Shakespeare in Performance: Person
Laura Kennedy
Laura was born and raised in Ottawa where her stage management training led her to work for several theatre companies including the Great Canadian Theatre Company, The National Arts Centre and Upper Canada Playhouse. She was eventually lured to the prairies by the 25th Street Theatre and was hooked by the theatre community she found in Saskatoon. Her first experience with Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan was stage managing the gangster-riddled "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Since then, she has spent her summers tending actors and intently watching the skies over the Festival. During the other seasons, Laura will be found working as Stage Manager at Persephone theatre.
contributor information not available — Added 2008-11-14
Laura took Theatre Arts at the University of Waterloo where she wanted to be an actor. But thankfully that craziness passed and she trained as a stage manager at the National Arts Centre in her home of Ottawa. Laura never looked back and has been stage managing ever since. She was based out of Ontario for many years but has been settled in Saskatoon for over a decade. She was impressed with the theatre community here when she first arrived and still is. Laura has worked for 25th Street Theatre, the Fringe Festival and is lucky enough to work at Persephone Theatre during the year and to spend her summers by the South Saskatchewan River with the Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan Festival.
contributor information not available — Added 2008-11-14
Credited as production or crew
Julius Caesar (2007, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan, Canada) .... Assistant Stage Manager
Twelfth Night (2007, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan, Canada) .... Stage Manager
The Taming of the Shrew (2006, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan, Canada) .... Assistant Stage Manager
The Two Gentlemen of Verona (2006, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan, Canada) .... Production Stage Manager
Romeo and Juliet (2005, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan, Canada) .... Assistant Stage Manager
The Comedy of Errors (2005, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan, Canada) .... Stage Manager
Much Ado About Nothing (2004, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan, Canada) .... Production Stage Manager
As You Like It (2003, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan, Canada) .... Production Stage Manager
: Film production
: Performance