Internet Shakespeare Editions

Shakespeare in Performance: Stage Production

The Tempest (2005, Shakespeare Festival of St. Louis)

TitleThe Tempest
Theater CompanyShakespeare Festival of St. Louis
Release LocationsUSA
Start Date2005-05-27
End Date2005-06-19
Play ConnectionsThe Tempest (performance)
Media Collections

Cast Overview

CalibanAmir Arison
TrinculoBrad DePlanche
ArielGrace Hsu
GonzaloJoneal Joplin
StephanoPaul Kiernan
AlonsoChristopher Limber
ProsperoWilliam Metzo
Master of a ShipJerome A. Russo
FerdinandRobert Thibaut
AntonioJerry Vogel
MirandaMagan Wiles

Company Overview

Theater Company Shakespeare Festival of St. Louis

Production information courtesy of: Shakespeare Festival of St. Louis [website]