Not Peer Reviewed
Henry VI, Part 1 (Folio 1, 1623)
2425Enter Ione de Pucell.
2427Now helpe ye charming Spelles and Periapts,
2431Vnder the Lordly Monarch of the North,
2432Appeare, and ayde me in this enterprize.
2433 Enter Fiends.
2434This speedy and quicke appearance argues proofe
2435Of your accustom'd diligence to me.
2436Now ye Familiar Spirits, that are cull'd
2437Out of the powerfull Regions vnder earth,
2438Helpe me this once, that France may get the field.
2439 They walke, and speake not.
2440Oh hold me not with silence ouer-long:
2441Where I was wont to feed you with my blood,
2442Ile lop a member off, and giue it you,
2444So you do condiscend to helpe me now.
2445 They hang their heads.
2447Pay recompence, if you will graunt my suite.
2448 They shake their heads.
2450Intreate you to your wonted furtherance?
2452Before that England giue the French the foyle.
2453 They depart.
2454See, they forsake me. Now the time is come,
2456And let her head fall into Englands lappe.
2457My ancient Incantations are too weake,
2458And hell too strong for me to buckle with:
2460 Excursions. Burgundie and Yorke fight hand to
2461 hand. French flye.
2464And try if they can gaine your liberty.
2465A goodly prize, fit for the diuels grace.
2466See how the vgly Witch doth bend her browes,
2469 Yor. Oh, Charles the Dolphin is a proper man,
2473By bloudy hands, in sleeping on your beds.
2475 tongue.
2478 Exeunt.
2479 Alarum. Enter Suffolke with Margaret
2480 in his hand.
2482 Gazes on her.
2484For I will touch thee but with reuerend hands,
2486And lay them gently on thy tender side.
2487Who art thou, say? that I may honor thee.
2488 Mar. Margaret my name, and daughter to a King,
2489The King of Naples, who so ere thou art.
2491Be not offended Natures myracle,
2492Thou art alotted to be tane by me:
2493So doth the Swan her downie Signets saue,
2494Keeping them prisoner vnderneath his wings:
2498My hand would free her, but my heart sayes no.
2500Twinkling another counterfetted beame,
2501So seemes this gorgeous beauty to mine eyes.
2502Faine would I woe her, yet I dare not speake:
2503Ile call for Pen and Inke, and write my minde:
2506Wilt thou be daunted at a Womans sight?
2511For I perceiue I am thy prisoner.
2513Before thou make a triall of her loue?
2515 Suf. She's beautifull; and therefore to be Wooed:
2516She is a Woman; therefore to be Wonne.
2519Then how can Margaret be thy Paramour?
2521 Suf. There all is marr'd: there lies a cooling card.
2525 Suf. Ile win this Lady Margaret. For whom?
2526Why for my King: Tush, that's a woodden thing.
2530But there remaines a scruple in that too:
2531For though her Father be the King of Naples,
2532Duke of Aniou and Mayne, yet is he poore,
2536 Henry is youthfull, and will quickly yeeld.
2537Madam, I haue a secret to reueale.
2539And will not any way dishonor me.
2542And then I need not craue his curtesie.
2546 Mar. I cry you mercy, 'tis but Quid for Quo.
2548Your bondage happy, to be made a Queene?
2549 Mar. To be a Queene in bondage, is more vile,
2551For Princes should be free.
2553If happy Englands Royall King be free.
2554 Mar. Why what concernes his freedome vnto mee?
2555 Suf. Ile vndertake to make thee Henries Queene,
2556To put a Golden Scepter in thy hand,
2557And set a precious Crowne vpon thy head,
2558If thou wilt condiscend to be my----
2559 Mar. What?
2560 Suf. His loue.
2561 Mar. I am vnworthy to be Henries wife.
2562 Suf. No gentle Madam, I vnworthy am
2563To woe so faire a Dame to be his wife,
2564And haue no portion in the choice my selfe.
2567 Suf. Then call our Captaines and our Colours forth,
2568And Madam, at your Fathers Castle walles,
2569Wee'l craue a parley, to conferre with him.
2570Sound. Enter Reignier on the Walles.
2572 Reig. To whom?
2573 Suf. To me.
2575I am a Souldier, and vnapt to weepe,
2577 Suf. Yes, there is remedy enough my Lord,
2579Thy daughter shall be wedded to my King,
2580Whom I with paine haue wooed and wonne thereto:
2582Hath gain'd thy daughter Princely libertie.
2584 Suf. Faire Margaret knowes,
2589 Trumpets sound. Enter Reignier.
2590 Reig. Welcome braue Earle into our Territories,
2591Command in Aniou what your Honor pleases.
2593Fit to be made companion with a King:
2596To be the Princely Bride of such a Lord:
2597Vpon condition I may quietly
2598Enioy mine owne, the Country Maine and Aniou,
2602And those two Counties I will vndertake
2603Your Grace shall well and quietly enioy.
2604 Reig. And I againe in Henries Royall name,
2605As Deputy vnto that gracious King,
2606Giue thee her hand for signe of plighted faith.
2607 Suf. Reignier of France, I giue thee Kingly thankes,
2609And yet me thinkes I could be well content
2610To be mine owne Atturney in this case.
2611Ile ouer then to England with this newes.
2612And make this marriage to be solemniz'd:
2614In Golden Pallaces as it becomes.
2615 Reig. I do embrace thee, as I would embrace
2616The Christian Prince King Henrie were he heere.
2620No Princely commendations to my King?
2621 Mar. Such commendations as becomes a Maide,
2622A Virgin, and his Seruant, say to him.
2624But Madame, I must trouble you againe,
2625No louing Token to his Maiestie?
2627Neuer yet taint with loue, I send the King.
2632Thou mayest not wander in that Labyrinth,
2633There Minotaurs and vgly Treasons lurke,
2634Solicite Henry with her wonderous praise.
2635Bethinke thee on her Vertues that surmount,
2636Mad naturall Graces that extinguish Art,
2637Repeate their semblance often on the Seas,
2638That when thou com'st to kneele at Henries feete,