Peer Reviewed
Henry IV, Part 1 (Folio 1 1623)
1519 Actus Tertius. Scena Prima.
1520 Enter Hotspurre, Worcester, Lord Mortimer,
1521Owen Glendower.
1525Will you sit downe?
1526And Vnckle Worcester; a plague vpon it,
1527I haue forgot the Mappe.
1528Glend. No, here it is:
1532He wisheth you in Heauen.
1534dower spoke of.
1535Glend. I cannot blame him: At my Natiuitie,
1537Of burning Cressets: and at my Birth,
1538The frame and foundation of the Earth
1539Shak'd like a Coward.
1541if your Mothers Cat had but kitten'd, though your selfe
1542had neuer beene borne.
1550And not in feare of your Natiuitie.
1552In strange eruptions; and the teeming Earth
1553Is with a kinde of Collick pincht and vext,
1554By the imprisoning of vnruly Winde
1555Within her Wombe: which for enlargement striuing,
1556Shakes the old Beldame Earth, and tombles downe
1557Steeples, and mosse-growne Towers. At your Birth,
1558Our Grandam Earth, hauing this distemperature,
1562To tell you once againe, that at my Birth
1564The Goates ranne from the Mountaines, and the Heards
1568I am not in the Roll of common men.
1569Where is the Liuing, clipt in with the Sea,
1570That chides the Bankes of England, Scotland, and Wales,
1571Which calls me Pupill, or hath read to me?
1572And bring him out, that is but Womans Sonne,
1573Can trace me in the tedious wayes of Art,
1574And hold me pace in deepe experiments.
1576Ile to Dinner.
1580But will they come, when you doe call for them?
1584By telling truth. Tell truth, and shame the Deuill.
1585If thou haue power to rayse him, bring him hither,
1587Oh, while you liue, tell truth, and shame the Deuill.
1590Glend. Three times hath Henry Bullingbrooke made head
1591Against my Power: thrice from the Banks of Wye,
1592And sandy-bottom'd Seuerne, haue I hent him
1593Bootlesse home, and Weather-beaten backe.
1594Hotsp. Home without Bootes,
1595And in foule Weather too,
1596How scapes he Agues in the Deuils name?
1597Glend. Come, heere's the Mappe:
1598Shall wee diuide our Right,
1599According to our three-fold order ta'ne?
1600Mort. The Arch-Deacon hath diuided it
1601Into three Limits, very equally:
1602England, from Trent, and Seuerne. hitherto,
1605And all the fertile Land within that bound,
1606To Owen Glendower: And deare Couze, to you
1607The remnant Northward, lying off from Trent.
1608And our Indentures Tripartite are drawne:
1609Which being sealed enterchangeably,
1611To morrow, Cousin Percy, you and I,
1613To meete your Father, and the Scottish Power,
1614As is appointed vs at Shrewsbury.
1615My Father Glendower is not readie yet,
1617Within that space, you may haue drawne together
1618Your Tenants, Friends, and neighbouring Gentlemen.
1622For there will be a World of Water shed,
The First Part of King Henry the Fourth. 61
1623Vpon the parting of your Wiues and you.
1624Hotsp. Me thinks my Moity, North from Burton here,
1625In quantitie equals not one of yours:
1626See, how this Riuer comes me cranking in,
1627And cuts me from the best of all my Land,
1628A huge halfe Moone, a monstrous Cantle out.
1629Ile haue the Currant in this place damn'd vp,
1631In a new Channell, faire and euenly:
1633To rob me of so rich a Bottome here.
1636And runnes me vp, with like aduantage on the other side,
1637Gelding the opposed Continent as much,
1638As on the other side it takes from you.
1639Worc. Yea, but a little Charge will trench him here,
1640And on this North side winne this Cape of Land,
1641And then he runnes straight and euen.
1643Glend. Ile not haue it alter'd.
1644Hotsp. Will not you?
1647Glend. Why, that will I.
1651For I was trayn'd vp in the English Court;
1652Where, being but young, I framed to the Harpe
1653Many an English Dittie, louely well,
1654And gaue the Tongue a helpefull Ornament;
1655A Vertue that was neuer seene in you.
1656Hotsp. Marry, and I am glad of it with all my heart,
1657I had rather be a Kitten, and cry mew,
1659I had rather heare a Brazen Candlestick turn'd,
1660Or a dry Wheele grate on the Axle-tree,
1661And that would set my teeth nothing an edge,
1662Nothing so much, as mincing Poetrie;
1666To any well-deseruing friend;
1667But in the way of Bargaine, marke ye me,
1668Ile cauill on the ninth part of a hayre.
1669Are the Indentures drawne? shall we be gone?
1671You may away by Night:
1672Ile haste the Writer; and withall,
1673Breake with your Wiues, of your departure hence:
1674I am afraid my Daughter will runne madde,
1679With telling me of the Moldwarpe and the Ant,
1680Of the Dreamer Merlin, and his Prophecies;
1682A clip-wing'd Griffin, and a moulten Rauen,
1683A couching Lyon, and a ramping Cat,
1685As puts me from my Faith. I tell you what,
1687In reckning vp the seuerall Deuils Names,
1688That were his Lacqueyes:
1689I cry'd hum, and well, goe too,
1690But mark'd him not a word. O, he is as tedious
1691As a tyred Horse, a rayling Wife,
1693With Cheese and Garlick in a Windmill farre,
1694Then feede on Cates, and haue him talke to me,
1696Mort. In faith he was a worthy Gentleman,
1697Exceeding well read, and profited,
1698In strange Concealements:
1699Valiant as a Lyon, and wondrous affable,
1700And as bountifull, as Mynes of India.
1701Shall I tell you, Cousin,
1704When you doe crosse his humor: 'faith he does.
1705I warrant you, that man is not aliue,
1706Might so haue tempted him, as you haue done,
1707Without the taste of danger, and reproofe:
1708But doe not vse it oft, let me entreat you.
1709Worc. In faith, my Lord, you are too wilfull blame,
1710And since your comming hither, haue done enough,
1711To put him quite besides his patience.
1712You must needes learne, Lord, to amend this fault:
1714And that's the dearest grace it renders you;
1716Defect of Manners, want of Gouernment,
1718The least of which, haunting a Nobleman,
1720Vpon the beautie of all parts besides,
1721Beguiling them of commendation.
1723Good-manners be your speede;
1724Heere come your Wiues, and let vs take our leaue.
1725 Enter Glendower, with the Ladies.
1729Shee'le be a Souldier too, shee'le to the Warres.
1732 Glendower speakes to her in Welsh, and she an-
1733sweres him in the same.
1737 The Lady speakes in Welsh.
1742 The Lady againe in Welsh.
1744And that's a feeling disputation:
1745But I will neuer be a Truant, Loue,
1746Till I haue learn'd thy Language: for thy tongue
62 The First Part of King Henry the Fourth.
1748Sung by a faire Queene in a Summers Bowre,
1751 The Lady speakes againe in Welsh.
1753Glend. She bids you,
1754On the wanton Rushes lay you downe,
1755And rest your gentle Head vpon her Lappe,
1757And on your Eye-lids Crowne the God of Sleepe,
1760As is the difference betwixt Day and Night,
1761The houre before the Heauenly Harneis'd Teeme
1764By that time will our Booke, I thinke, be drawne.
1767Hang in the Ayre a thousand Leagues from thence;
1770Come, quicke, quicke, that I may lay my Head in thy
1773 The Musicke playes.
1775And 'tis no maruell he is so humorous:
1776Byrlady hee's a good Musitian.
1778For you are altogether gouerned by humors:
1780Hotsp. I had rather heare (Lady) my Brach howle in
1783Hotsp. No.
1785Hotsp. Neyther, 'tis a Womans fault.
1786Lady. Now God helpe thee.
1788Lady. What's that?
1790 Heere the Lady sings a Welsh Song.
1791Hotsp. Come, Ile haue your Song too.
1795Not you, in good sooth; and, as true as I liue;
1799Sweare me, Kate, like a Lady, as thou art,
1802To Veluet-Guards, and Sunday-Citizens.
1803Come, sing.
1806brest teacher: and the Indentures be drawne, Ile away
1808will. Exit.
1810As hot Lord Percy is on fire to goe.
1811By this our Booke is drawne: wee'le but seale,
1812And then to Horse immediately.