Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)

The history
some liking, I shall be out of heart shortly, and then I shall haue
no strength to repent. And I haue not forgotten what the inside
of a Church is made of, I am a Pepper corne, a brewers Horse,
the inside of a Church. Company, villainous company, hath been
the spoile of me.
Bar. Sir Iohn, you are so fretfull you cannot liue long.
Fal. Why, there is it; come sing me a bawdie song, make me
merry. I was as vertuously giuen as a gentleman need to be, ver-
tuous enough, swore little, dic't not aboue seuen times a weeke,
went to a baudy house not aboue once in a quarter of an houre,
2020paid money that I borrowed three or foure times, liued wel, and
in good compasse, and nowe I liue out of all order, out of all
Bar. Why, you are so fat, sir Iohn, that you must needes be out
2025of all compasse: out of all reasonable compasse, sir Iohn.
Fal. Do thou amend thy face, and ile amend my life: thou art
our Admiral, thou bearest the lanterne in the poope, but tis in the
nose of thee: thou art the knight of the burning lampe.
Bar. Why, sir Iohn, my face does you no harme.
Fal. No ile be sworn, I make as good vse of it as many a man
doth of a deaths head, or a memento mori. I neuer see thy face,
but I thinke vpon hell fire, and Diues that liued in Purple: for
2035there he is in his robes burning, burning. If thou wert any waie
giuen to vertue, I would sweare by thy face: my oath should be
by this fire that Gods Angell. But thou art altogether giuen o-
uer: and wert indeede but for the light in thy face, the sonne of
vtter darkenesse. When thou ranst vp Gadshill in the night to
catch my horse, if I did not thinke thou hadst beene an ignis fa-
or a ball of wildfire, theres no purchase in money. O thou
art a perpetuall triumph, an euerlasting bonefire light, thou hast
saued me a thousand Markes in Linkes, and Torches, walking
2045with thee in the night betwixt tauerne and tauerne: but the sacke
that thou hast drunke me, would haue bought me lights as good
cheape, at the dearest Chandlers in Europe. I haue maintained
that Sallamander of yours with fire any time this two and thirty
2050yeares, God reward me for it.
Bar. Zbloud, I would my face were in your belly.
Fal. Godamercy, so should I be sure to be hartburnt.