Not Peer Reviewed
Henry IV, Part 2 (Folio 1 1623)
92The second Part of King Henry the Fourth.
1997The Earle of Hereford was reputed then
1998In England the most valiant Gentleman.
1999Who knowes, on whom Fortune would then haue smil'd?
2000But if your Father had beene Victor there,
2001Hee ne're had borne it out of Couentry.
2002For all the Countrey, in a generall voyce,
2003Cry'd hate vpon him: and all their prayers, and loue,
2004Were set on Herford, whom they doted on,
2005And bless'd, and grac'd, and did more then the King.
2007Here come I from our Princely Generall,
2008To know your Griefes; to tell you, from his Grace,
2009That hee will giue you Audience: and wherein
2012That might so much as thinke you Enemies.
2014And it proceedes from Pollicy, not Loue.
2016This Offer comes from Mercy, not from Feare.
2017For loe, within a Ken our Army lyes,
2018Vpon mine Honor, all too confident
2019To giue admittance to a thought of feare.
2020Our Battaile is more full of Names then yours,
2024Say you not then, our Offer is compell'd.
2027A rotten Case abides no handling.
2029In very ample vertue of his Father,
2030To heare, and absolutely to determine
2032West. That is intended in the Generals Name:
2035For this containes our generall Grieuances:
2037All members of our Cause, both here, and hence,
2040And present execution of our wills,
2042Wee come within our awfull Banks againe,
2043And knit our Powers to the Arme of Peace.
2045In sight of both our Battailes, wee may meete
2046At either end in peace: which Heauen so frame,
2047Or to the place of difference call the Swords,
2048Which must decide it.
2051That no Conditions of our Peace can stand.
2052Hast. Feare you not, that if wee can make our Peace
2058Yea, euery idle, nice, and wanton Reason,
2060That were our Royall faiths, Martyrs in Loue,
2063And good from bad finde no partition.
2064Bish. No, no (my Lord) note this: the King is wearie
2065Of daintie, and such picking Grieuances:
2066For hee hath found, to end one doubt by Death,
2067Reuiues two greater in the Heires of Life.
2068And therefore will hee wipe his Tables cleane,
2069And keepe no Tell-tale to his Memorie,
2071To new remembrance. For full well hee knowes,
2074His foes are so en-rooted with his friends,
2075That plucking to vnfixe an Enemie,
2079As he is striking, holds his Infant vp,
2081That was vprear'd to execution.
2083On late Offenders, that he now doth lacke
2085So that his power, like to a Fanglesse Lion
2086May offer, but not hold.
2087Bish. 'Tis very true:
2089If we do now make our attonement well,
2090Our Peace, will (like a broken Limbe vnited)
2091Grow stronger, for the breaking.
2093Heere is return'd my Lord of Westmerland.
2094Enter Westmerland.
2097Mow. Your Grace of Yorke, in heauen's name then
2099Bish. Before, and greet his Grace (my Lord) we come.
2100Enter Prince Iohn.
2102Good day to you, gentle Lord Archbishop,
2104My Lord of Yorke, it better shew'd with you,
2105When that your Flocke (assembled by the Bell)
2106Encircled you, to heare with reuerence
2107Your exposition on the holy Text,
2108Then now to see you heere an Iron man
2109Chearing a rowt of Rebels with your Drumme,
2110Turning the Word, to Sword; and Life to death:
2111That man that sits within a Monarches heart,
2112And ripens in the Sunne-shine of his fauor,
2113Would hee abuse the Countenance of the King,
2117How deepe you were within the Bookes of Heauen?
2118To vs, the Speaker in his Parliament;
2119To vs, th'imagine Voyce of Heauen it selfe:
2120The very Opener, and Intelligencer,
2121Betweene the Grace, the Sanctities of Heauen,
2122And our dull workings. O, who shall beleeue,
2123But you mis-vse the reuerence of your Place,
2124Employ the Countenance, and Grace of Heauen,
2125As a false Fauorite doth his Princes Name,
2126In deedes dis-honorable? You haue taken vp,