Works and Sites Cited
- Crane, Gregory, Brian Fuchs, Amy C. Smith and Clifford E. Wulfman. "The Symbiosis Between Content and Technology in the Perseus Digital Library." October 2000.
- Donaldson, Peter. Hamlet on the Ramparts (MIT). Visited March 27, 2001.
- Galey, Alan. The Taming of a Shrew. Electronic edition under construction, April 2001
- The Interactive Shakespeare Project. (Folger Shakespeare Library and Holy Cross University). Visited March 27, 2001.
- Internet Shakespeare Editions.
- King Lear (Folio, transcription). http://web.UVic.CA/shakespeare/AnnexLr/Lr_F/Lr_FScenes/Lr_F5.3.html.
- King Lear (Quarto, transcription). http://web.UVic.CA/shakespeare/AnnexLr/Lr_Q/Lr_QScenes/Lr_Q5.3.html.
- The prototype of the Performance Materials Project. http://web.UVic.CA/shakespeare/Theater/Rom/UVic1998/Costume/Capulets.html.
- Markham, Gervase. The English Housewife. Ed Michael R Best. Toronto: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1986.
- Sidney, Sir Philip. Defence of Poesie (Ponsonby, 1595) transcribed, by Richard Bear, with an introduction, notes, and bibliography. March 1995.
- Taylor, Gary, and Michael Warren, ed. The Division of the Kingdoms: Shakespeare's Two Versions of King Lear. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983.
- The W3 Consortium on access. 5-May-1999.
- Werstine, Paul. "Hypertext and Editorial Myth." Early Modern Literary Studies 3.3 / Special Issue 2 (January, 1998): 2.1-19.
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