The Shakespeare Herald
A Notable Improvement
Claudio. Benedick, didst thou note the daughter of Signior Leonato?
Benedick. I noted her not, but I looked on her.
(Much Ado About Nothing TLN 159-160)
Typically, Benedick is teasing. His young friend Claudio wants to know whether Benedick
was impressed by the attractive young Hero, daughter of their host. Benedick pours
cold water on his enthusiasm by punning on "note"—he saw her (noticed her), but did
not pay attention to her (note her).
We do this all the time. We notice things, we note things, and we take notes on the
things that strike our notice. Until recently, one of the features of reading online
was that there were no margins to scribble in, no way of adding our own thoughts to
those we were reading on the screen in front of us. One of our copies of the first quarto of King Lear, from the British Library, has manuscript notes
in it of this kind.
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Because our works are produced by scholars, and peer-reviewed, the underlying text
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