Shakespeare in Performance: Person
Denene von Glan Grant
DENENE VON GLAN, is a graduate of t" " Colorado and rece^-a Èn iVE.l-.A. from the California Institute of the Arts. For the Colorado Shakespeare Festive -l" played Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, Anne inRichard III and Helena in All's Well That Ends Well.
contributor information not available — Added 2008-11-14
Credited as cast
Henry V (1973, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Alice
Othello (1973, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Desdemona
All's Well That Ends Well (1970, Colorado Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Hellen
Richard III (1970, Colorado Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Lady Anne Neville
Henry VI, Part 3 (1969, Colorado Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Lady Elizabeth Gray
Romeo and Juliet (1969, Colorado Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Juliet
: Film production
: Performance