Internet Shakespeare Editions

The Editors of the Plays and Poems

Each play is edited by a scholar or team of scholars. The old-spelling transcription is carefully encoded and proofread meticulously against the original; from this a modern text is generated, complete with annotations and thorough collation. The editors also prepare extensive documents illustrating the context and history of the play's reception.

Works completed

work editor affiliation
As You Like It David Bevington University of Chicago
Julius Caesar John D. Cox Hope College
Henry IV, Part One Rosemary Gaby University of Tasmania
Henry V James Mardock University of Nevada, Reno
Twelfth Night David Carnegie and Mark Houlahan Victoria University of Wellington, University of Waikato, New Zealand
The Winter's Tale Hardin Aasand Dickinson State University

Works in preparation

work editor affiliation
All's Well That Ends Well Helen Ostovich, Andrew Griffin, and Karen Bamford McMaster University, University of California, Santa Barbara, and Mount Allison University
Antony and Cleopatra Randall Martin and Jonathon Macfarlane University of New Brunswick
Coriolanus  Sarah Neville  Ohio State University
Cymbeline Jennifer Forsyth Kutztown University
Edward III Sonia Massai, Jennifer Young, and Amy Lidster King's College London
Hamlet (Q1, Q2, F) David Bevington University of Chicago
Henry IV, Part Two Rosemary Gaby University of Tasmania
Henry VI, Part One Kevin Quarmby Emory University
Henry VIII Diane Jakacki Bucknell University
King John Michael Best University of Victoria
King Lear (Q and F) Michael Best University of Victoria
Love's Labor's Lost Timothy Billings Middlebury College
Macbeth Anthony B. Dawson University of British Columbia
Measure for Measure James Mardock and Kristin Lucas University of Nevada, Reno, and McGill University
The Merchant of Venice Janelle Jenstad and Stephen Wittek  University of Victoria and McGill University
The Merry Wives of Windsor Helen Ostovich McMaster University
A Midsummer Night's Dream Suzanne Westfall Lafayette College
Much Ado About Nothing Gretchen Minton Montana State University
Othello Donald Bailey and Jessica Slights Saint Lawrence University, Acadia University
Pericles Tom Bishop University of Auckland
The Poems Hardy Cook Bowie State University
Richard II Catherine Lisak Universit茅 de Bordeaux III
Richard III Adrian Kiernander University of New England, Australia
Romeo and Juliet Erin Sadlack Marywood University
The Taming of the Shrew Erin Kelly University of Victoria
Timon of Athens Jesùs Tronch University of Valencia
Titus Andronicus Trey Jansen Weatherford College
The Tempest Paul Yachnin and Brent Whitted McGill University
Troilus and Cressida University of Cincinnati, Marshall University

Proposals are being prepared or under consideration for these plays:

One play has not yet been assigned:

The editors

Hardin Aasand
Hardin Aasand is Professor of English and Chair of the Department of English and Linguistics at Indiana-Purdue University, Fort Wayne. He is a member of the editorial team for the New Variorum Hamlet for the MLA. He edited Stage Directions in Hamlet (2003) and has published essays in Studies in English Literature, Hamlet Studies, and in the volumes Reading Readings: Essays on Shakespeare Editing in the Eighteenth Century, edited by Joanna Gondris (Associated University Presses, 1998), Ceremony and Text in the Renaissance, ed. Douglas Rutledge (University of Delaware, 1996), Approaches to Teaching Hamlet, ed. Bernice W. Kliman (Modern Language Association, 2001), and Resurrecting Elizabeth I in Seventeenth-Century England, edited by Elizabeth Hageman and Katherine Conway (Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2007). He also has written review essays for Renaissance Quarterly, Seventeenth-Century News, Medievalia et Humanistica, and the Sixteenth-Century Journal.
Donald Bailey
Don Bailey is an attorney with a J.D. from the De Paul University College of Law who is licensed to practice in Illinois and California. He has an M.A. from the University of Chicago. He has assisted with the editing of the texts of Cynthia's Revels for The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson (forthcoming), Shakespeare's The Two Noble Kinsmen for the Malone Society (forthcoming), and several plays included in the Norton Anthology of English Renaissance Drama (2002).
Karen Bamford
Karen Bamford is Charles and Joseph Allison Chair of English Languages and Literatures at Allison University, and the author of Sexual Violence on the Jacobean Stage (St. Martins, 2000). With Alexander Leggatt, she is co-editor of Approaches to Teaching English Renaissance Drama (MLA, 2002); with Mary Ellen Lamb, co-editor of Oral Traditions and Gender in English Literary Texts: 1500-1700 (Ashgate, 2008); and with Ric Knowles, co-editor of Shakespeare's Comedies of Love: Essays in Honour of Alexander Leggatt (University of Toronto P, forthcoming).
Thomas L. Berger
Thomas L. Berger is Piskor Professor of English at St. Lawrence University, where he has taught Early Modern English Literature since 1971. He is American Secretary-Treasurer for the Malone Society, for whom he has edited facsimile editions of 2 Henry IV, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Titus Andronicus. He is co-author of An Index of Characters in English Printed Drama to the Restoration (Cambridge, 1998). Currently he is preparing (with Dr. Sonia Massai) an edition of The Paratexts of Early Modern English Drama for Cambridge University Press.
Michael Best
Michael Best is Professor Emeritus at the University of Victoria, BC. He is the Founding Editor of the Internet Shakespeare Editions (ISE), of which he was the Coordinating Editor until 2017. In print, he has published editions of works of Elizabethan magic and huswifery, a collection of letters from the Australian goldfields, and, most recently, Shakespeare on the Art of Love (2008). He has contributed regular columns for the Shakespeare Newsletter on “Electronic Shakespeares,” and has written articles and chapters for both print and online books and journals, principally on questions raised by the new medium in the editing and publication of texts. He has delivered papers and plenary lectures on electronic media and the Internet Shakespeare Editions at conferences in Canada, the USA, the UK, Spain, Australia, and Japan.
Timothy Billings
Timothy Billings is Professor of English and American Literatures at Middlebury College. He has published articles in Shakespeare Quarterly and Representations and has received a number of awards including the MLA始s Aldo and Jean Scaglione Prize, and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Mellon Foundation, the Camargo Foundation, the Bogliasco Foundation, the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, and the Folger Shakespeare Library, where he was also the guest curator for an exhibition called Imagining China: The View from Europe (1550-1700).  He is the translator and annotator (with Christopher Bush) of a critical edition of Victor Segalen始s 1914 collection of French and Chinese poetry 鍙や粖纰戦寗 / Stèles (Wesleyn UP, 2007), and the editor and translator of Matteo Ricci始s 1595 Chinese treatise On Friendship: One Hundred Maxims for a Chinese Prince (Columbia UP, 2009).
Tom Bishop
Tom Bishop is Professor of English at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He is the author of Shakespeare and the Theatre of Wonder (1996), translator of Ovid始s Amores (Carcanet, 2003), and a General Editor of The Shakespearean International Yearbook. He has published articles on Elizabethan music, Shakespeare, Jonson, and other topics, and produced a performance of Jonson始s Oberon, the Faerie Prince, which is also available on DVD. He is currently editing Pericles for the Internet Shakespeare Editions and working on Shakespeare始s Theatre Games.
David Bevington
As well as being a founding member of the Editorial Board of the Internet Shakespeare Editions, David Bevington is the Phyllis Fay Horton Professor in the Humanities at the University of Chicago, where he has taught since 1967. His studies include From "Mankind" to Marlowe, 1962, Tudor Drama and Politics, 1968, and Action Is Eloquence: Shakespeare's Language of Gesture, 1985. He is also the editor of The Bantam Shakespeare, in 29 paperback volumes, 1988, and The Complete Works of Shakespeare, HarperCollins, 1992, as well as the Oxford 1 Henry IV (1987) and the Cambridge Antony and Cleopatra (1990). He was recently President of the Shakespeare Association of America.
David Carnegie
David Carnegie is Professor of Theatre at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He is co-editor of the Cambridge Works of John Webster (3 vols, Cambridge University Press, 1995–2007), as well as, for the Malone Society, Thomas Goffe's The Raging Turke and The Courageous Turke (Oxford, 1968 [1974]). He has published on Early Modern drama and stagecraft in Early Theatre, Shakespeare Quarterly, Modern Language Review, Harvard Library Bulletin, Huntington Library Quarterly, Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama, and Shakespeare's Globe Research Bulletin.. Professional theatre experience includes time with the Young Vic, the Oxford Playhouse and the Th茅âtre du Soleil, and recent stagecraft workshops at Shakespeare's Globe in London.
Hardy Cook
Hardy M. Cook is a Professor of English and has authored a number of papers on subjects ranging from Shakespeare on television to the editing of electronic texts. He is co-editor with Ian Lancashire of Shake-speares Sonnets and Louers Complaint 1609: For his work with SHAKSPER., the international electronic conference for Shakespearean researchers, instructors, students, and those who share their academic interests and concerns, and for his other scholarly activities, Dr. Cook received in April of 1999 the University System of Maryland's Board of Regents' Award for Excellence in Scholarship/Research/Creative Activities.
John D. Cox
John D. Cox is the DuMez Professor of English at Hope College. He is the author of Shakespeare and the Dramaturgy of Power (1989), The Devil and the Sacred in Early English Drama (2000), and Seeming Knowledge: Shakespeare and Skeptical Faith (2007). He has co-edited a prize-winning collection of essays with David Scott Kastan, A New History of Early English Drama, and the Third Arden Shakespeare edition of 3 Henry VI with Eric Rasmussen.
Anthony B. Dawson
Anthony Dawson, Professor of English (emeritus) at University of British Columbia, has written four books on Shakespeare, Indirections: Shakespeare and the Art of Illusion (1978), Watching Shakespeare (1988) and the volume on Hamlet for the Shakespeare in Performance series (1995), and (with Paul Yachnin) The Culture of Playgoing in Shakespeare's England (2001). His interest in performance history and textual theory has resulted in a series of articles and book chapters on such topics, and has informed his editorial work as well. He has edited Marlowe's Tamburlaine for the New Mermaids series and Troilus and Cressida for the New Cambridge Shakespeare. He is currently preparing, with Gretchen Minton, an edition of Timon of Athens for Arden Shakespeare (Third Series). He is a member of the Board of Directors of the ISE Incorporated.
Jennifer Forsyth
Assistant Professor, Kutztown University, Ph.D. University of Nevada, Reno. Her dssertation topic was "'Howsoe'er 'Tis Strange... Yet Is It True': Narrative Theory and the Problem of Shakespeare's Romances." She has presented conference papers at the Shakespeare Association of America, the Northeast Modern Language Association, and the Pacific Northwest Renaissance Society.
Rosemary Gaby
Rosemary Gaby is a senior lecturer in English at the University of Tasmania, and secretary of ANZSA (the Australian and New Zealand Shakespeare Association). Since completing a PhD at the Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham, most of her research activity has focussed on Australian Shakespeares. She has published various reviews and papers on early modern drama and Shakespeare in performance, including articles in SEL, Shakespeare Bulletin, Theatre Notebook, Australasian Drama Studies, JAS, Shakespeare, and Multicultural Shakespeare. As well as editing Henry IV, Part One for the Internet Shakespeare Editions she is currently completing a book on the history of open-air Shakespeare production in Australia.
W. L. Godshalk
Ph.D. (Harvard University). Full Professor, Department of English, University of Cincinnati. General Editor, Garland Shakespeare Bibliographies, Editorial Board, Early Modern Literary Studies (EMLS). His Renaissance interests have produced extensive articles on Sir Philip Sidney, Shakespeare, Harvey, Marlowe, and Jonson.
Mark Houlahan
Mark Houlahan has published numerous articles and reference essays on Shakespeare and his contemporaries, including several entries for Helen Ostovich's anthology Reading Early Modern Women. He has a special interest in Shakespearean appropriations, and is co-convening a Seminar on Settler Shakespeares at the 2006 Brisbane World Shakespeare Congress. In 2003 he wrote a textbook for New Zealand Schools, the Shakespeare Survival Guide (Auckland: Elizabethan Promotions). When possible he acts in local Shakespeare productions, including two New Zealand and one Canadian Twelfth Night, the text he is editing for ISE. Currently he teaches in the English Section of the Department of Humanities at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand (one of the world's seventy five Hamiltons).
Diane Jakacki
Diane Jakacki is Digital Scholarship Coordinator at Bucknell University. She has published two articles on applying social semiotic methods to early modern theatre history (in Early Theatre and Research on Medieval and Renaissance Drama), an edition of Wit and Science (Broadview Press), and co-authored an essay on developing digital image annotation tools. Her research work includes a biographical examination of Richard Tarlton and his association with the Queen's Men. She is an assistant director of the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, a software consultant to the imageMAT image annotation tool project, and serves on the digital advisory boards for the Records of Early English Drama, Iter, and the Devonshire Manuscript project, and on the Editorial Board of The Map of Early Modern London.
Trey Jansen
Trey Jansen, Ph.D. University of Nevada, Reno, is Professor of English at Weatherford College. In addition to working as the associate editor of The Shakespeare Encyclopedia: Life, Works, World, and Legacy (forthcoming), he was co-editor of The Shakespeare First Folios: A Descriptive Catalogue (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2012), associate editor for The Royal Shakespeare Company始s Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Macmillan and Random House 2007), and co-textual editor of King Lear for The Royal Shakespeare Company始s Complete Works (2009).  He also was an editorial assistant on Cynthia始s Revels for The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson (Cambridge UP, 2012) and Mankind and Everyman of the Arden Early Modern Drama series (Thomson Learning, 2009).
Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad is an associate professor in the department of English at the University of Victoria. She is the founder and Director of The Map of Early Modern London. She is also the Coordinating Editor of Internet Shakespeare Editions. She has taught at Queen始s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. Her articles have appeared in the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), and Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, forthcoming). She is currently working on an edition of The Merchant of Venice for ISE and Broadview, and an edition of Heywood's 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody for Digital Renaissance Editions. With Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Mark Kaethler, she co-edited a volume entitled Shakespeare's Language in Digital Media (forthcoming from Routledge). 
Erin Kelly
Erin E. Kelly is an associate professor of English at the University of Victoria, where she teaches courses on Shakespeare and renaissance literature. Her research focuses on intersections between sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English drama and reformation religious discourse. Recent publications include articles and essays on Thomas Lodge始s Works of Josephus, Elizabeth Cary始s Tragedy of Mariam, the multiply authored play Sir Thomas More, and Foxe's Acts and Monuments. In addition to editing Taming of the Shrew for the Internet Shakespeare editions, she is completing a book-length study of representations of religious conversion in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English drama. She has been an associate editor for the journal Early Theatre since 2011.
Adrian Kiernander
Adrian Kiernander is Foundation Professor of Theatre Studies at the University of New England. In 2008 he was elected vice-president of the Australia and New Zealand Shakespeare Association, and has published a number of articles on Shakespeare in performance. He is the author of Ariane Mnouchkine and the Th茅âtre du Soleil for Cambridge University Press. He was the founder of the Wellington Summer Shakespeare and has directed productions in New Zealand and Australia of Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Othello, and Macbeth, as well as Middleton's A Game at Chesse, Marlowe's Tamburlaine the Great and Lyly's Gallathea.
Catherine Lisak
Catherine Lisak is Senior Lecturer at the University of Bordeaux III Michel de Montaigne (France), where she teaches Shakespeare, Medieval and Early English Modern Literature, and Translation. She is a member of the editorial board of the international journal, Shakespeare Yearbook and the editorial board of the LISA e-journal Lisak is the co-author of a book on Propaganda in the United Kingdom, from the Renaissance to Internet (Ellipses, Paris, 2002). She has written various essays on Shakespeare's history and Roman plays. Her published work has also focused on the history of ideas in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, examining such topics as friendship and the concept of infinity. Her essays, written in both English and French, have been published by French University Presses (Amiens, Bordeaux, Boulogne, Caen, Montpellier, Paris, and Rennes) and in Brussels. She is at present working on two articles, on Richard III and Twelfth Night, to be published by Manchester University Press. Lisak has recently finished editing extracts of George Puttenham's "Justificacion" in Breaking the Silence On the Succession: Manuscripts and Rare Elizabethan Texts, 1587-1603 (UP Montpellier 3, 2003). She is currently working a complete edition of this text. She is also in the process of writing a monograph entitled, The Poetics of Treason in Shakespeare's History Plays. Lisak has participated in seminars at SAA and the ISC. She will be leading a seminar, in collaboration with Douglas Brooks (Texas), entitled, "Self-Identity/Identifying Selves in Shakespearean Worlds: Explorations in Cultural/Critical Adaptation" at the Eighth World Shakespeare Congress (Brisbane, Australia), in July16-21, 2006.
James Mardock
James Mardock is Associate Professor of English at the University of Nevada, Associate General Editor for the Internet Shakespeare Editions, and a dramaturge for the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival and Reno Little Theater. In addition to editing quarto and folio Henry V for the ISE, he has published essays on Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and other Renaissance literature in The Seventeenth Century, Ben Jonson Journal, Borrowers and Lenders, and contributed to the collections Representing the Plague in Early Modern England (Routledge 2010) and Shakespeare Beyond Doubt (Cambridge 2013). His book Our Scene is London (Routledge 2008) examines Jonson's representation of urban space as an element in his strategy of self-definition. With Kathryn McPherson, he edited Stages of Engagement (Duquesne 2013), a collection of essays on drama in post-Reformation England, and he is currently at work on a monograph on Calvinism and metatheatrical awareness in early modern English drama.
Randall Martin
Randall Martin is Professor of English and University Research Professor at the University of New Brunswick. He has recently edited Women and Murder in Early Modern News Pamphlets and Broadside Ballads, 1577-1697, for Ashgate Pressâs The Early Modern Englishwoman, (forthcoming autumn 2004) and is currently completing a critical study entitled More Savage than a She-Wolf: Women, Murder, and Equity in Early Modern Crime News, 1573-1700. Besides publishing articles on Shakespeare and early modern English drama, women writers, crime news, and stage history, his previous editorial work includes: Henry VI Part Three for The Oxford Shakespeare (2001), The Merchant of Venice, with a stage commentary by Peter Lichtenfels, for Applause Theatre Books, N.Y. (2001), Women Writers in Renaissance England for Longmans U.K. (1997), and Edmond Ironside and Anthony Brewerâs The Love-sick King for Garland Press, N.Y. (1991). His edition of Every Man Out of His Humour is due to be published in The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson (2005), and his introduction to The Comedy of Errors will appear as part of the revised New Penguin Shakespeare being relaunched by Penguin Putnam, UK (2005). He is now in the early stages of writing a post-theological study of Shakespeare and St Paul.
Sonia Massai
Sonia Massai is a Lecturer in English Studies at St. Mary's College (University of Surrey). She has edited Titus Andronicus for the New Penguin Shakespeare Series and Thomas Heywood's The Wise Woman of Hoxton for the Globe Quartos Series. She is currently editing Edward III for the Internet Shakespeare Editions and John Ford's 'Tis Pity She's a Whore for the Arden Early Modern Drama Series. She is currently completing her book on Shakespeare and the Rise of the Editorial Tradition: 1509-1709 and has contributed articles on the printing and publication of early modern drama in Shakespeare Survey and Studies in English Literature. She has also published articles on Shakespearean adaptations in the Restoration and early Augustan period and is currently editing a new collection on World-Wide Shakespeares: Local Appropriations in Film and Performance for Routledge.
Gretchen Minton
Gretchen E. Minton is Associate Professor of English at Montana State University in Bozeman. She co-edited the Arden 3 edition of Timon of Athens with Anthony B. Dawson (2008). Her current editorial projects include Troilus and Cressida (both quarto and folio) for the Norton Shakespeare and a critical edition of John Bale始s Image of both Churches for Springer始s series on Early Modern Religious Reforms. She has published numerous articles, book reviews, and encyclopedia entries on topics including Shakespeare, Erasmus, Augustine, modern drama, and the English Reformation. Her work on Shakespeare focuses on both editorial theory and performance history, especially the intersections between them. 
Helen Ostovich
Helen Ostovich is Professor of English at McMaster University and editor of the journal Early Theatre. She edited Jonson: Four Comedies for Longman Annotated Texts, a modern critical edition of Volpone, Epicoene, The Alchemist, and Bartholomew Fair, issued in 1997; and published her modern critical edition of Jonson's Every Man Out of his Humour for Revels Plays in 2001. She is now finalizing her edition of The Magnetic Lady for the Cambridge Works of Ben Jonson, due to be published in 2005. Other editorial projects in the making include participation in a complete works of Richard Brome and All's Well that Ends Well for the ISE. The author of a number of articles on Jonson and Shakespeare over the past 20 years, most recently in the Ben Jonson Journal, and Elizabethan Theatre, she has recently become the series editor of Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama for Ashgate Publishing Company and a general editor of Revels Plays for Manchester University Press. Her most recent book, co-edited with Elizabeth Sauer, is Reading Early Modern Women: An Anthology of Texts in Manuscript and Print, 1550-1700 , published by Routledge in 2004.
Kevin Quarmby
Kevin A. Quarmby is Assistant Professor of English at Oxford College of Emory University, Georgia. Prior to his academic career, Quarmby was a professional actor, appearing in theatre productions in the UK. He has published extensively on Shakespeare, with articles in Shakespeare Survey, Shakespeare and Shakespeare Bulletin, as well as chapters for two Arden Shakespeare collected essays. Quarmby始s monograph, The Disguised Ruler in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries, appeared in 2012.
Jessica Slights
Jessica Slights is Assistant Professor of English at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, where she teaches Shakespeare and Jacobean & Caroline Drama. She has published on and lectured about various aspects of early modern literature and culture, and her work has appeared in English Studies in Canada, Shakespeare Quarterly, Studies in Philology, and Studies in English Literature. Her recent research has focused on the domestic dimensions of Shakespearean comedy and she contributed an essay on The Comedy of Errors to Domestic Arrangements in Early Modern England, ed. Kari McBride (Duquesne UP, 2002). She also wrote the foreword for Gramercy Books' recent reissue of Anna Jameson's Shakespeare's Heroines (2003).
Jesùs Tronch
Jesús Tronch is Senior Lecturer at the University of Valencia where he teaches English literature and creative translation. His main research interests are textual criticism (specifically on Shakespeare and early modern drama) and the presence of Shakespeare in Spain. He has published A Synoptic "Hamlet" (2002), and Un primer "Hamlet" (1994), co-edited bilingual English-Spanish editions of The Tempest (1994) and Antony and Cleopatra (2001), and, with Clara Calvo, a critical edition of The Spanish Tragedy for the Arden Early Modern Drama series (2013). He has also published commissioned essays in book collections published by MLA, Palgrave, University of Delaware Press, and articles on journals such as TEXT: An Interdisciplinary Annual of Textual Studies, SEDERI and Shakespeare Survey. At present, he is editing Timon of Athens for the Internet Shakespeare Editions, and collaborating in a open-access, hypertextual and multilingual collection of early modern European theatre developed by the ARTELOPE  research project at the University of Valencia.
Suzanne Westfall
Suzanne Westfall, chair of the department of English and Theater at Lafayette College, holds a Ph.D. from the Drama Centre at the University of Toronto. Since coming to Lafayette College in 1981, she has directed over 50 productions for the College Theatre and written widely about theatre history and performance, ranging from ancient Greek tragedy to the performance art of Ping Chong. She is the author of Patrons and Performance: Early Tudor Household Revels from Oxford University Press (1990) and the co-editor, with Paul W. White, of Shakespeare and Theatrical Patronage in Early Modern England from Cambridge University Press (2006). She also serves on the editorial board for Early Theatre, and and as a council member for The Medieval and Renaissance Drama Society. At present she is working on an edition of Shakespeare始s A Midsummer Night始s Dream for the Internet Shakespeare Editions, as well as continuing research on Tudor patronage.
Brent Whitted
Brent Whitted is Head of IB A1 Languages at TASIS American School in England, where he teaches a IB Literature and supports the Theatre Department with its musical productions. His published work appears in Mosaic, Theatre History Studies, MLA Professions, and most recently The Seventeenth Century. His collaborative work with Paul Yachnin began with "Canadian Bacon," an article that appeared in Shakespeare in Canada (UT Press 2002). Since then they have been co-editing The Tempest forthe Internet Shakespeare Editions and Broadview Press/IS
Paul Yachnin
Paul Yachnin is Tomlinson Professor of Shakespeare Studies at McGill University. His first book is Stage-Wrights: Shakespeare, Jonson, Middleton, and the Making of Theatrical Value (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997); his second, co-authored with Anthony Dawson, is The Culture of Playgoing in Shakespeare's England: A Collaborative Debate (Cambridge, 2001). He is an editor of the forthcoming Oxford edition of The Works of Thomas Middleton and is editing Shakespeare's Richard II, also for Oxford. Recent critical work includes "Millenarian Ghosts: Hamlet and Nationhood," in Elizabethan Theatre 15 (2002); "Wonder-Effects: Othello's Handkerchief," in Staged Properties in Early Modern English Drama (Cambridge, 2002); "Canadian Bacon" (with Brent Whitted) in Shakespeare in Canada (Toronto, 2002); "Shakespeare's Problem Plays and the Drama of his Time," in Blackwell's Companion to Shakespeare's Problem Plays, Late Plays, and Poetry (Blackwell, 2003); and "Reversal of Fortune: Shakespeare, Middleton, and the Puritans," in ELH, 2003. His book-in-progress is Shakespeare and the Dimension of Literature, which will argue that literature's political consequentiality is an effect of the long- rather than the short-term. Essays-in-progress include "Eating Montaigne" and "Artisanal Value in Troilus and Cressida," invited for a special issue of Shakespeare Quarterly on "Theatrical Movements."