
tred, and my case so openly knowne to the worlde, let him be
brought in to his answer, a hundred marke is a long one, for a
poore lone woman to beare, and I haue borne, and borne, and
borne, and haue bin fubd off, and fubd off, and fubd off, from
645this day to that day, that it is a shame to be thought on, there is
no honesty in such dealing, vnlesse a woman should be made
an asse, and a beast, to beare euery knaues wrong: yonder he
comes, and that arrant malmsie-nose knaue Bardolfe with him,
650do your offices do your offices master Phãg, & master Snare,
do me, do me, do me your offices.
651.1Enter sir Iohn, and Bardolfe, and the boy.