Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)

Enter Worcester, sir Richard Vernon.
Wor. O no, my nephew must not know sir Richard,
The liberal and kind offer of the king.
Ver. Twere best he did.
2785Wor. Then are we all vnder one.
It is not possible, it cannot be
The king should keepe his word in louing vs,
He will suspect vs still, and find a time
To punish this offence in other faults,
2790Supposition, al our liues shall be stucke full of eyes,
For treason is but trusted like the Foxe,
Who neuer so tame, so cherisht and lockt vp,
Will haue a wilde tricke of his ancesters,
Looke how we can, or sad or merely,
2795Interpretation will misquote our lookes,
And we shall feed like oxen at a stall,
The better cherisht still the nearer death,
My nephewes trespasse may be well forgot,
It hath the excuse of youth and heat of blood,
2800And an adopted name of priueledge,
A hair-braind Hotspur gouernd by a spleene,
All his offences liue vpon my head
And on his fathers. We did traine him on,
And his corruption being tane from vs,
of Henrie the fourth.
2805We as the spring of all shall pay for all:
Therefore good coosen; let not Harry know
In any case the offer of the King.
Enter Percy.
Ver. Deliuer what you will; ile say tis so. Here coms your coosen.
Hot. My vncle is returnd,
Deliuer vp my Lord of Westmerland,
Vncle, what newes?
Wor. The king will bid you battell presently.
2815Doug. Defie him by the Lord of Westmerland.
Hot. Lord Douglas go you and tell him so.
Doug. Marry and shal, and very willingly. Exit. Dou.
Wor. There is no seeming mercie in the king.
2820Hot. Did you beg any? God forbid.
Wor. I tolde him gently of our greeuances,
Of his oath breaking, which he mended thus,
By now forswearing that he is forsworne,
He cals vs rebels, traitors, and will scourge
2825With haughtie armes this hatefull name in vs.
Enter Douglas.
Doug. Arme gentlemen, to armes, for I haue throwne
A braue defiance in king Henries teeth,
And Westmerland that was ingag'd did beare it,
2830Which cannot chuse but bring him quickly on.
Wor. The Prince of Wales stept forth before the king,
And nephew, chalengd you to single fight.
Hot. O would the quarrel lay vpon our heads,
And that no man might draw short breath to day
2835But I and Harry Monmouth; tell me, tell me,
How shewed his tasking? seemd it in contempt?
Ver. No, by my soule I neuer in my life
Did heare a chalenge vrgde more modestly,
Vnlesse a brother should a brother dare,
2840To gentle exercise and proofe of armes.
He gaue you all the duties of a man,
Trimd vp your praises with a Princely tongue,
Spoke your deseruings like a Chronicle,
Making you euer better then his praise,
2845By still dispraising praise valued with you,
And which became him like a prince indeed,
The History
He made a blushing citall of himselfe,
And chid his truant youth with such a grace
As if he mastred there a double spirit
2850Of teaching and of learning instantly,
There did he pause, but let me tel the world
If he outliue the enuie of this day,
England did neuer owe so sweete a hope
So much misconstrued in his wantonnesse.
2855Hotsp. Coosen I thinke thou art enamored
On his follies, neuer did I heare
Of any prince so wilde a libertie,
But be he as he will, yet once ere night
I will imbrace him with a souldiours arme,
2860That he shall shrinke vnder my curtesie,
Arme, arme with speed, and fellowes, soldiors, friends,
Better consider what you haue to do
Then I that haue not wel the gift of tongue
Can lift your blood vp with perswasion.
Enter a Messenger.
Mes. My Lord, here are letters for you.
Hot. I cannot read them now,
O Gentlemen the time of life is short,
To spend that shortnes basely were too long
2870If life did ride vpon a dials point,
Still ending at the arriuall of an houre,
And if we liue we liue to tread on kings,
If die, braue death when princes die with vs,
Now for our consciences, the armes are faire
2875When the intent of bearing them is iust.
Enter another.
Mes. My Lord, prepare the king comes on a pace.
Hot. I thanke him that he cuts me from my tale,
For I professe not talking onely this,
2880Let each man do his best, and here draw I a sword,
Whose temper I intend to staine
With the best bloud that I can meet withall.
In the aduenture of this perillous day,
Now esperance Percy and set on,
2885Sound all the loftie instruments of war,
And by that Musicke let vs all embrace,
of Henrie the fourth.
For heauen to earth some of vs neuer shall
A second time do such a courtesie.
Here they embrace the trumpets sound,the king enters with his
2890 power, alarme to the battel, then enter Douglas, and sir Wal-
ter Blunt.
Blunt. What is thy name that in battell thus thou crossest me,
What honour dost thou seeke vpon my head?
Doug. Know then my name is Douglas,
2895And I do haunt thee in the battell thus
Because some tell me that thou art a king.
Blunt. They tell thee true.
Doug. The Lord of Stafford deare to day hath bought
Thy likenesse, for in steed of thee king Harry
2900This sword hath ended him, so shall it thee
Vnlesse thou yeeld thee as my prisoner.
Blunt. I was not borne a yeelder thou proud Scot,
And thou shalt find a king that will reuenge
Lord Staffords death.
2905They fight, Douglas kils Blunt, then enter Hotspur.
Hot. O Douglas hadst thou fought at Holmedon thus
I neuer had triumpht vpon a Scot.
Doug. Als done, als won here, breathles lies the king.
Hot. Where? Doug. Here.
Hot. This Douglas? no, I know this face full well,
A gallant knight he was, his name was Blunt,
Semblably furnisht like the king himselfe.
Doug. Ah foole, goe with thy soule whither it goes,
2915A borrowed title hast thou bought too deare.
Why didst thou tell me that thou wert a king?
Hot. The king hath many marching in his coates.
Doug. Now by my sword I will kill al his coates.
Ile murder all his wardrop, peece by peece
2920Vntill I meete the king.
Hot. Vp and away,
Our souldiers stand full fairely for the day.
Alarme, Enter Falstalffe solus.
Falst. Though I could scape shot-free at London, I feare the
2925shot here, heres no skoring but vpon the pate. Soft, who are you?
sir Walter Blunt, theres honour for you, heres no vanitie, I am as
K1 hot
The Historie
hot as molten lead, & as heauie too: God keepe leade out of me,
I need no more weight then mine owne bowels. I haue led my
rag of Muffins where they are pepperd, theres not three of my
150. left aliue, and they are for the townes ende, to beg during
life: but who comes here? Enter the Prince.
Prin. What, stands thou idle here? lend me thy sword,
2935Many a noble man lies starke and stiffe,
Vnder the hoofes of vaunting enemies,
whose deaths are yet vnreuengd, I preethe lend mee thy sword.
Falst. O Hal, I preethe giue me leaue to breath a while, Turke
Gregorie neuer did such deeds in armes as I haue don this day,
2940I haue paid Percy, I haue made him sure.
Prin. He is indeed, and liuing to kill thee:
I preethe lend me thy sword.
Fal. Nay before God Hal, if Percy be aliue thou gets not my
sword, but take my pistoll if thou wilt.
2945Prin. Giue it me, what? is it in the case?
Falst. I Hal, tis hot, tis hot, theres that will sacke a Citie.
The Prince drawes it out, and finds it to be a bottle of Sacke.
Prin. What is it a time to iest and dally now?
He throwes the bottle at him. Exit.
2950Falst. Well if Percy be aliue, ile pierce him; if hee doe come in
my way so, if he doe not, if I come in his willingly, let him make
a Carbonado of me. I like not such grinning honour as sir Wal-
ter hath, giue me life, which if I can saue, so: if not, honor comes
vnlookt for, and theres an end.