ISE Officers
ISE Technical Editor
ISE Pedagogical Editor
Associate Performance Editor
The Associate Performance Editor works closely with the General Performance Editor (GPE), focussing on the "hands-on" development of the database of Shakespeare in performance (SIP).
In association with the GPE, the STA Representative, and the Editor of Scene, the Associate Performance Editor is responsible for these activities:
- Empowering Regional Editors in their work (by providing letters of introduction to theater companies, for example).
- Mentoring and monitoring the Regional Editors:
- Showing them how to use the SIP interface
- Managing access rights to the database interface, or delegating this task to a local RA at the Associate Performance Editor's workplace and supervising the RA's work
In consultation with the GPE, reporting annually to the Editorial Board, giving an oral report at the Shakespeare Association of America annual meeting at the ISE Breakfast held in conjunction with the SAA, and providing a short summary to be circulated to all editors and members of the Board after the SAA for the benefit of those unable to attend.