Internet Shakespeare Editions

Shakespeare in France: Select Bibliography

Jean-Marie Maguin

1) Editions and translations

CUVELIER Ă©liane, ed., Shakespeare, "Macbeth", Paris , Le Livre de Poche, 1994

DĂ©PRATS, Jean-Michel (dir.), Shakespeare, TragĂ©dies, I (OEuvres complètes, vol. 1), avec le concours de Gisèle Venet, PlĂ©iade Gallimard, Paris, 2002, pp. ccviii + 1526, bilingual [Contents: Anne Barton, PrĂ©face (trad. Jean-Pierre Richard); Jean-Michel DĂ©prats, Traduire Shakespeare Henri Suhamy, Chronologie; Jean-Michel DĂ©prats et Gisèle Venet, Note sur la prĂ©sente Ă©dition ; Henri Suhamy, Repères bibliographiques; Gisèle Venet, Introduction aux tragĂ©dies; Titus Andronicus (trad. Jean-Pierre Richard, texte Ă©tabli par Gisèle Venet et Line Cottegnies, prĂ©sentĂ© par Yves PeyrĂ©, annotĂ© par Yves PeyrĂ© et Jean-Pierre Richard); RomĂ©o et Juliette (trad. Jean-Michel DĂ©prats, texte Ă©tabli par Gisèle Venet et Line Cottegnies, prĂ©sentĂ© et annotĂ© par Gisèle Venet); Jules CĂ©sar (trad. JĂ©rôme Hankins, texte Ă©tabli par Henri Suhamy, prĂ©sentĂ© par Richard Marienstras, avec la collaboration de Catherine Treilhou-BalaudĂ©, et annotĂ© par Richard Marienstras); Hamlet (trad. Jean-Michel DĂ©prats, texte Ă©tabli par Henri Suhamy, prĂ©sentĂ© et annotĂ© par Lois Potter); Othello (trad. Jean-Michel DĂ©prats, texte Ă©tabli et annotĂ© par Gisèle Venet et Line Cottegnies, prĂ©sentĂ© et annotĂ© par Gisèle Venet; Notices et notes.]

DĂ©PRATS, Jean-Michel (dir.), Shakespeare, TragĂ©dies, II (OEuvres complètes, vol. 2), avec le concours de Gisèle Venet, PlĂ©iade Gallimard, Paris, 2002, pp. xiv + 1614, bilingual [Contents: Gisèle Venet, Avertissement; Le Roi Lear (trad. Jean-Michel DĂ©prats, texte Ă©tabli par Gisèle Venet et Line Cottegnies, prĂ©sentĂ© et annotĂ© par Robert Ellrodt); Macbeth (trad. Jean-Michel DĂ©prats, texte Ă©tabli par Henri Suhamy, prĂ©sentĂ© et annotĂ© par Yves PeyrĂ©; Timon d'Athènes (trad. Jean-Michel DĂ©prats, texte Ă©tabli par Line Cottegnies et Gisèle Venet, prĂ©sentĂ© et annotĂ© par Richard Marienstras); Antoine et ClĂ©opâtre (trad. Jean-Michel DĂ©prats et Gisèle Venet, texte Ă©tabli par Gisèle Venet et Line Cottegnies, prĂ©sentĂ© et annotĂ© par Gisèle Venet); Coriolan (trad. Jean-Michel DĂ©prats, texte Ă©tabli par Gisèle Venet et Line Cottegnies, prĂ©sentĂ© et annotĂ© par Richard Marienstras); Notices et notes; Robert Ellrodt, Bibliographie sur les tragĂ©dies.]

FLUCHERE Henri, ed., Shakespeare, Oeuvres complètes, Paris, PlĂ©iade, Gallimard, 1963, 2 vols. [This edition is being superseded by the new PlĂ©iade series dir. by Jean-Michel DĂ©prats, see above.]

GARDETTE Raymond, ed., Shakespeare, "Othello", Paris, Le Livre de Poche, 1996.

GRIVELET, Michel et Gilles MONSARRAT, eds. and transl., William Shakespeare, OEuvres complètes [bilingual, English text ed. by Stanley Wells and Gary TAYLOR (c) OUP], TragĂ©dies vols 1 & 2, Paris, Robert Laffont, 1995 [6 vols. to follow; transl. by LĂ©one TEYSSANDIER, Victor BOURGY, Jean-Claude SALLĂ©, Louis LECOCQ], Histoires vols 1 & 2, Paris, Robert Laffont, 1997; transl. by Louis LECOCQ, Jean-Claude SALLĂ©, LĂ©one TEYSSANDIER, Victor BOURGY, Jean MALAPLATE, Pierre SPRIET.

DĂ©PRATS Jean-Michel, Peines d'amour perdues, Paris, Editions du T.N.S., 1982; La TragĂ©die de Coriolan, Gennevilliers, Editions du ThĂ©âtre de Gennevilliers, 1983;Othello, Malakoff, DĂ©rives-Solin, 1984; Richard III, Malakoff, DĂ©rives-Solin, 1984 (Paris, NRF Gallimard, 1995); Hamlet Paris, Granit, 1986; Le Marchand de Venise, Paris, Sand/ComĂ©die Française, 1987; Comme il vous plaira, Paris, Sand, TNP, 1988; La tragĂ©die du roi Lear, Ă©dition prĂ©sentĂ©e et annotĂ©e par Gisèle VENET, Paris, Gallimard, 1993; Tout est bien qui finit bien (Ă©dition de Gisèle Venet), Paris, "Folio-ThĂ©âtre, Gallimard, 1996; Cymbeline, [translated by Jean-Michel DĂ©prats, with critical material by Margaret Jones-Davies], Ă©ditions ThĂ©âtrales, Paris 2000; Mesure pour mesure [translated by Jean-Michel DĂ©prats, with critical material by Anny Crunelle-Vanrigh], Ă©ditions ThĂ©âtrales, Paris 2001.

MAGUIN François, ed. and transl., Shakespeare, "Hamlet", Paris GF-Flammarion, 1995.

VANS H. et LEYRIS Pierre, eds., Oeuvres complètes de William Shakespeare [bilingual edition], Paris, Formes et Reflets [Club Français du Livre], 1954-1961, 12 vols.

WHITWORTH Charles, ed. William Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Oxford University Press, 2002.

2) Full-size studies

AXELRAD JosĂ© (with Michèle WILLEMS), Shakespeare et le thĂ©âtre Ă©lisabĂ©thain, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1964, 1968.

BACQUET Paul, Les pièces historiques de Shakespeare, Paris, PUF, 1978, 2 vols.

BOQUET Guy, ThĂ©âtre et sociĂ©tĂ©: Shakespeare, Paris, Flammarion, 1969.

BUCI-GLUCKSMAN Christine, Tragique de l'ombre: Shakespeare et le maniĂ©risme, Paris, GalilĂ©e, 1990; DEBAX Jean-Paul , ed. with Yves PEYRE, "Coriolan": ThĂ©âtre et politique, Toulouse, UniversitĂ© du Mirail, 1984; ed. with Yves PEYRE, Mirroirs de l'être: "Macbeth", "The Man of Mode", Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 1987.

DURRY Marie-Jeanne, ELLRODT Robert, JONES-DAVIES Marrie-ThĂ©rèse, eds., De Shakespeare à T.S. Eliot, MĂ©langes offerts à Henri Fluchère, Paris, Didier, 1976

ELLRODT Robert, "An Anatomy of The Phoenix and the Turtle", Shakespeare Survey 15, 1962; "Self-consciousness in Shakespeare and Montaigne", Shakespeare Survey 28, 1975; "Shakespeare: the Non-Dramatic Poet" in Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies, ed. Stanley Wells (CUP, 1986); "The Inversion of Cultural Traditions in Shakespeare's Sonnets" in Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions, ed. Kishi, Pringle, Wells, Newark, University of Delaware Press, 1994; "L'Image de la jeune fille de Nausicaa à Miranda" in Les Femmes en Angleterre et dans le colonies amĂ©ricaines aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, Presses de l'UniversitĂ© de Paris-Sorbonne, 1981; "De Sappho à Shakespeare: essai sur l'amour et la mort" in MĂ©langes offets à Marie-ThĂ©rèse Jones-Davies, Paris, 1988.

FLUCHERE Henri, Shakespeare, Dramaturge élisabéthain, Paris, Gallimard, 1966

FORT Joseph-BarthĂ©lĂ©my, Notices et notes in ThĂ©âtre complet de William Shakespeare, Lausanne, Ă©ditions Rencontre, n.d.; Introduction,notices et notes in ThĂ©âtre complet, traduction de François-Victor Hugo, Paris, Garnier, 1961, 2 vols.; FUZIER Jean, Les Sonnets de Shakespeare, Paris, Armand Colin, 1970; ed. with François LAROQUE, "All's Well that Ends Well": Nouvelles perspectives critiques, Montpellier, Collection Astraea N*1.

GIRARD René, Shakespeare: Les feux de l'envie, Paris, Grasset 1990.

GOY-BLANQUET Dominique, Le roi mis à nu: L'histoire d'Henri VI de Hall à Shakespeare, Paris, Didier Erudition, 1986; ed., Autour d'"Othello", Amiens, Sterne, 1987.

GOY-BLANQUET Dominique, Shakespeare et l'invention de l'histoire. Guide commentĂ© du thĂ©âtre de Shakespeare, Le Cri, Bruxelles, 1997.

GRIVELET Michel (with Marie-Madeleine MARTINET and Dominique GOY-BLANQUET), Shakespeare de A à Z... ou presque, Paris, Aubier, 1988.

ISELIN Pierre, ed. with Jean-Pierre MOREAU, "Le Songe d'une nuit d'Ă©tĂ©" et "La Duchesse de Malfi", Limoges, Trames, 1989; ed. with François LAROQUE, "Julius Caesar", William Shakespeare, Paris, Ellipses, 1994; W. Shakespeare, "Twelfth Night", Paris Didier Ă©rudition, 1995.

JACQUOT Jean, Mises en scène de Shakespeare et des Ă©lisabĂ©thains en France d'Antoine à nos jours [catalogue], Paris, Insititut pĂ©dagogique national, 1960, 1 vol, 40 plates; Shakespeare en France, mises en scène d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, Paris, Collec. "ThĂ©âtre, Fêtes, Spectacles", Ă©ditions Le Temps, 1964; JONES-DAVIES Marie-ThĂ©rèse, Shakespeare: le thĂ©âtre du monde, Paris, Balland, 1987.

LAROQUE François, Shakespeare et la fête, Essai d'archĂ©ologie du spectacle dans l'Angleterre Ă©lisabĂ©thaine, Paris, PUF, 1988; Shakespeare comme il vous plaira, Paris, "DĂ©couvertes" Gallimard, 1991.

LORANT André, William Shakespeare: Hamlet, Paris, PUF, 1992.

MAGUIN Jean-Marie, La Nuit dans le thĂ©âtre de Shakespeare et de ses prĂ©dĂ©cesseurs, Lille, Atelier de reproduction des thèses, 1980, 2 vols.; ed. with Charles WHITWORTH, "RomĂ©o et Juliette": Nouvelles perspectives critiques, Montpellier, Collection Astraea N*5; ed. with Michèle Willems, "What would France with us?": French Essays on Shakespeare and his Contemporaries, Newark, University of Delaware Press, 1995, ed. with Holger Klein, Shakespeare and France, Lewiston, Queeston, Lampeter, The Edwin Mellen Press, 1995; with Angela MAGUIN, William Shakespeare, Paris Fayard, 1996.

MAQUERLOT Jean-Pierre, Shakespeare and the Mannerist Tradition, Cambridge University Press, 1995.

MAQUERLOT Jean-Pierre and Michèle WILLEMS, eds.,Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time, Cambridge University Press, 1996.

MARIENSTRAS Richard, Le Proche et le lointain: sur Shakespeare, le drame Ă©lisabĂ©thain et l'idĂ©ologie aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles, Paris, Editions de Minuit, 1981 (translated as New Perspectives on the Shakespearean World, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985).

PARIS Jean, "Hamlet" ou les personnages du fils, Paris, Seuil, 1953; Shakespeare par lui-même, Paris, Seuil, 1954; Univers parallèles: 1. ThĂ©âtre, Paris, Seuil, 1975.

OMESCO Ion, "Hamlet ou la tentation du possible, Paris, PUF, 1987;"Othello", chef-d'oeuvre en sursis, Paris PUF, 1990.

PELTRAULT Claude, ed., Shakespeare: "La Tempête": Etudes critiques, Besançon, UniversitĂ© de Franche-ComtĂ©, 1994.

PERRIN Jean, ed., Shakespeare: "Much Ado About Nothing", Grenoble, Ellug, 1992.

PEYRé Yves, La Voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabéthaine, Paris, CNRS éditions, 1996.

SAHEL Pierre, La pensée politique dans les drames historiques de Shakespeare, Paris, Didier-Erudition, 1984.

SPRIET Pierre (with Michel GRIVELET), Shakespeare: "Richard III", Paris, Armand Colin, 1970.

SUHAMY Henri, Le vers de Shakespeare, Paris, Didier-Erudition, 1984; ed., "Twelfth Night", William Shakespeare, Paris, Ellipses, 1995; Shakespeare, Paris, Le Livre de Poche, 1996.

VENET Gisèle, Temps et vision tragique, Shakespeare et ses contemporains, Paris, Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1985.

VIGNAUX Michèle, L'Invention de la responsabilitĂ©: la deuxième tĂ©tralogie de Shakespeare, Paris, Presses de l'Ă©cole Normale SupĂ©rieure, 1995.

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre, ed. and tr., Shakespeare: Roméo et Juliette, Nantes, Presses Universitaires, 1992.

WILLEMS Michèle, La Genèse du mythe shakespearien, 1660-1780, Paris, PUF, 1979; ed. with Jean-Pierre MAQUERLOT and Raymond WILLEMS, "Le Marchand de Venise" et "Le Juif de Malte": Texte et reprĂ©sentations, Rouen, Publications de l'UniversitĂ©, 1985; Shakespeare à la tĂ©lĂ©vision, Rouen, Publications de l'UniversitĂ© de Rouen, 1987.

3) Journals

Cahiers élisabéthains, Late Medieval and Renaissance English Studies, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Renaissance Anglaise, Université Paul-Valéry--Montpellier 3, 34199 Montpellier Cedex 05, France. Web site: Founded in 1972, publishes two numbers each year in April and October, accepts unsolicited material from scholars situated in all countries (IBM or Apple Macintosh disk required along with print-out): notes, articles, book and play reviews, discographies. Illustrations. Abstracts in English and French, up to nine index terms supplied. Most texts are in English, occasionally in French. General Editors: Charles Whitworth and Yves Peyré. Production Manager: Janet Valls-Russell. Business Editors: Marie-Christine Munoz and Christelle Robles-Ripoll.

Etudes Anglaises, Didier-Erudition, 6, rue de la Sorbonne, 75005 Paris, France. Founded in 1947, publishes four numbers each year. Surveys all aspects of literature and culture in the United Kingdom. Carries one article at least on Shakespeare every year in connection with the play chosen for the Agrégation syllabus. Accepts unsolicited material: articles and book reviews. Most texts in French. Contributions in English accepted from native English-speakers.

4) Research centres


Status: UMR 5065 of CNRS. [1]

Director: Prof. Charles WHITWORTH. Deputy directors: Prof. Luc BOROT, Prof. Yves PEYRĂ©. Emeritus director: Prof. Jean-Marie MAGUIN.

Address: CERRA, Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier 3, route de Mende, F--34199 Montpellier. Tel. 00 33 4 67 14 24 48 (or 49). Fax: 00 33 4 67 14 24 65. E-mail: or

Web site:

Organization and members:

Junior Research Fellows:

Secretarial and technical staff:

Special resources: STC1 microfilms. Thomason tracts series. Research library: about 7000 volumes. Audio and video materials.

Visiting scholars: Each year CERRA welcomes researchers on sabbatical from universities abroad, as well as doctoral students from various French universities. The Centre is closed in August.

Seminars: CERRA runs a seminar dor doctoral students on an annual basis (current topic: "English Renaissance Poetics:Myth, Romance, History") and a research seminar for its members, associates and visitors twice a month. Calendar of seminars available on application from Prof Charles Whitworth


Cahiers élisabéthains, Late Medieval and Renaissance English Studies: General Editors: Prof. Yves PEYRé & Prof. Charles Whitworth. Two numbers each year (articles, notes, book and play reviews, illustrations). E-mail:

Web site:

Collection ASTRAEA: Launched 1986. Gen. eds: Prof. François Laroque & Prof. Charles Whitworth. Monographies. Ten volumes published to date. Recently:

All enquiries: Attn. Christelle Robles-Ripoll at

Institutional connections and cooperation:

CERRA has signed formal working agreements with the following research centres:

IRIS (EA 3416, U. Sorbonne Nouvelle--Paris 3, dir. Prof. François Laroque, Prof Franck Lessay, Prof. Gisèle Venet)

SEMA (dir. Prof. Frédéric Regard, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Lyons)

CERAN (EA 655 Lyons II, dir. Prof. Alain Bony). The Shakespeare Institute (Birmingham University, G.B., dir. Prof. Peter Holland). The Renaissance Center (Carlton University, Ottawa, Canada, dir. Prof Donald Beecher). The Folger Shakespeare Library (Washington D.C., USA), as contributors for France to the World Shakespeare Bibliography.

Current research projects: The representation of France, French and the French in English dramatic literature up to 1642. The question of succession in England as reflected in literary and polemic writings (1590-1604. French Churches in England in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries.

IRIS (Imaginaire, ReprĂ©sentations, IdĂ©ologie et SociĂ©tĂ© dans l'angleterre des XVIE et XVIIE siècles.)

Status: EA 3416 [2]

Directors: François LAROQUE, Franck LESSAY, Gisèle VENET

Address: Institur du Monde Anglophone, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle--Paris 3,
 5, rue de l'Ă©cole de MĂ©decine 75006 PARIS
 Tel.: 01 40 51 33 00 Fax: 01 40 51 33 33 19
Web Site:

Organization and members:

IRIS is an interdisciplinary research team specializing in English Renaissance Studies (drama, literature and history of ideas). It includes three distinct graduate seminars running in parallel:

  1. Renaissance(s), a seminar on Shakespeare and XVIth century drama run by François Laroque
  2. EpistĂ©mè, a seminar on XVIIth century literature and drama run by Gisèle Venet
  3. The Thomas Hobbes Centre, a seminar on XVIIth century ideas and philosophy run by Franck Lessay

Seminars are working on a monthly basis from November to May. Conferences are now organized every other year.

Electronic journal: IRIS publishes Reflets, an electronic journal on Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama on its Web site. Editor Guillaume WINTER (email:

Institutional connections and cooperation:

IRIS has signed formal working agreements with the following research centres:

Key words:

Renaissance drama and literature, Shakespeare, Aesthetics, Hobbes, Philosophy, Religion, History of Ideas.

Current research fields:

Volumes published:

  1. François LAROQUE ed., Histoire et secret à la Renaissance, Paris, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1997;
  2. François LAROQUE & Franck LESSAY eds., Figures de la royautĂ© en Angleterre de Shakespeare à la Glorieuse RĂ©volution, Paris Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1999.
  3. François LAROQUE & Franck LESSAY eds., EsthĂ©tiques de la nouveautĂ© à la Renaissance, Paris, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2001.
  4. François LAROQUE & Franck LESSAY eds., Tradition et innovation. De la Renaissance aux Lumières, Paris, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2002.
  5. Gisèle VENET ed., La BeautĂ© et ses monstres (forthcoming at Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, end 2002).
  6. François LAROQUE et Franck LESSAY eds., Enfers et dĂ©lices à la Renaissance (to be published end 2003).

N.B. Both CERRA and IRIS work in close collaboration, and in association with SEMA (dir. Prof. Frédéric REGARD, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Lyons) and with CERAN (EA 655 Lyons II, dir. Prof. Alain BONY). Both centres include associate researchers from various French universities, some belong to both centres on a flexible research time quota basis.

The French Shakespeare Society

SociĂ©tĂ© Française Shakespeare (SFS), founded in 1977 as the French branch of the International Shakespeare Society. The SFS organizes two conferences each year, one in the Spring in Paris on an agreed topic, the other in the Autumn is hosted by a different provincial university and is dedicated to the study of the Shakespeare work on the AgrĂ©gation syllabus. Proceedings of both conferences are published each year.

Presidents: Henri Fluchère*, Marie-ThĂ©rèse Jones-Davies, Jean Fuzier*, Richard Marienstras. Currently in office: Jean-Marie Maguin (address: UniversitĂ© Paul-ValĂ©ry, Montpellier 3, route de Mende, F--34199 Montpellier, e-mail:

Secretaries: Ladan Niayesh, Laetitia Coussement-Boillot

Publications: Patricia Dorval

Administrative secretary: Vanessa Blaha-Kuhner

Web site:

Past publications include:

Compte rendu des "JournĂ©es Shakespeare de novembre 1979 ; Justice, juges, prisons...; ThĂ©âtre et idĂ©ologies; Du texte à la scène: langages du thĂ©âtre ; Mythe et histoire ; Lieu et temps ; La Folie ; Shakespeare et les arts; Le tragique ; Shakespeare et la guerre ; Shakespeare et le corps à la Renaissance ; Shakespeare: RhĂ©toriques du texte et du spectacle ; Shakespeare et l'argent; Shakespeare: Cosmopolitisme et insularitĂ© ; Shakespeare : Le Monde vert, rites et renouveau ; Variations sur la lettre, le mètre et la mesure: Shakespeare ; Shakespeare: Comment le mal vient aux hommes; Shakespeare et le cinĂ©ma; Shakespeare et la voix; Shakespeare et la France; Shakespeare et le Moyen Age. Patricia Dorval (UniversitĂ© de Montpellier III) est en charge de la publication des Actes depuis 1997.

Available from

Belles Lettres, 95 bd Raspail, F--75006 Paris:

The following volumes can be orderd from Patricia Dorval, Responsable des publications SFS, Université de Montpellier III, route de Mende, F--34199 Montpellier Cedex 5:

Each volume 14 euros (postage included)

[1] UMR: Unité Mixte de Recherche (combining full-time researchers and university teachers; subject to accrediting every four years by CNRS, the French national research agency). [Back.]

[2] E.A.: Ă©quipe d'accueil, a training centre for doctoral students (subject to accrediting every four years by the French Ministry of Education). [Back.]