Not Peer Reviewed
Henry VI, Part 1 (Folio 1, 1623)
The first Part of Henry the Sixt.
2002Turne on the bloody Hounds with heads of Steele,
2003And make the Cowards stand aloofe at bay:
2004Sell euery man his life as deere as mine,
2006God, and S. George, Talbot and Englands right,
2008 Enter a Messenger that meets Yorke. Enter Yorke
2009 with Trumpet, and many Soldiers.
2011That dog'd the mighty Army of the Dolphin?
2012 Mess. They are return'd my Lord, and giue it out,
2013That he is march'd to Burdeaux with his power
2014To fight with Talbot as he march'd along.
2016Two mightier Troopes then that the Dolphin led,
2017Which ioyn'd with him, and made their march for (Burdeaux
2021Renowned Talbot doth expect my ayde,
2022And I am lowted by a Traitor Villaine,
2023And cannot helpe the noble Cheualier:
2024God comfort him in this necessity:
2026 Enter another Messenger.
2028Neuer so needfull on the earth of France,
2029Spurre to the rescue of the Noble Talbot,
2030Who now is girdled with a waste of Iron,
2032To Burdeaux warlike Duke, to Burdeaux Yorke,
2035Doth stop my Cornets, were in Talbots place,
2037By forfeyting a Traitor, and a Coward:
2038Mad ire, and wrathfull fury makes me weepe,
2043All long of this vile Traitor Somerset.
2045And on his Sonne yong Iohn, who two houres since,
2046I met in trauaile toward his warlike Father;
2048And now they meete where both their liues are done.
2050To bid his yong sonne welcome to his Graue:
2052That sundred friends greete in the houre of death.
2053Lucie farewell, no more my fortune can,
2055Maine, Bloys, Poytiers, and Toures, are wonne away,
2061That euer-liuing man of Memorie,
2063Liues, Honours, Lands, and all, hurrie to losse.
2064 Enter Somerset with his Armie.
2066This expedition was by Yorke and Talbot,
2067Too rashly plotted. All our generall force,
2068Might with a sally of the very Towne
2069Be buckled with: the ouer-daring Talbot
2071By this vnheedfull, desperate, wilde aduenture:
2073That Talbot dead, great Yorke might beare the name.
2075Set from our ore-matcht forces forth for ayde.
2078Who ring'd about with bold aduersitie,
2079Cries out for noble Yorke and Somerset,
2080To beate assayling death from his weake Regions,
2081And whiles the honourable Captaine there
2082Drops bloody swet from his warre-wearied limbes,
2083And in aduantage lingring lookes for rescue,
2086Let not your priuate discord keepe away
2088While he renowned Noble Gentleman
2089Yeeld vp his life vnto a world of oddes.
2090Orleance the Bastard, Charles, Burgundie,
2092And Talbot perisheth by your default.
2094 ayde.
2096Swearing that you with-hold his leuied hoast,
2097Collected for this expidition.
2099I owe him little Dutie, and lesse Loue,
2101 Lu. The fraud of England, not the force of France,
2102Hath now intrapt the Noble-minded Talbot:
2103Neuer to England shall he beare his life,
2106Within sixe houres, they will be at his ayde.
2109And flye would Talbot neuer though he might.
2110 Som. If he be dead, braue Talbot then adieu.
2111 Lu. His Fame liues in the world. His Shame in you.
2112 Exeunt.
2113 Enter Talbot and his Sonne.
2115To tutor thee in stratagems of Warre,
2116That Talbots name might be in thee reuiu'd,
2118Should bring thy Father to his drooping Chaire.
2119But O malignant and ill-boading Starres,
2120Now thou art come vnto a Feast of death,
2121A terrible and vnauoyded danger:
2125 Iohn. Is my name Talbot? and am I your Sonne?