Shakespeare in South Africa: Checklist of Theses
Shakespeare in South Africa -- page 12
A checklist of South African theses and dissertations on Shakespeare
This checklist is in two parts. The first lists South African Shakespearean theses and dissertations, as well as some work on Shakespeare completed abroad by South Africans recently or currently active in the country. A few items in which Shakespeare is an important subordinate focus are included. The second list is devoted to Shakespearean pedagogy. Neither list is comprehensive.
Key to SA university acronyms
- PU for CHO -- Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education
- RAU -- Rand Afrikaans University
- Rhodes -- Rhodes University
- Stellenbosch -- University of Stellenbosch
- UCT -- University of Cape Town
- UND -- University of Natal, Durban
- UNISA -- University of South Africa
- UNP -- University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg
- UP -- University of Pretoria
- UPE -- University of Port Elizabeth
- Wits -- University of the Witwatersrand
1. Dissertations and theses
- Addison, Margaret Elizabeth "The impact of Shakespeare on Charles Lamb, with an assessment of his specific contribution to the general body of Shakespearean criticism," MA, UNISA, 1976.
- Barkhuizen, Barbara Susan "Assassination and usurpation in the works of William Shakespeare," MA (English), UND, 1985.
- Bell, May "The problems of Shakespeare's sonnets," MA, Wits, 1945.
- Bell, Shirley Joan "An investigation into the structures of consciousness of the tragic protagonists in five of the tragedies of William Shakespeare: Richard III, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth," MA (English), UND, 1985.
- Bosman, Brenda Evadne Glover "The grotesque in the tragedies of Shakespeare and Webster: The White Devil, Troilus and Cressida, The Duchess of Malfi and King Lear," MA (English), PU for CHO, 1984.
- Brand, Beth Anne "An investigation of certain sixteenth and seventeenth century religious anxieties as a context for reading Shakespeare's Troilus & Cressida," MA (English), Wits, 1995.
- Breytenbach, Malene Millicent "The myth of Cleopatra: a reception-historical study," MA (English), Stellenbosch, 1999.
- Brink, André Philippus "Germanicus en die tragedies van Shakespeare," MA, PU for CHO, 1960.
- Brown, Verna-June MacDonald "Lilies that fester: a study of thwarted idealism in Julius Caesar, Hamlet and Measure for Measure," MA (English), PU for CHO, 1988.
- Bryant, Eric Peter "Shakespeare's early comedies: studies in: The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew and Two Gentlemen of Verona," PhD, Rhodes, 1971.
- Callahan, Colleen Joan "Shakespeare in context: a study of the relevance of Shakespeare with special focus on Henry V and South Africa in the 1990s," MA (English), UPE, 1997.
- Clark, Caroline Frances "Diving into the wreck: an investigation into the other voices of history within the discourse of colonialism and slavery," MA (English Language and Literature), UCT, 1999.
- Cosser, Michael Charles "The allegorical nature of The Tempest," MA, Wits, 1987.
- Couldridge, Francis Thomas "Voyages and travels in the works of some prominent men of letters of the Shakespearean age, 1558-1625," MA, UNISA, 1940.
- Cronje, Marita " 'n Vergelykende studie van die drama en die opera as onderskeie kunsgenres, met besondere aandag aan Shakespeare en Verdi," MA, UP, 1973.
- Crutchfield, Hilda Mercy "Elizabethan and Athenian tragic drama compared and contrasted," MA, UNISA, 1922.
- Damant, Derek George "Shakespeare and the English reformation: an evaluation of characteristic Anglican influences in Shakespeare's writings," DLitt et Phil, PU for CHO, 1977.
- Damant, Derek George "Virtue in Shakespeare's writings," MA, UNISA, 1973.
- Doneda, DM "A study of the subversive nature of cross-dressing in the early modern age comedies of Shakespeare: Twelfth Night and As You Like It." MA, RAU, 1995.
- Dunnett, Genevieve Michelle "An investigation into the Elizabethan convention of boy actors playing female roles and the way it influenced the creation of Shakespeare's heroines," MA (Speech and Drama), UND, 1996.
- Durbach, Errol "Shylock's origins and evolution: the image of the Jew in English literature from the Middle Ages to the mid-Seventeenth Century," MA, Rhodes, 1967.
- Fleming, Lois Christine "Verdi's MacBeth," MA (Music), UND, 1983.
- Francis, Azra Daniel "Rudolf Laban's analysis of the power of movement in life and art, is implicit in Shakespeare's conception of drama as exemplified in Julius Caesar," MA, UND, 1963.
- Gagiano, Anna Hildegard "How do I hold thee: the language of relationship in Shakespeare's Sonnets," MA (Engels), Stellenbosch, 1986.
- Gouws, John Stephen "Dr. Johnson's critical assumptions in the Preface to Shakespeare: an essay in descriptive method," MA, Rhodes, 1973.
- Harvey, Richard Willaughby "Shakespeare's sonnets: an enquiry into the nature of this work, based on an analysis of selected sonnets," MA, UNISA, 1963.
- Herholdt, Albert "Trends in the criticism of Shakespeare's romances in England and Germany during the Romantic Era," MA (Comparative Literature), Wits, 1986.
- Hoole, Raymond Justin "The dramatic effect of music, song and dance in Shakespeare's comedies," MA (English), UNISA, 1985.
- Hoole, Raymond Justin "The dramatic function of disorder, conflict and violence in Shakespeare's comedies and romances," DLitt et Phil (English), UNISA, 1990.
- Horwitz, Dorothy Evelyn "Speech and silence: feminine discourse in Shakespearean drama and the Renaissance debate concerning the nature of woman," MA, Wits, 1987.
- Isaacs, Nicole Lara "Recycling Romeo and Juliet, 1562: Shakespeare, 1623 - Zeffirelli, 1968 - Luhrmann, 1996," MA (English), Wits, 1999.
- Jenkins, Veronica M. "An examination of the morphology and syntax of the Two Noble Kinsmen: a play of the Shakespeare apocrypha, and a comparison with Shakespeare's usage," MA, UCT, 1947.
- Johnson, David W. "A study of the influence exerted by the British Shakespeare industry on the educational and critical reproduction of Shakespeare in South Africa," DPhil, Sussex, 1993.
- Jones, Mark Francis "The influence of alchemy and Rosicrucianism in William Shakespeare's Pericles, Prince of Tyre, and The Tempest, and Ben Jonson's The Alchemist," MA (English), UCT, 1987.
- Knowles-Williams, Gweneth "The Shakespearian conception of comedy," Dlitt, UNISA, 1955.
- Knox, Catherine Mary "A study of The tragedy of Coriolanus by William Shakespeare," MA, Rhodes, 1973.
- Koch, Sabine "Die Knstlerproblematik im Naturalismus dargestellt an Papa Hamlet von Arno Holz und Johannes Schlaf," MA (German), UCT, 1989.
- Kotz, Carolina Wilhelmina "A Jungian interpretation of power structures in The Tempest with comments on the struggle for power in the South African context," MA (English). UND, 1994.
- Kreuz, Jill Katherine "Shakespeare on South African television," MA (English), UCT, 1992.
- Macaulay, Sheila Joyce "Shakespearian imagery as a means of characterisation in the tragedies," MA, Wits, 1947.
- Maker, Keith Errol "Images of the garden and the fall in the middle plays of Shakespeare," MA (Engels), RAU, 1989.
- Malka, Shelley "The representation of the Jew in selected sixteenth and seventeenth century writings, in the The Merchant of Venice and in its criticism," PhD (English), Wits, 1996.
- Marsh, Derick Rupert Clement "An analysis of Cymbeline as dramatic poetry and an examination of its place in the last group of plays," PhD, UNP, 1961.
- Martin, Veronica M. "An examination of the morphology and syntax of the Two Noble Kinsmen, a play of the Shakespeare apocrypha, and a comparison with Shakespeare's usage," MA, UCT, 1947.
- Morgan, Morris "The influence of Shakespeare on Alfred de Musset," MA, Wits, 1926.
- Morris, Catherine M.J. "Shakespeare's vocabulary in Love's Labours Lost: the effect of the Elizabethan age and the Renascence on the creation, use and interpretations of words," MA, UCT, 1934.
- Mpe, Phaswane Samuel "Mine is but a sincere narrative of a melancholy situation": Sol Plaatjie, orality and the politics of culture," MA (Comparative Literature), Wits, 1996.
- Myers, Lynette Mary "The poetry of prevarication: a study of the functional integration of style and imagery with character and action in Shakespeare's Macbeth," MA (English), PU for CHO, 1986.
- Naidoo, Rajasverrie "A critical study of women characters in selected comedies by Shakespeare," MA (English), UNISA, 1989.
- Olivier, Theo "Betrayal and reconciliation in Shakespeare," MA, UND, 1971.
- Olivier, Theo "Shakespeare and scepticism," PhD (English), UND, 1981.
- Oosthuizen, Isabel Ann "The morality play as a prelude to Elizabethan drama," MA, Rhodes, 1967.
- Oudkerk, Martha Elizabeth "Shakespeare in Afrikaans: a descriptive analysis of the imagery in The Tempest," MA (Translation), Wits, 1993.
- Pearce, Brian Michael "Problems of Language and Meaning in The Tempest," MA.(English), UND, 1986.
- Pearce, Brian Michael "The Re-evaluation of Shakespeare's Late Plays, 1896-1938," Ph.D, London, 1992.
- Peters, John Lionel "The slaves of chance: aspects of the exposition of change in some of Shakespeare's works and their sources," PhD (English Language and Literature), UCT, 1995.
- Potter, Alex McRae "The development of Shakespeare's vision of life," MA, UCT, 1971.
- Quince, William Rowan "Shakespeare in South Africa," PhD, Southern Illinois, 1987.
- Reimers, Arendine Ludophine "Seneca and Elizabethan Tragedy." MA, Stellenbosch, 1933.
- Roets, Marthie "Die propaganda in die politiek van Antonius en Cleopatra soos dit tot uiting kom in veral die nie-literare bronne' MA, RAU, 1992.
- Rose, Brian Waldron "The survival of beliefs on divine kingship, witchcraft, ghosts, omens and portents in Shakespeare, and their significance in interpreting certain passages of the plays," PhD, Wits, 1963.
- Ruthrof, Horst "The naive moral as a possible mental attitude behind the outlaw-motif in English medieval narratives and its influence upon the structure of Thomas Lodge's Rosalynde and Shakespeare's As you like It," MA, Rhodes, 1967.
- Bennell, Maurice Vincent "Contrapuntal textures: Othello as postcolonial palimpsest," MA (English), UNP, 1997.
- Saunders, Walter Gerard "Hamlet and Ophelia: an examination of their relationship and its tragic significance," MA, PU for CHO, 1975.
- Scheepers, Elizabeth "Die enscenering en aanbieding van Shakespeare se Twaalfde nag: "n agtergrondstudie en toneeltegniese analise," MA, PU for CHO, 1975.
- Simpson, Mary-Helen Dawn "The great bonds: nature, law and grace in King Lear, Antony and Cleopatra and Macbeth," PhD, Rhodes, 1972.
- Slavin, Patricia Doris "A scenographic approach to Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare: an investigation into the artistic, aesthetic and practical considerations in performance with specific reference to selected productions," MA (Speech and Drama), UND, 1995.
- Smith, Martin Etsebeth "Otto Ludwigs Shakespeare-studien und seine dramaturgischen betrachtungen als Grundlage seiner Kritik Schillers," MA, Wits, 1951.
- Swemmer, Derek Keith "King John in Tudor drama," MA (English), PU for CHO, 1982.
- Titlestad, Peter. "English Puritanism as a literary force from the Elizabethan age to the Restiration," D.Litt, UP.
- Townley, Scott Peregrine "The functions of self-consciousness in Shakespeare's last plays," MA (English), UNP, 1990.
- Van der Walt, Johannes Jacobus "Thomist principles of love in William Shakespeare's Hamlet," MA (Engels), RAU, 1992.
- Van Staden, Edward Peter "Separation, disguise and reconciliation as motifs in Shakespeare's romances," MA (Engels), PU for CHE, 1986.
- Vaughan, Dennis Norwood "Satire upon language in the plays of Shakespeare and Ben Jonson," MA, UCT, 1939.
- Vermeulen, Petrus Hermanus "Afrikaanse vertaling van Hamlet en Macbeth deur prof. L.I. Coertze," MA, PU for CHO, 1955.
- Viljoen, Neil "Imagination and enablement: a study of selected Shakespeare plays," PhD (English), PU for CHE, 1996.
- Walter, Brian Ernest "Meaning in the mode: pastoral in selected works of Spencer and Shakespeare," MA (English), UPE, 1988.
- Watson, Donovan "Pretty youths, masculine whores and open-areas: the homoerotics of three Shakespeare plays," MA (English), UPE, 2000.
- Weinbren, Marjory Ruth "The rhetoric of satire in the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods," MA, Wits, 1952.
2. Shakespeare pedagogy
- Albertyn, Adri "Translation as metatext: making Shakespeare accessible," MA (Translation), Wits, 1995.
- Bock, Susanne "Teaching Macbeth to the 1988 Matriculation Class at SACHED, Grahamstown," BA Hons diss., Rhodes, 1988.
- Coetzee, Annette Suzanne "Justifying the teaching of Shakespeare to ESL learners in the junior secondary phase," MA (English), PU for CHE, 1998.
- Cremer, Leigh "Teaching Shakespeare in Black Secondary Schools in South Africa," B.Ed Hons diss., Rhodes, 1987.
- Lenahan, Patrick Cronin "Interacting with Shakespeare's figurative language: a project in materials development for the L2 classroom," MEd (English Second Language), Rhodes, 1995.
- Mullineux, Peter Newton "An examination of the use of the contextual question in examining Shakespeare's plays at the standard ten level in Cape Education Department schools," MEd (English in Education), Rhodes, 1990.
- Parmenter J "Towards a pedagody of multimodality: teaching Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in a contemporary South African classroom," MA, Wits, 2000.
- Polatinsky, Stefan "Mourning, melancholia and the pre-symbolic in Hamlet," MA (English Education), Wits, 2000.
This checklist, an update of Wright 1993, was compiled with the aid of the NEXUS and UCTD online databases.