of Henrie the fourth.
27242495In prai
se of Henrie Percy, by my hopes
27252496This pre
sent enterpri
set of his head,
27262497I do not thinke a brauer Gentleman,
27272498More a
ctiue, valiant, or more valiant yong,
27282499More daring, or more bold is now aliue
27292500To grace this latter age with noble deedes,
27302501For my part I may
speake it to my
27312502I haue a truant beene to Chiualrie,
so I heare he doth account me too;
27332504Yet this before my fathers maie
27342505I am content that he
shall take the oddes
27352506Of his great name and e
27362507And will to
saue the blood on either
27372508Trie fortune with him in a
27382509King. And prince of Wales,
so dare we venture thee,
27402511Do make again
st it: no good Worce
ster no,
27412512We loue our people well, euen tho
se we loue
27422513That are mi
sled vpon your coo
sens part,
27432514And will they take the o
ffer of our grace,
27442515Both he, and they, and you, yea euery man
27452516Shall be my friend againe, and ile be his,
27462517So tell your coo
sen, and bring me word
27472518What he will do. But if he will not yeeld,
27482519Rebuke and dread corre
ction waight on vs,
27492520And they
shall do their o
ffice. So be gone:
27502521We will not now be troubled with replie,
27512522We o
ffer faire, take it adui
Exit Worcester.
27532523Prin. It will not be accepted on my life,
27542524The Dowglas and the Hot
spur both togither,
27552525Are con
fident again
st the world in armes.
27562526King. Hence therefore, euery leader to his charge,
27572527For on their an
swere will we
set on them,
27582528And God befriend vs as our cau
se is iu
Exeunt: manentPrince, Falst 27602529Falst. Hal, if thou
see me downe in the battel
27612530And be
stride me,
so, tis a poynt of friend
27622531Prin. Nothing but a Colo
ssus can do thee that friend
I3 Fal.