Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)

The Historie
Prin. O my sweet beoffe, I must still bee good angel to thee,
the mony is paid backe againe.
Fal. O I do not like that paying backe, tis a double labor.
Prin. I am good friends with my father and may do any thing
Fal. Rob me the exchequer the first thing thou doest, and doe
it with vnwasht hands too.
2195Bar. Do my Lord.
Prin. I haue procured thee Iacke a charge of foot.
Fal. I would it had been of horse. Where shall I finde one that
can steale well. O for a fine thiefe of the age of xxii. or therea-
bouts: I am hainously vnprouided. Well, God be thanked for
2200these rebels, they offende none but the vertuous; I laude them, I
praise them.
Prin. Bardoll.
Bar. My Lord.
Prin. Go beare this letter to Lord Iohn of Lancaster,
2205To my brother Iohn, this to my lord of Westmerland.
Go Peto to horse, to horse, for thou and I
Haue thirty miles to ride yet ere dinner time,
Iacke, meete me to morrow in the temple haule
At two of clocke in the afternoone,
2210There shalt thou know thy charge, and there receiue
Money and order for their furniture,
The land is burning, Percy stands on high,
And either we or they must lower lie.
Fal. Rare words, braue world hostesse, my breakfast come,
Oh I could wish this tauerne were my drum.
Per. Wel said my noble Scot, if speaking truth
In this fine age were not thought flattery,
Such attribution should the Douglas haue,
As not a souldior of this seasons stampe,
2225Should go so generall currant through the world
By God, I cannot flatter, I do defie
The tongues of soothers, but a brauer place
In my harts loue hath no man then your selfe,
Nay taske me to my word, approue me Lord.
2230Doug. Thou art the King of honor,
No man so potent breaths vpon the ground,
But I will beard him. Enter one with letters.