of Henrie the fourth.
465446And on my face he turn'd an eie of death,
466447Trembling euen at the name of Mortimer.
467448Worst. I cannot blame him, was not he proclaim'd
468449By Richard that dead is, the next of bloud?
469450North. He was, I heard the proclamation:
470451And then it was, when the vnhappy king,
se wrongs in vs God pardon) did
set forth
472453Vpon his Iri
sh expedition;
473454From whence he intercepted, did returne
474455To be depos'd, and
shortly murdered.
475456Worst. And for who
se death, we in the worlds wide mouth
scandaliz'd and fouly
spoken of.
477458Hot. But
I pray you did king Richard then
478459Proclaime my brother Edmund Mortimer
480461North. He did, my
selfe did heare it.
481462Hot. Nay then I cannot blame his coo
sen king,
482463That wi
sht him on the barren mountaines
shal it be that you that
set the crowne
484465Vpon the head of this forgetful man,
485466And for his
sake weare the dete
sted blot
486467Of murtherous
shal it be
487468That you a world of cur
ses vndergo,
488469Being the agents, or ba
second meanes,
489470The cordes, the ladder, or the hangman rather,
490471O pardon me, that I de
so low,
shew the line and the predicament,
492473Wherein you range vnder this
subtil king!
493474Shall it for
shame be
spoken in the
se daies,
fil vp Chronicles in time to come,
495476That men of your nobility and power
496477Did gage them both in an vniu
st behalfe,
497478(As both of you God pardon it, haue done)
498479To put down Richard, that
sweet louely Ro
499480And plant this thorne, this canker Bullingbrooke?
shal it in more
shame be further
501482That you are foold, di
scarded, and
shooke o
ff 502483By him, for whom the
shames ye vnderwent?