2. Presentation of Material to the Coordinating Editor
2.1. Reporting progress
You will work directly with the Coordinating Editor. You should report on progress and problems at least quarterly. All correspondence will be by email; all submissions should be on disk, or (by prior arrangement) as an attachment to an email message.
If for any reason you find you must change the "timeline" you submitted with your proposal, you should discuss the matter immediately with the Coordinating Editor, and, where necessary, with Broadview Press.
2.2. Formats for submitting material
In the changing world of continual revisions of software, you should check with the Coordinating Editor which file format will be compatible for the exchange of files. The safest is probably to use Interchange Format (RTF); send the files as an attachment to email, or on a CD.
2.2.1. File names
All file names on the site will conform to a common convention to facilitate automatic cross referencing. The file names must begin with a letter or number, and must contain only letters, numbers, and the underscore "_", the hyphen "-", and the ampersand. Files on the site will follow these conventions:
a) each file name will begin with the standard abbreviation of the play you are editing (see below), to a maximum of three letters;
b) the underscore character (_);
c) a general identifier of the document (maximum two characters): M for Modern Edition, F for Folio, Qn for Quarto[number], TI for Textual Introduction, N for Notes, C for Collation CS for Critical Survey and so on;
Files independent of a specific play (sources, critical materials and so on) will have normal names, preferably both self-explanatory and reasonably short.
2.2.2. Dating files
It is vital that all files be dated so that the latest version is not accidentally overwritten. A particularly effective way of doing this is to include the date in the file name; use the standard ISE format for dates (yyyy-mm-dd), thus: “Jn_M_annotations 2008-02-14” for the annotation file to King John updated on 14 February, 2008.
2.3. Backups and changes in the text
Each file should include information about its most recent revision, preferably in an HTML "comment" at the beginning of the text. (See the detailed discussion of tags below: the comment tag begins "<!--" and ends "-->"). You will also see that texts you are given from the Coordinating Editor will have a series of entries conforming to the Dublin Core agreement on meta-information as a header. The particular section of this information you should keep up-to-date is the date of most recent modification:
<META name="DC.Date.Modified" scheme="W3CDTF" content="2007-06-11"/>
Always keep copies of the work you submit, and back up all your files. Once you have submitted work, you should not change anything in the files until you have received a response requesting changes. Keep a list of any changes you want to make, then enter them when you receive word to go ahead, or a version of the file that has corrections to the tagging entered. This procedure will prevent the confusing situation where changes may be made in two places at once. (Note that the only changes the Coordinating Editor might make to your files would be connected with formatting and tagging to make them conform to the Internet Shakespeare Editions; such changes would be made only after consultation.)
2.4. Work in progress and consultation
At an early stage you should send samples of the work in progress to the Coordinating Editor and the General Textual Editor for comment. Take up major points of difficulty concerning tagging with the Coordinating Editor, and discuss any departures you plan to make from the standard method (e.g. lineation changes listed in a separate file rather than the collation; any changes in the format that seems to you appropriate for the work you are editing). Questions relating to the text itself should be sent to the General Textual Editor; matters concerning the old-spelling texts should be sent to the Associate Textual Editor. Liaison over such matters will avoid possible time-wasting alterations later; the Coordinating Editor, the General Textual Editor, and the Associate Textual Editor welcome involvement in the progress of the edition, and will be glad to see and review various portions of the project as they proceed: introductory material, a portion of the text with commentary, etc.
2.5. Refereeing
All materials to be posted in the Library of the Internet Shakespeare Editions will be refereed. The normal process will involve two stages:
2.5.1. Stage 1
At an early stage, after consultation with the General Textual Editor, you will be given an opportunity to have a substantial sample of your work reviewed independently by a referee.
2.5.2. Stage 2
When your work is sufficiently complete, it will be reviewed in full. See section 2.11 for a discussion of incremental publication.
2.6. Organization of the edition
In the edition as you develop it, you should keep the following sections as separate files: Folio text, quarto text(s) if any, textual introduction, notes for the textual introduction, modern text, collation, commentary, appendices (if any), glossary, bibliography, survey of criticism, stage history, critical introduction. See section 6.1.3. below on the various levels of documentation available.
2.7. Line numbers
2.7.1. General
All references to Shakespeare's text in the editions will ultimately depend on the Hinman Through Line Numbers (TLN). Where a quarto or modern edition omits material the numbers will be omitted; where they add material the numbers will be added using a decimal (<TLN n="1033.1"> etc.); where the line division varies from the Folio the TLN number will be that of the first word of the line. Each line of tagged text will begin with the statement <TLN n="n">, where n is the appropriate number.
2.7.2. Modern edition
If you want to add line numbers to your modern text, you are responsible for adding them. (Note that our site uses TLNs and our own QLNs for linking and citation.) Calculate modern line numbers as follows: (1) give one line number to each line of verse (as determined by your editorial lineation); and (2) give one line number for each prose paragraph (usually a whole speech). These editorial line numbers should be indicated immediately before the beginning of the line, and before the TLN location if there is one at that point, thus: <L n="x"> where "x" is the number of the line. Stage directions should be given a decimal number following the preceding line (thus the opening stage direction will be numbered <L n="0.1"/>). See 4.4.8 below for more information. Line numbers restart for the beginning of each scene. Do not indicate the act or scene number; they can be calculated from the tagged act and scene divisions.
2.7.3. Folio, quartos
All lines in the Folio and quartos will begin with the TLN location. Where the line differs from the TLN line breaks the first word of the line will decide which TLN number to use.
2.7.4. Critical materials
In order to facilitate cross-references, all paragraphs in written materials other than the text and the notes to the text will be numbered consecutively (numbers will be added automatically by the Coordinating Editor). Verse quoted in these materials will also include TLN numbers where the author is Shakespeare.
2.7.5. Source materials
Depending on the nature of the source materials, they should be numbered either by paragraph (prose), by line (continuous verse), or by stanza/part and line (stanzaic or otherwise subdivided verse). In the case of subdivided verse, the number of the main division (e.g. stanza) comes first, and is separated by a period (no space) from the line number within the subdivision. A section of the Faerie Queene would be numbered by Book, Canto, stanza, line: follow the numbering system of the edition you are referring to (
2.8. Cross-references and links
All cross-references to the various texts, notes and collation will be to the TLN number. Other files will have numbered paragraphs for cross-referencing. It is important to provide enough information to the programmers so that they can insert the appropriate tags. See below, 6.1.8 and Appendix, 3.7.
2.9. Final proofreading
You must check your play text verbatim et literatim before sending it to the Coordinating Editor. He will check all tagging, then send the file on to the General Textual Editor for review of the content. Check all quotations and ensure that the typescript conforms with the "style" of the Internet Shakespeare Editions as outlined in this document.
A methodical procedure is essential to ensure that all quotations and references in the file are accurate. Check every quotation and reference against the original before you send the material to the Coordinating Editor.
2.10. Returned materials
The Coordinating Editor will either return the file(s) to you with comments and requests for correction or revision, or communicate the comments by email if no changes have been made in the files.
2.11. Publication
When a final version has been agreed upon, it will be tagged in its final form, and published on the site. With approval, publication can be incremental, with some parts of the edition appearing as they are completed.
2.11.1. Incremental publication
The following parts of your edition may be published separately:
a) the individual electronic texts of Folio and quartos (if any)
b) the modern text with collation and Textual Introduction
c) notes, commentary, and bibliography (not to be published before the modern text, of course)
d) survey of criticism
e) stage history
f) discussion of computer analyses of the play
g) anthology of criticism
h) glossary
i) other resources.