Editorial Board: Biographies
Michael Best, University of Victoria. Founding Editor.
Michael Best is Professor Emeritus in the Department of English at the University of Victoria, B.C.. He received his PhD at the University of Adelaide, and taught in Australia and England before moving to Canada in 1967. In the print medium, he has published scholarly books on Renaissance magic, the English housewife in the Renaissance, and a volume of letters written between South Australia and the Western Australian goldfields in the 1890s. Articles on John Lyly, John Webster, and Shakespeare in performance have appeared in refereed journals. He is the author of the chapter in Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide on Internet resources for the study of Shakespeare. In the electronic medium, he has published two CD ROMs, Shakespeare's Life and Times (1995) and A Shakespeare Suite (2003). He has also published a software program for the electronic marking of student papers, DynaMark (1992); scholarly electronic articles on the Internet Shakespeare Editions, on the design of Web pages, on the use of electronic resources in scholarship and teaching, and on the credibility of electronic publishing. He has delivered papers on electronic media and the Internet Shakespeare Editions at conferences in Canada, the USA, Spain, Australia, and Japan. He has served three times as Chair of the English Department at the University of Victoria, and was a founding member of several Provincial bodies on University programs.
Eric Rasmussen, University of Nevada, Reno. General Textual Editor.
Eric Rasmussen is Professor of English at the University of Nevada, Reno. He has co-edited Doctor Faustus in the Revels Plays series (1993), the World's Classics edition of Christopher Marlowe's plays (1995), the Arden 3 edition of King Henry VI Part 3, the Norton Anthology of English Renaissance Drama (2002), and the forthcoming New Variorum Hamlet. He is the author of A Textual Companion to Doctor Faustus (1994) and he writes the annual review of "Editions and Textual Studies" for Shakespeare Survey.
Donald Bailey, Independent Scholar, San Francisco. Associate Textual Editor.
Don Bailey is an attorney with a J.D. from the De Paul University College of Law who is licensed to practice in Illinois and California. He has an M.A. from the University of Chicago. He has assisted with the editing of the texts of Cynthia's Revels for The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson (forthcoming), Shakespeare's The Two Noble Kinsmen for the Malone Society (forthcoming), and several plays included in the Norton Anthology of English Renaissance Drama (2002).
Jan Sewell, Open University. Assistant General Editor.
Jan Sewell completed her PhD at the Shakespeare Institute in 2002. She has taught early modern and gender studies widely in higher education for the Universities of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and Warwick as well as the Open University. She worked as Associate Editor on the RSC Complete Works of Shakespeare (Palgrave 2007) and Chief Associate Editor of the RSC single volume edition of Shakespeare始s plays (Macmillan 2008 – 12) and editor of William Shakespeare and Others: Collaborative Plays (Palgrave 2013). She is currently writing a monograph on dramatis personae and is co-editing The Palgrave Handbook of the History of Women on Stage.
David Bevington, University of Chicago
David Bevington is the Phyllis Fay Horton Professor in the Humanities at the University of Chicago, where he has taught since 1967. His studies include From "Mankind" to Marlowe, 1962, Tudor Drama and Politics, 1968, and Action Is Eloquence: Shakespeare's Language of Gesture, 1985. He is also the editor of The Bantam Shakespeare, in 29 paperback volumes, 1988, and The Complete Works of Shakespeare, HarperCollins, 1992, as well as the Oxford 1 Henry IV (1987) and the Cambridge Antony and Cleopatra (1990). He was recently President of the Shakespeare Association of America.
Rebecca Bushnell, University of Pennsylvania
Rebecca Bushnell's books include Prophesying Tragedy: Sign and Voice in Sophocles Theban Plays, Tragedies of Tyrants: Political Thought & Theater in The English Renaissance, an annotated selected bibliography of scholarship on King Lear and Macbeth, and, most recently, A Culture of Teaching: Early Modern Humanism in Theory and Practice, which considers the links between modern and early modern humanist education. She is now working on a book on the social uses and aesthetics of early modern English gardening books. In addition, in collaboration with Michael Ryan, she is co-directing a three-year project, funded by the NEH, to develop a teaching web site based on an electronic version of the Furness Shakespeare Library at the University of Pennsylvania. She also serves as the Associate Dean for Arts and Letters in the School of Arts and Sciences at Penn. Her web site can be found at http://www.english.upenn.edu/bushnell
Leonard Conolly, Trent University
Professor of English and former President and Vice-Chancellor at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Leonard Conolly is co-founder and formerly co-editor of the journals Nineteenth-Century Theatre and Essays in Theatre, and a contributor to various theatre reference works, including The Cambridge Guide to Theatre, Shakespeare Around the Globe, The Canadian Encyclopedia, The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature, and The Continuum Companion to Twentieth Century Theatre. He is co-editor of The Oxford Companion to Canadian Theatre (1989) and The Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literatures in English (1994). Dr Conolly has published numerous books and articles on American, Canadian, and British theatre. He is General Editor of the twelve-volume Selected Correspondence of Bernard Shaw (University of Toronto Press), of which his Bernard Shaw and Barry Jackson (2002) is volume four. He is also Series Editor for the Broadview Editions of Broadview Press. The L.W. Conolly Theatre Archives at the University of Guelph are named in his honour. Dr Conolly is a Corresponding Scholar of the Shaw Festival and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2002. His most recent book is The Shaw Festival: The First Fifty Years (OUP, 2011); 2011 he was elected a Senior Fellow of Massey College, Toronto, and an Honorary Fellow of Robinson College, Cambridge.
Hardy Cook, Bowie State University
Hardy M. Cook, Professor Emeritus at Bowie State University, has authored a number of papers on subjects ranging from Shakespeare on television to the editing of electronic texts. He is co-editor with Ian Lancashire of Shake-speares Sonnets and Louers Complaint 1609: http://www.library.utoronto.ca/utel/ret/shakespeare/1609inti.html. For his work with SHAKSPER. (http://shaksper.net/), the international electronic conference for Shakespearean researchers, instructors, students, and those who share their academic interests and concerns, and for his other scholarly activities, Dr. Cook received in April of 1999 the University System of Maryland's Board of Regents' Award for Excellence in Scholarship/Research/Creative Activities.
Anthony Dawson, University of British Columbia
Anthony Dawson, Professor of English and Theatre at University of British Columbia, has written three books on Shakespeare,Indirections: Shakespeare and the Art of Illusion (1978), Watching Shakespeare (1988) and the volume on Hamlet for the Shakespeare in Performance series (1995). He is as well the author of a number of articles on literary and performance theory in relation to Shakespeare and has written on several other Elizabethan and Jacobean playwrights. He has recently completed an edition of Marlowe's Tamburlaine for the New Mermaids series and is currently working on a new edition of Troilus and Cressida for Cambridge University Press.
Peter S. Donaldson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Peter Donaldson is Professor of Literature and Head of the Literature Faculty at MIT where he held the inaugural appointment as Ann Fetter Friedlaender Professor of Humanities. He is a former Euretta J. Kellett Fellow at Clare College, Cambridge (BA Cambridge, 1966; MA 1970), received his PhD in English from Columbia in 1973, and was elected Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in 1979. Donaldson's early (and to some degree continuing) work on Machiavelli's influence in England and on the Continent led to the publication of A Machiavellian Treatise by Stephen Gardiner (Cambridge UP, 1976) and Machiavelli and Mystery of State (Cambridge, 1988). Since the late 1980s, he has published numerous articles on Shakespeare on Film, Shakespearean Films/Shakespearean Directors (1990), and has been involved in digital projects including the Shakespeare Electronic Archive, Hamlet on the Ramparts (http://shea.mit.edu/ramparts), XMAS, a cross-media annotation system permitting remote discussion and analysis of film and text in conjunction developed under the MIT-Microsoft iCampus Initiative, and a series of multimedia essays on Shakespeare films and texts presented since 1993 at meetings of the Shakespeare Association of America, the British Shakespeare Association, the World Shakespeare Congress, the Modern Language Association and elsewhere. He is currently completing a book on Shakespeare Media Allegories.
John Gillies, University of Essex
John Gillies is Professor in the Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies, University of Essex. His interests focus on Renaissance historical and cultural poetics, and on Shakespeare and his contemporaries in performance. His most recent book isShakespeare and the Geography of Difference (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1994). He is working on two major multimedia projects: "Shakespeare in Japan: Deguchi Norio," with Ian Carruthers & Ryuta Minami; and "Performing Shakespeare in China, 1980-1990," with Ruru Li. He is co-editor (with Ryuta Minami and Ian Carruthers) of Performing Shakespeare in Japan.
Werner Habicht, University of Wuerzburg
Dr. Werner Habicht is Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Wuerzburg, Germany. He held previous professorships at the Universities of Heidelberg, Bonn, and Wuerzburg, and visiting professorships at various universities in the USA and Cyprus. He was president of the Deutsche Shakespeare Gesellschaft West (1976-1987), is honorary vice president of the International Shakespeare Association, and elected member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz, and the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Munich. His publications include Die Gebaerde in englischen Dichtungen des Mittelalters (1959), Studien zur Dramenform vor Shakespeare (1968),Shakespeare and the German Imagination (1994), Texte und Kontexte der englischen Literatur im Jahr 1695 (1995), as well as c. 120 articles mainly on English drama and Shakespeare reception. He was founding editor of English and American Studies in German, editor of Shakespeare Jahrbuch (1981-1995), and co-editor of a bi-lingual edition of Shakespeare's plays, several volumes of essays, and a literary encyclopedia (Literatur Brockhaus, 8 vols., 2nd edn. 1995).
Peter Holland, University of Notre Dame
Peter Holland is McMeel Family Professor of Shakespeare Studies in the Department of Film, TV and Theatre at the University of Notre Dame, where he is also Academic Director for the Actors from the London Stage (formerly ACTER) program. He was formerly the Director of the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford- upon-Avon and Professor of Shakespeare Studies at the University of Birmingham, UK, Judith E Wilson Reader in Drama and Theatre in the University of Cambridge and a Fellow and Director of Studies in English at Trinity Hall, Cambridge. He is editor of Shakespeare Survey and General Editor of the Oxford Shakespeare Topics series. He writes widely on Shakespeare in performance. He chaired seminars on "The Shakespearean Texts in the Electronic Age" at the World Shakespeare Congress in 1996 and on "The Politics of the Electronic Text" at the SAA meeting in 1997. He was General Editor of the ArdenOnline project.
Alexa Alice Joubin, George Washington University
Alexa Alice Joubin (Ph.D., Stanford) Alexa Alice Joubin is Professor of English, Theatre, International Affairs, and East Asian Languages and Cultures at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., where she co-founded and co-directs the Digital Humanities Institute. At Middlebury College, she holds the John M. Kirk, Jr. Chair in Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Bread Loaf School of English. As part of her effort to promote cross-cultural understanding, she co-founded the Global Shakespeares open-access digital performance video archive at MIT (http://globalshakespeares.mit.edu). Her forthcoming books include Race (with Martin Orkin), Local and Global Myths in Shakespearean Performance (co-edited), and Cinematic Allusions to Shakespeare (edited).
John Jowett, Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham
John Jowett is Reader in Shakespeare Studies at the Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham. His experience of editing began with the Oxford Shakespeare Complete Works of 1986-7, and has since then been extended through his work for the Oxford Middleton Collected Works, and his preparation of the Oxford Shakespeare series Richard III and Timon of Athens. He is now under contract to edit Sir Thomas More for the Arden Shakespeare. He is an associate general editor of the Middleton edition, and a general editor of the recently formed series Arden Early Modern Drama. He has published various articles on textual issues in Shakespeare, Jonson, Chettle, Middleton, and others.
Anne Lancashire, University of Toronto
Anne Lancashire, Professor of English at the University of Toronto, cross-appointed both to Drama and to Cinema Studies, edited the anonymous Look About You for her Ph.D. thesis and subsequently Lyly's Gallathea and Midas for the Regent's Renaissance Drama Series and Middleton始s The Second Maiden's Tragedy for the Revels Plays. Her history of early London theatre, London Civic Theatre: City Drama and Pageantry from Roman Times to 1558, was published by Cambridge in 2002 (rpt. 2009); and her open-access researched and referenced electronic database of London mayors and sheriffs to 1558 (first published in print form by Oxford, and eventually to be expanded to the present time) is at http://masl.library.utoronto.ca. Her 3-volume edition of London civic manuscript records of drama, pageantry, and music, 1275 to 1558, is now being processed by Records of Early English Drama for publication in early 2013. She has also edited an interdisciplinary volume of papers, Editing Renaissance Dramatic Texts: English, Italian, and Spanish, and Clifford Leech's Christopher Marlowe: Poet for the Stage, published many articles on medieval and early modern English theatre, and held administrative positions at almost every level of governance at the University of Toronto. She currently serves on three other editorial boards: Early Theatre, Essays in Theatre, and Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England.
Ian Lancashire, University of Toronto
Ian Lancashire is Professor of English at the University of Toronto and President, Consortium for Computers in the Humanities / Consortium pour Ordinateurs en sciences humaines, a Canadian Learned Society. His current SSHRCC project is the WWW-based Early Modern English Dictionaries Database, an indexed collection of a dozen bilingual and monolingual dictionaries published in England between 1500 and 1660. He also edits Representative Poetry On-line and Renaissance Electronic Texts on the Web. His most recent book is a collaboration, Using TACT with Electronic Texts: Text Analysis Computing Tools 2.1 (New York: MLA, 1996).
James Mardock, University of Nevada
James Mardock is Associate Professor of English at the University of Nevada, Associate General Editor for the Internet Shakespeare Editions, and a dramaturge for the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival and Reno Little Theater. In addition to editing quarto and folio Henry V for the ISE, he has published essays on Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and other Renaissance literature in The Seventeenth Century, Ben Jonson Journal, Borrowers and Lenders, and contributed to the collections Representing the Plague in Early Modern England (Routledge 2010) and Shakespeare Beyond Doubt (Cambridge 2013). His book Our Scene is London (Routledge 2008) examines Jonson's representation of urban space as an element in his strategy of self-definition. With Kathryn McPherson, he edited Stages of Engagement (Duquesne 2013), a collection of essays on drama in post-Reformation England, and he is currently at work on a monograph on Calvinism and metatheatrical awareness in early modern English drama.
Sonia Massai, King's College, London
Sonia Massai is Professor of Shakespeare Studies in the English Department at King's College London. She has published widely on the history of the transmission of Shakespeare on the stage and on the page, focusing specifically on the evolution of Shakespeare's texts in print before 1709 and on the appropriation of Shakespeare across different languages, media and cultures in the late 20C and early 21C. Her publications include her book, Shakespeare and the Rise of the Editor (Cambridge University Press, 2007), collections of essays on Shakespeare and Textual Studies (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming in 2015) and World-Wide Shakespeares: Local Appropriations in Film and Performance (Routledge, 2005), and critical editions of The Paratexts in English Printed Drama to 1642 (Cambridge University Press, 2014) and John Ford's Tis Pity She's a Whore for Arden Early Modern Drama (2011).
Gordon McMullan, King's College, London
Gordon McMullan is Professor of Shakespeare and Early Modern Drama at King's College London. He was educated at the Universities of Birmingham, Kansas and Oxford and his first academic post was at the University of Newcastle; he moved to King's in 1995. He has published The Politics of Unease in the Plays of John Fletcher (1994), the Arden Shakespeare edition of Henry VIII (2000), and the Norton Critical Edition of 1 Henry IV (2003). His new monograph, Shakespeare and the Idea of Late Writing: Authorship in the Proximity of Death will be published by Cambridge University Press in late 2007. He has also edited or co-edited four collections of essays, including (with Ann Thompson) In Arden: Editing Shakespeare (2003) and, most recently, Reading the Medieval in Early Modern England (with David Matthews, 2007). He is a founding general editor of Arden Early Modern Drama; he has also been a general editor of Globe Quartos. He has been a Leverhulme Fellow (2002-3) and has held visiting fellowships at the Huntington Library, the University of Newcastle NSW, and the Humanities Research Centre of the Australian National University, Canberra. He has acted as textual consultant to productions of plays by Shakespeare, Fletcher and Chapman at the RSC and Old Vic and has spoken about Shakespeare on BBC Radio.
Kathryn R. McPherson, Utah Valley University
Kathryn R. McPherson is professor of English at Utah Valley University, where she won the university始s highest honor, the Trustees Award, in 2012. She most recently coedited Stages of Engagement: Drama and Religion in Post-Reformation England (2014) with James Mardock. She is coeditor, with Kathryn M. Moncrief and Sarah Enloe, of Shakespeare Expressed: Page, Stage, and Classroom in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries (2013); and with Kathryn M. Moncrief of Performing Pedagogy in Early Modern England: Gender, Instruction, and Performance (2011) and Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (2007). She participated in the National Endowment for the Humanities Institute, “Shakespeare始s Blackfriars: The Study, the Stage, the Classroom,” at the American Shakespeare Center in 2008 and serves as resident scholar for the Grassroots Shakespeare Company, an original practices performance troupe begun by two UVU students.
Kathryn Moncrief, Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland
Kathryn Moncrief is Professor and Chair of English at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland and is the recipient of Washington College始s Alumni Association Award for Distinguished Teaching. She is co-editor, with Kathryn McPherson, of Shakespeare Expressed: Page, Stage and Classroom in Early Modern Drama (Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2013); Performing Pedagogy in Early Modern England: Gender, Instruction and Performance (Ashgate, 2011); and Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007). She is the author of articles published in book collections and journals including Gender and Early Modern Constructions of Childhood, Renaissance Quarterly and others and is also author of Competitive Figure Skating for Girls (Rosen, 2001).
Helen Ostovich, McMaster University
Helen Ostovich is Professor of English at McMaster University and editor of the journal Early Theatre. She edited Jonson: Four Comediesfor Longman Annotated Texts, a modern critical edition of Volpone, Epicoene, The Alchemist, and Bartholomew Fair, issued in 1997; published her modern critical edition of Jonson's Every Man Out of his Humour for Revels Plays in 2001; and has finalized her edition ofThe Magnetic Lady for the Cambridge Works of Ben Jonson, due to be published in 2011. Other editorial projects include The Late Lancashire Witches and A Jovial Crew for Richard Brome Online (http://www.hrionline.ac.uk/brome/) and the text of
All's Well That Ends Well for the ISE. The author of a number of articles on Jonson and Shakespeare over the past 25 years, she became the series editor of Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama for Ashgate Publishing Company and a general editor of Revels Plays for Manchester University Press. She is also the General Editor of eleven plays in preparation for Queen's Men Editions (http://qme.internetshakespeare.uvic.ca/). Her most recent book, co-edited Holger Schott Syme and Andrew Griffin, is Locating the Queen's Men, 1583-1603: Material Practices and Conditions of Playing (2009). She is preparing The Ball (1639) for the Complete Works of James Shirley (OUP) and The Merry Wives of Windsor Q and F for Norton Shakespeare 3. Also contracted and in preparation are a collection of essays on the Chester Cycle, edited with David Klausner and Jessica Dell; and a collection of essays on //The Alchemist//, edited with Erin Julian.
Michael Warren, University of California, Santa Cruz
Michael Warren, Professor Emeritus of English Literature at University of California, Santa Cruz, has published The Division of the Kingdoms: Shakespeare's Two Versions of King Lear (co-edited with Gary Taylor), 1983, and The Complete King Lear 1608-1623, 1989; and numerous articles on the texts of English drama. He serves as Textual Consultant to Shakespeare Santa Cruz.
Judith Weil, University of Manitoba
Judith Weil is Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba. She is the author of monographs on Marlowe and Shakespeare and of numerous essays and reviews on Renaissance drama and poetry. She has also co-edited Henry IV, Part One (NCS) with Herbert Weil.
Paul Werstine, University of Western Ontario
Paul Werstine is Professor of English at King's College and in the Graduate English Department of the University of Western Ontario. He has written widely about the transcription, printing and editing of early modern English drama, contributing, for example, the chapter on "Shakespeare" to Scholarly Editing: A Guide To Research, ed. David Greetham (New York: MLA, 1995). He is co-editor of the Folger Library edition of Shakespeare and general editor of the New Variorum Shakespeare, to which he will contribute an edition of Romeo and Juliet.
Linda Woodbridge, Penn State University
Linda Woodbridge, Professor of English, University of Alberta and Penn State University. Author of Women and the English Renaissance,1984, The Scythe of Saturn: Shakespeare and Magical Thinking, 1994. Co-editor (with Ed Berry of the U. of Victoria) of True Rites and Maimed Rites: Ritual and Anti-Ritual in the Age of Shakespeare, 1992. Compiler, Shakespeare: a Selective Bibliography of Modern Criticism, 1991. Vagrancy, Homelessness, and English Renaissance Literature has recently appeared from the University of Illinois Press. Winner of university-wide teaching award at the U. of A., 1994. Winner of Academic Women's Association first annual award for lifetime contributions to the advancement of women at the U. of A. Former President, Shakespeare Association of America and member of the editorial board of PMLA.
Chris Wortham University of Notre Dame, Perth, Australia
Chris Wortham is Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Western Australia and is currently Professor of Theatre Studies and English Literature at the University of Notre Dame Australia. He is a former President of the Australasian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Renaissance Studies and was for some years Editor of the society始s journal, Parergon. He has co-edited literary texts:Everyman (1980) Doctor Faustus (1985,1989) and Andrew Marvell: Pastoral and Lyric Poems (2000). He has co-edited volumes of criticism: Renaissance in the South (1998), Shakespeare: Readers, Audiences, Players (1998) and 'This Earthly Stage': World and Stage in Late Medieval and Early Modern England (2010). He has published numerous articles on Shakespeare and other early modern writers. He is Chair of the Board of the professional theatre company, Shakespeare WA.
Jeremy Ehrlich. Director of Education.
Jeremy Ehrlich has been a teacher at all levels and is former Head of Education at the Folger Shakespeare Library. He has led education programs at a number of non-profit organizations and spent six years as a high school teacher. He has published widely on issues of pedagogy and the internet.