Not Peer Reviewed
Henry IV, Part 2 (Folio 1 1623)
3205Scena Quinta.
3206Enter two Groomes.
32091. Groo. It will be two of the Clocke, ere they come
3210from the Coronation. Exit Groo.
3211Enter Falstaffe, Shallow, Pistoll, Bardolfe, and Page.
3212Falstaffe. Stand heere by me, M. Robert Shallow, I will
3213make the King do you Grace. I will leere vpon him, as
3214he comes by: and do but marke the countenance that hee
3215will giue me.
3218had time to haue made new Liueries, I would haue be-
3220no matter, this poore shew doth better: this doth inferre
3221the zeale I had to see him.
3225Fal. My deuotion.
3226Pist. It doth, it doth, it doth.
3227Fal. As it were, to ride day and night,
3228And not to deliberate, not to remember,
3229Not to haue patience to shift me.
3233all affayres in obliuion, as if there were nothing els to bee
3234done, but to see him.
3236in euery part.
3239make thee rage. Thy Dol, and Helen of thy noble thoghts
3241ther by most Mechanicall and durty hand. Rowze vppe
3242Reuenge from Ebon den, with fell Alecto's Snake, for
3244Fal. I will deliuer her.
3245Pistol. There roar'd the Sea: and Trumpet Clangour
3247The Trumpets sound. Enter King Henrie the
3248Fift, Brothers, Lord Chiefe
3250Falst. Saue thy Grace, King Hall, my Royall Hall.
3252Impe of Fame.
3256Ch. Iust. Haue you your wits?
3257Know you what 'tis you speake?
3259King. I know thee not, old man: Fall to thy Prayers:
3260How ill white haires become a Foole, and Iester?
I have
100The second Part of King Henry the Fourth.
3261I haue long dream'd of such a kinde of man,
3264Make lesse thy body (hence) and more thy Grace,
3265Leaue gourmandizing; Know the Graue doth gape
3266For thee, thrice wider then for other men.
3267Reply not to me, with a Foole-borne Iest,
3268Presume not, that I am the thing I was,
3270That I haue turn'd away my former Selfe,
3271So will I those that kept me Companie.
3272When thou dost heare I am, as I haue bin,
3273Approach me, and thou shalt be as thou was't
3274The Tutor and the Feeder of my Riots:
3275Till then, I banish thee, on paine of death,
3277Not to come neere our Person, by ten mile.
3278For competence of life, I will allow you,
3279That lacke of meanes enforce you not to euill:
3280And as we heare you do reforme your selues,
3281We will according to your strength, and qualities,
3282Giue you aduancement. Be it your charge (my Lord)
3283To see perform'd the tenure of our word. Set on.
3284Exit King.
3287haue home with me.
3288Fal. That can hardly be, M. Shallow, do not you grieue
3291ment: I will be the man yet, that shall make you great.
3295my thousand.
3296Fal. Sir, I will be as good as my word. This that you
3297heard, was but a colour.
3298Shall. A colour I feare, that you will dye, in Sir Iohn.
3299Fal. Feare no colours, go with me to dinner:
3300Come Lieutenant Pistol, come Bardolfe,
3303Take all his Company along with him.
3304Fal. My Lord, my Lord.
3306Take them away.
3308Exit. Manet Lancaster and Chiefe Iustice.
3309Iohn. I like this faire proceeding of the Kings:
3310He hath intent his wonted Followers
3311Shall all be very well prouided for:
3315Iohn. The King hath call'd his Parliament,
3316My Lord.
3317Ch. Iust. He hath.
3318Iohn. I will lay oddes, that ere this yeere expire,
3319We beare our Ciuill Swords, and Natiue fire
3322Come, will you hence? Exeunt