Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

Henry the fourth.
320shines through it: wheres Bardolf, & yet can not he see though
he haue his owne lanthorne to light him.
Boy Hees gone in Smithfield to buy your worship a horse.
325sir Iohn I bought him in Paules, and heele buy me a horse
in Smithfield, and I could get me but a wife in the stewes, I
were man'd, horsde, and wiu'd.
Enter Lord chiefe Iustice.
Boy Sir, here comes the noble man that committed the prince
330for striking him about Bardolfe.
sir Iohn Wait close, I will not see him.
Iustice Whats hee that goes there?
seru. Falstaffe, and't please your lordship.
Iust. He that was in question for the rob'ry?
335seru. He my Lord, but he hath since done good seruice at
Shrewsbury, & (as I heare,) is now going with some charge to
the lord Iohn of Lancaster.
Iust. What to Yorke? call him backe againe.
seru. Sir Iohn Falstaffe.
340Iohn Boy, tell him I am deafe.
Boy You must speake lowder, my master is deafe.
Iust. I am sure he is to the hearing of any thing good, goe
plucke him by the elbow, I must speake with him.
seru. Sir Iohn?
345Falst. What? a yong knaue and begging? is there not wars?
is there not employment? doth not the King lacke subiects? do
not the rebels need souldiers, though it be a shame to be on any
side but one, it is worse shame to beg then to be on the worst
side, were it worse then the name of Rebellion can tell how to
350make it.
seru. You mistake me sir.
Iohn Why sir, did I say you were an honest man, setting my
knighthood and my souldiership aside, I had lied in my throat
if I had said so.
355seru. I pray you sir then set your knighthood, and your sol-
diership aside, and giue me leaue to tell you, you lie in your
throate, if you say I am any other then an honest man.
B2 Iohn.