Shakespeare in Performance: Person
William Oyler
WILLIAM OYLER, Equity Guest Artist, returns to the Festival for an eighth Ashland season. Well-remembered here for such characterizations as Brutus, Pistol, Edmund, and Orsino, Mr. Oyler has appeared on radio and television in Gunsmoke, Mr. and Mrs. North, Hallmark Hall of Fame, Eternal Light, NEC Playhouse, and Playhouse 90. With an M.A. from Stanford and Ph.D. work in progress at U.C.L.A. Mr. Oyler continues his acting career having recently played Tajamaru in Rashomon, Malvolio in the ANTA Production of Twelfth Night (both in Hollywood), and Barney in Snpnmer of the Seventeenth Doll at the Morgan Theatre, Santa Monica.
contributor information not available — Added 2008-11-14
WILLIAM OYLER, Sacramento, Calif., is a professional radio and television actor, and a veteran performer on the Festival stage. His theatrical background includes extensive work in such Hollywood productions as Gunsmoke, Suspense, Hallmark Hall of Fame, Eternal Light, Escape, and Mr. and Mrs. North. Mr. Oyler graduated from State College of Washington with a B.A. in radio and speech, and achieved an M.A. in Drama at Stanford University. His teaching experience includes instructing Drama at the University of California at Davis and at Southern Oregon College. Among many prominent Festival roles, he has played Pistol in Henry IV, Part 2, Henry V, and The Merry Wives of Windsor; Brutus in Julius Caesar; Aaron in Titus Andronicus, and Banquo in Macbeth.
contributor information not available — Added 2008-11-14
William Oyler of Sacramento, Calif., has studied at Washington State College and Notre Dame and is at present studying for his Ph.D. in Drama at Stanford University. He has acted with the Palo Alto Community Players, the Seattle Repertory Playhouse, the Tryout Theatre in Seattle, and the Vining Repertory in Ashland. Bill will be remembered for his Pistol, Orsino and Edmond in last year's season.
contributor information not available — Added 2008-11-14
Credited as cast
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1966, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Snout
Henry VI, Part 3 (1966, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Lord Clifford
Antony and Cleopatra (1959, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Sextus Pompeius
Antony and Cleopatra (1959, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Silius
Life and Death of King John (1959, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Philip the Bastard
As You Like It (1957, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Le Beau
Henry VIII (1957, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Earl of Surrey
Henry VIII (1957, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Bishop of Lincon
Othello (1957, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Iago
Pericles (1957, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Simonides
The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1957, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Valentine
Cymbeline (1956, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Cloten
Love's Labour's Lost (1956, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Marcade
Romeo and Juliet (1956, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Tybalt
Titus Andronicus (1956, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Aaron
Henry V (1952, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Pistol
Much Ado About Nothing (1952, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Conrade
The Tempest (1952, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Antonio
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar (1952, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Marcus Brutus
King Lear (1951, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Edmund
: Film production
: Performance