Internet Shakespeare Editions

Shakespeare in Performance: Stage Production

Der Bestrafte Brudermord (2016, The Hidden Room Theater Company)

TitleDer Bestrafte Brudermord
Theater CompanyThe Hidden Room Theater Company
Release LocationsUSA
Start Date2016-04-01
End Date2016-04-01
Audiencecollege and university
Play ConnectionsHamlet (puppetry)

Production Team and Crew Overview

DirectorBeth Burns
PuppeteerKim Adams
PuppeteerCami Alys
Set Design and ConstructionJim Barnes
Puppet Theatre ConstructionJim Barnes
Puppet Theatre ConstructionJay Baun
Costumes and PropsJennifer Rose Davis
Music, Styling, and CostumeJennifer Davis
Puppet StylingJennifer Rose Davis
Set Design and ConstructionJennifer Rose Davis
Puppet Theatre ConstructionIa Enstera
NarratorJudd Farris
PuppeteerJoseph Garlock
PuppeteerRyan Hamilton
Puppet Theatre ConstructionScott Jones
PuppeteerJeff Mills
NarratorJason Newman
PuppeteerLaurence Pears
Puppet Design and ConstructionMystery Bird Puppet Show
TranslatorChristine Schmidle
Research DirectorTiffany Stern
Set Design and ConstructionJim Strain

Company Overview

Theater Company The Hidden Room Theater Company

Production information courtesy of: Jasmeen Boparai