Internet Shakespeare Editions

Shakespeare in Performance: Stage Production

Cry Trojans! (2015, The Wooster Group)

TitleCry Trojans!
Theater CompanyThe Wooster Group
Release LocationsUSA
Start Date2015-03-24
End Date2015-04-19
Audiencegeneral public
Play ConnectionsTroilus and Cressida (adaptation)
SettingNative American

Cast Overview

King PriamGreg Mehrten
HectorAri Fliakos
TroilusScott Shepherd
ParisEric Dyer
ParisJim Fletcher
CassandraSuzzy Roche
AeneasAndrew Schneider
AntenorCasey Spooner
CalchasScott Shepherd
CressidaKate Valk
PandarusGreg Mehrten
HelenAndrew Schneider
HelenScott Shepherd
HelenKate Valk
AchillesScott Shepherd
AjaxCasey Spooner
UlyssesAndrew Schneider
DiomedesAri Fliakos
ThersitesGreg Mehrten
MyrmidonEric Dyer
MyrmidonJim Fletcher
VarletAri Fliakos
MyrmidonAndrew Schneider
MyrmidonCasey Spooner

Production Team and Crew Overview

DirectorElizabeth LeCompte
Assistant DirectorJame Poskin
Set Elements, Props, CostumesDelphine Courtillot
Set Elements, Props, CostumesFolkert de Jong
SoundBruce Odland
Technical DirectorBill Kennedy
Stage ManagerTeresa Hartman
Assistant CostumesEnver Chakartash
Assistant LightingRyan Seelig
LightingJennifer Tipton
Live Sound MixMax Bernstein
Sound ConsultantJim Dawson
Live Sound MixBobby McElver
Video TotemsRuud van den Akker
Video TotemsAron Deyo
Video, Projections, Control InterfacesAndrew Schneider
Production ManagerEmily Rea
RiggerSIFA 2014
Wardrobe, Make-upNaomi Raddatz
RiggerEric Dyer REDCAT
Master ElectricianAndy Sowers

Company Overview

Theater Company The Wooster Group

Production information courtesy of: Janelle Jenstad