Not Peer Reviewed
Henry IV, Part 2 (Folio 1 1623)
498 Scena Quarta.
499Enter Archbishop, Hastings, Mowbray, and
500 Lord Bardolfe.
502And my most noble Friends, I pray you all
503Speake plainly your opinions of our hopes,
508To looke with forhead bold and big enough
509Vpon the Power and puisance of the King.
512And our Supplies, liue largely in the hope
514With an incensed Fire of Iniuries.
517May hold-vp-head, without Northumberland:
518Hast. With him, we may.
519L. Bar. I marry, there's the point:
520But if without him we be thought to feeble,
523For in a Theame so bloody fac'd, as this,
525Of Aydes incertaine, should not be admitted.
526Arch. 'Tis very true Lord Bardolfe, for indeed
529Eating the ayre, on promise of Supply,
532And so with great imagination
533(Proper to mad men) led his Powers to death,
535Hast. But (by your leaue) it neuer yet did hurt,
536To lay downe likely-hoods, and formes of hope.
539Liues so in hope: As in an early Spring,
540We see th'appearing buds, which to proue fruite,
542That Frosts will bite them. When we meane to build,
546Which if we finde out-weighes Ability,
547What do we then, but draw a-new the Modell
549To builde at all? Much more, in this great worke,
550(Which is (almost) to plucke a Kingdome downe,
552The plot of Situation, and the Modell;
555How able such a Worke to vndergo,
557We fortifie in Paper, and in Figures,
559Like one, that drawes the Modell of a house
560Beyond his power to builde it; who (halfe through)
561Giues o're, and leaues his part-created Cost
564Hast. Grant that our hopes (yet likely of faire byrth)
567I thinke we are a Body strong enough
568(Euen as we are) to equall with the King.
571For his diuisions (as the Times do braul)
572Are in three Heads: one Power against the French,
573And one against Glendower: Perforce a third
576With hollow Pouerty, and Emptinesse.
579Need not be dreaded.
581He leaues his backe vnarm'd, the French, and Welch
582Baying him at the heeles: neuer feare that.
587I haue no certaine notice.
588Arch. Let vs on:
590The Common-wealth is sicke of their owne Choice,
591Their ouer-greedy loue hath surfetted:
592An habitation giddy, and vnsure
593Hath he that buildeth on the vulgar heart.
594O thou fond Many, with what loud applause
596Before he was, what thou would'st haue him be?
597And being now trimm'd in thine owne desires,
601Thy glutton-bosome of the Royall Richard,
602And now thou would'st eate thy dead vomit vp,
604They, that when Richard liu'd, would haue him dye,
605Are now become enamour'd on his graue.
607When through proud London he came sighing on,
608After th'admired heeles of Bullingbrooke,
609Cri'st now, O Earth, yeeld vs that King agine,
The second Part of King Henry the Fourth. 79
610And take thou this (O thoughts of men accurs'd)
"Past, and to Come, seemes best; things Present, worst.