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Henry IV, Part 2 (Folio 1 1623)
The second Part of King Henry the Fourth. 91
1869Bish. 'Tis well done.
1871I must acquaint you, that I haue receiu'd
1872New-dated Letters from Northumberland:
1875As might hold sortance with his Qualitie,
1876The which hee could not leuie: whereupon
1877Hee is retyr'd, to ripe his growing Fortunes,
1878To Scotland; and concludes in heartie prayers,
1879That your Attempts may ouer-liue the hazard,
1880And fearefull meeting of their Opposite.
1881Mow. Thus do the hopes we haue in him, touch ground,
1883Enter a Messenger.
1884Hast. Now? what newes?
1886In goodly forme, comes on the Enemie:
1887And by the ground they hide, I iudge their number
1888Vpon, or neere, the rate of thirtie thousand.
1891Enter Westmerland.
1892Bish. What well-appointed Leader fronts vs here?
1894West. Health, and faire greeting from our Generall,
1895The Prince, Lord Iohn, and Duke of Lancaster.
1897What doth concerne your comming?
1898West. Then (my Lord)
1899Vnto your Grace doe I in chiefe addresse
1902Led on by bloodie Youth, guarded with Rage,
1903And countenanc'd by Boyes, and Beggerie:
1906You (Reuerend Father, and these Noble Lords)
1907Had not beene here, to dresse the ougly forme
1909With your faire Honors. You, Lord Arch-bishop,
1910Whose Sea is by a Ciuill Peace maintain'd,
1911Whose Beard, the Siluer Hand of Peace hath touch'd,
1912Whose Learning, and good Letters, Peace hath tutor'd,
1914The Doue, and very blessed Spirit of Peace.
1916Out of the Speech of Peace, that beares such grace,
1918Turning your Bookes to Graues, your Inke to Blood,
1919Your Pennes to Launces, and your Tongue diuine
1920To a lowd Trumpet, and a Point of Warre.
1922Briefely to this end: Wee are all diseas'd,
1923And with our surfetting, and wanton howres,
1924Haue brought our selues into a burning Feuer,
1926Our late King Richard (being infected) dy'd.
1928I take not on me here as a Physician,
1929Nor doe I, as an Enemie to Peace,
1930Troope in the Throngs of Militarie men:
1931But rather shew a while like fearefull Warre,
1934Our very Veines of Life: heare me more plainely.
1935I haue in equall ballance iustly weigh'd,
1939And are enforc'd from our most quiet there,
1940By the rough Torrent of Occasion,
1941And haue the summarie of all our Griefes
1943Which long ere this, wee offer'd to the King,
1944And might, by no Suit, gayne our Audience:
1945When wee are wrong'd, and would vnfold our Griefes,
1948The dangers of the dayes but newly gone,
1949Whose memorie is written on the Earth
1950With yet appearing blood; and the examples
1953Not to breake Peace, or any Branch of it,
1955Concurring both in Name and Qualitie.
1956West. When euer yet was your Appeale deny'd?
1957Wherein haue you beene galled by the King?
1958What Peere hath beene suborn'd, to grate on you,
1960Of forg'd Rebellion, with a Seale diuine?
1961Bish. My Brother generall, the Common-wealth,
1962I make my Quarrell, in particular.
1964Or if there were, it not belongs to you.
1965Mow. Why not to him in part, and to vs all,
1966That feele the bruizes of the dayes before,
1968To lay a heauie and vnequall Hand vpon our Honors?
1969West. O my good Lord Mowbray,
1972And not the King, that doth you iniuries.
1973Yet for your part, it not appeares to me,
1974Either from the King, or in the present Time,
1975That you should haue an ynch of any ground
1976To build a Griefe on: were you not restor'd
1977To all the Duke of Norfolkes Seignories,
1978Your Noble, and right well-remembred Fathers?
1980That need to be reuiu'd, and breath'd in me?
1981The King that lou'd him, as the State stood then,
1982Was forc'd, perforce compell'd to banish him:
1983And then, that Henry Bullingbrooke and hee
1984Being mounted, and both rowsed in their Seates,
1985Their neighing Coursers daring of the Spurre,
1986Their armed Staues in charge, their Beauers downe,
1988And the lowd Trumpet blowing them together:
1989Then, then, when there was nothing could haue stay'd
1990My Father from the Breast of Bullingbrooke;
1991O, when the King did throw his Warder downe,
1992(His owne Life hung vpon the Staffe hee threw)
1993Then threw hee downe himselfe, and all their Liues,
1994That by Indictment, and by dint of Sword,
gg2 West. You