Shakespeare in Performance: Person
Shirlee Dodge
SHIRLEE DODGE, in her fourth season as Festival Choreographer, has choreo-graphed several original Dance-Dramas, including Joseph and Heinrich Heine's Faust, and has composed dances and movement interludes for plays, operas, and musicals, including the Festival's production of Ben Jonsons Maske Lovers Made Men. This past year she choreographed Take Me Along, The Bacchae, the musical version of Androdes and the Lion, and the Shakespearean productions of B. Iden Payne at the University of Texas, where she heads the Dance area in the Department of Drama. Miss Dodge has studied dance with Margaret H'Doubler at the University of Wisconsin and has graduated with degrees in performing and teaching from the Mary Wigman Institute in Germany. She has performed with the Hanya Holm Company and with the Grace and Kurt Graft Ballet, has continued study in her field with Harold Krutzberg, and has held teaching positions at the University of Wisconsin and Northwestern University. Miss Dodge has also conducted her own school of dance in Gothenberg, Sweden.
contributor information not available — Added 2008-11-14
SHIRLEE DODGE is in her fifth season as Festival Choreographer. Her work has appeared in original Dance Dramas, musicals, operas, and plays. These include The Prodigal Son^ Pied Pifer, The Legend of Joseph^ a world premiere of Heinrich Heine^s Faust libretto, The Bartered Bride^ and several Shakespearean productions directed by B. Iden Payne at the University of Texas. In addition to the period dances and May Day pantomimes for the Dances on the Green, Shirlee Dodge composed the dances for Ben Jonson^s Maske Lovers Made Men, John Gay^s The Beggars Of era and, for this season, Samuel Arnold^s Maid of the Mill, Shirlee Dodge is a graduate of the Wigman Central Institute in Germany, where she was invited to give guest classes this past winter. She began her study with Margaret H^Doubler at the University of Wisconsin. She also worked with Harold Kreutzberg in Austria and with Hanya Holm in New York City. She performed with the Hanya Holm Company and with the Grace and Kurt Graff Ballet. She has taught at the University of Wisconsin, Northwestern University, Oklahoma and a girls5 high school in Sweden.
contributor information not available — Added 2008-11-14
SHIRLEE DODGE, Festival Choreographer for three seasons, has studied dance with Margaret Houbler at the University of Wisconsin and has graduated with degrees in performing and teaching from the Mary Wigman Institute in Germany. She has performed with the Hanya Holm Company and with the Grace and Kurt Graft Ballet, has continued study in her field with Harold Krutzberg, and has held teaching positions at the University of Wisconsin and Northwestern University. Miss Dodge has also conducted her own scnool of dance at Gothenberg, Sweden. For the University of Texas, where she currently heads the Dance area in the Department of Drama, Miss Dodge offers classes in creative dance and stage movement for theatre and opera, has choreographed for the Shakespearean productions of B. Iden Payne, and has designed original dance-dramas and created choreography for a varied list of plays, musicals, and operas. Recently she has choreographed Amahl and the Night Visitors with the Austin, Texas, Symphony Orchestra.
contributor information not available — Added 2008-11-14
SHIRLEE DODGE, Austin, Texas, returns for her seventh season as Festival Choreographer. In addition to the period dances and May Day pantomimes for the ^Dances on the Greeny she has choreo-graphed for Festival productions of Lovers Made Men, The Beggars Opera, The Maid of the Mill, and last season ^s Lock Up Your Daughters, as well as the plays of the Shakespearean repertory. Her credits cover musicals, operas, original dance dramas, and plays. These include Shakespearean productions directed by Dr. B. Iden Payne at the University of Texas, where Miss Dodge is Professor of Drama. This past year she choreographed for The Tempest and Gypsy, She directed her original dance drama, Kinesthetic Imperative^ which expressed many of the historical dance horizons ... from the primeval to ^Now^ .. . using a unique composition of choreography, films, slides, and narration. Miss Dodge has accepted a guest appointment with the Speech and Drama faculty at Stanford University this fall.
contributor information not available — Added 2008-11-14
SHIRLEE DODGE, Festival Choreographer, joins the company for her first season. Miss Dodge studied with Margaret H'Doubler at the University of Wisconsin and later graduated from the Mary Wigman Institute in Germany with degrees both as a performer and teacher. She studied with Harold Krutzberg and was a member of the Hanya Holm Company as well as the Grace and Kurt Graff Ballet on tour throughout the United States. As Associate Professor of Dance Drama at the University of Texas, Miss Dodge just completed directing movement for their production of Othello staged by B. Iden Payne. Also at Texas, she choreographed several original dance-dramas and musicals as well as directing movement for opera and theatre. Among her teaching assignments have been positions at the University of Wisconsin, Northwestern University, and her own School of Dance in Gothenberg, Sweden. A teacher of dance and theatrical movement, Miss Dodge directs not only the choreography of the Dancing on the Green and dance sequences within the plays but works with the entire Festival company in stage movement
contributor information not available — Added 2008-11-14
Credited as production or crew
King John (1969, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
Romeo and Juliet (1969, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
The Tempest (1969, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
Twelfth Night (1969, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
As You Like It (1968, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
Cymbeline (1968, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
Hamlet (1968, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
Henry VIII (1968, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
Antony and Cleopatra (1967, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
Pericles (1967, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1966, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
Much Ado About Nothing (1965, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
Love's Labour's Lost (1963, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
Romeo and Juliet (1963, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
The Life of Henry V (1963, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
The Merry Wives of Windsor (1963, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) .... Choreographer
: Film production
: Performance