Shakespeare in Performance: Person
Ed Moser
Credited as production or crew
Antony and Cleopatra: The World Well Lost (1969, Canada) .... Producer
As You Like It: Doing Your Own Thing (1969, Canada) .... Producer
Coriolanus: The People's Choice (1969, Canada) .... Producer
Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2: The Making of the Ideal King (1969, Canada) .... Producer
King Lear: Who Is It Who Can Tell Me Who I Am? (1969, Canada) .... Producer
Macbeth: Nothing Is but What Is Not (1969, Canada) .... Producer
Othello: An Anatomy of a Marriage (1969, Canada) .... Producer
Richard II: How to Kill a King (1969, Canada) .... Producer
Romeo and Juliet: The Words of Love (1969, Franco Zeffirelli, Canada) .... Producer
The Tempest: O Brave New World (1969, Canada) .... Producer
Troilus and Cressida: War, War, Glorious War (1969, Canada) .... Producer
Repetition chez Jean Louis Barrault (Robert Hessens, France) .... Producer
: Film production
: Performance