Shakespeare in Performance: Person
John Bell
John Bell's theater credits include work for the Old Tote Theatre Company, The Royal Shakespeare Company (Great Britain), and the Nimrod Theatre Company (Sidney). In 1990 he founded The Bell Shakespeare Company where he has performed in and directed numerous plays. His performance of Richard III in 2002 earned him a Helpmann Award for Best Actor. He has been awarded Honorary Doctorate of Letters, an OBE and AM, and in 1997 was named by the National Trust of Australia as one of Australia's National Living Treasures.
contributor information not available — Added 2008-11-14
Credited as cast
King Lear (2010, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... King Lear
Anatomy Titus Fall of Rome (2008, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Titus
The Tempest (2006, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Prospero
Richard 3 (2002, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Richard
Troilus and Cressida (2000, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Ulysses
King Lear (1998, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... King Lear
Tempest (1997, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Prospero
The Winter's Tale (1997, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Leontes
Coriolanus (1996, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Caius Marcius (Coriolanus)
Much Ado About Nothing (1996, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Benedick
Twelfth Night (1995, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Malvolio
Macbeth (1994, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Macbeth
Hamlet (1993, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Claudius
Richard III (1993, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Richard III
Romeo and Juliet (1993, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... The Prince
Hamlet (1992, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Ghost of Hamlet
Richard III (1992, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Richard
The Merchant of Venice (1992, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Shylock
The Merchant of Venice (1991, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Shylock
Credited as production or crew
Much Ado About Nothing (2011, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Pericles (2009, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
As You Like It (2008, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Macbeth (2007, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Romeo and Juliet (2006, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
The Comedy of Errors (2006, The Bell Shakespeare Company, International) .... Director
Measure for Measure (2005, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Wars of the Roses (2005, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
The Comedy of Errors (2004, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Hamlet (2003, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
The Comedy of Errors (2002, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Antony and Cleopatra (2001, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Julius Caesar (2001, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Troilus and Cressida (2000, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Artistic Director
Henry 5 (1999, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Henry 4 (1998, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Much Ado About Nothing (1996, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Pericles (1995, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Taming of the Shrew (1994, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Hamlet (1993, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Richard III (1993, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Romeo and Juliet (1993, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Hamlet (1992, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Richard III (1992, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
Hamlet (1991, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia) .... Director
: Film production
: Performance