Questions about art and music
- Why did Gothic architecture linger in England?*
- What characterized Renaissance architecture?
- What Renaissance architecture was there in England?*
- How were ordinary homes built in Shakespeare's time?
- What was the architecture of the stage?
- What was medieval music like?
- How did Elizabethan music differ from it?*
- What was the popular music of the time?
- How does Shakespeare use music in the plays?
- Does any music for his plays survive?
- Who were the most important composers of the day?*
- What musical instruments did they play?*
Why did Gothic architecture linger in England?
Go to this page; look also at the next page.
What Renaissance architecture was there in England?
Go to this page; look also at the next page.
How did Elizabethan music differ from medieval music?
Go to this page; look also at the next page.
Who were the most important composers of the day?
This page describes the main composers of Church music; the next page tells of Court musicians.
What musical instruments did they play?
Go to this page; the next several pages have details.