Not Peer Reviewed
Henry IV, Part 2 (Folio 1 1623)
82The second Part of King Henry the Fourth.
989He was the Marke, and Glasse, Coppy, and Booke,
990That fashion'd others. And him, O wondrous! him,
991O Miracle of Men! Him did you leaue
992(Second to none) vn-seconded by you,
993To looke vpon the hideous God of Warre,
994In dis-aduantage, to abide a field,
997Neuer, O neuer doe his Ghost the wrong,
998To hold your Honor more precise and nice
999With others, then with him. Let them alone:
1001Had my sweet Harry had but halfe their Numbers,
1002To day might I (hanging on Hotspurs Necke)
1003Haue talk'd of Monmouth's Graue.
1005(Faire Daughter) you doe draw my Spirits from me,
1006With new lamenting ancient Ouer-sights.
1007But I must goe, and meet with Danger there,
1008Or it will seeke me in another place,
1011Till that the Nobles, and the armed Commons,
1013Lady. If they get ground, and vantage of the King,
1014Then ioyne you with them, like a Ribbe of Steele,
1015To make Strength stronger. But, for all our loues,
1018And neuer shall haue length of Life enough,
1019To raine vpon Remembrance with mine Eyes,
1020That it may grow, and sprowt, as high as Heauen,
1021For Recordation to my Noble Husband.
1022North. Come, come, go in with me: 'tis with my Minde
1023As with the Tyde, swell'd vp vnto his height,
1025Faine would I goe to meet the Arch-bishop,
1027I will resolue for Scotland: there am I,
1028Till Time and Vantage craue my company. Exeunt.
1029Scaena Quarta.
1030Enter two Drawers.
1035of Apple-Iohns before him, and told him there were fiue
1038Knights. It anger'd him to the heart: but hee hath for-
1039got that.
1044Points, anon: and they will put on two of our Ierkins,
1045and Aprons, and Sir Iohn must not know of it: Bardolph
1046hath brought word.
1048cellent stratagem.
1050Enter Hostesse, and Dol.
1052cellent good temperalitie: your Pulsidge beates as ex-
1053traordinarily, as heart would desire; and your Colour
1054(I warrant you) is as red as any Rose: But you haue
1055drunke too much Canaries, and that's a maruellous sear-
1056ching Wine; and it perfumes the blood, ere wee can say
1057what's this. How doe you now?
1058Dol. Better then I was: Hem.
1060Gold. Looke, here comes Sir Iohn.
1061Enter Falstaffe.
When Arthur first in Court
-- (emptie the Iordan)
and was a worthy King
: How now Mistris Dol?
1066they are sick.
1068giue me?
1071them, I make them not.
1072Falst. If the Cooke make the Gluttonie, you helpe to
1074of you: Grant that, my poore Vertue, grant that.
1075Dol. I marry, our Chaynes, and our Iewels.
1076Falst. Your Brooches, Pearles, and Owches: For to
1079rie brauely; to venture vpon the charg'd-Chambers
1084not one beare with anothers Confirmities. What the
1089full Hogs-head? There's a whole Marchants Venture
1092Iacke: Thou art going to the Warres, and whether I
1095Enter Drawer.
1097speake with you.
1102liue amongst my Neighbors, Ile no Swaggerers: I am
1104doore, there comes no Swaggerers heere: I haue not
1106doore, I pray you.
1109no Swaggerers heere.
s Falst.Do'st