This list was compiled by Catherine Lisak and Associate Textual Editor, Don Bailey. It records anomalies that occurred in setting the type and printing of Richard II in the First Folio (1623). All comparisons were made with the Norton facsimile of the First Folio, edited by Charlton Hinman.

TLN: 18: Aym'd
Ambiguity: - the "apostrophe" of "Aym'd" appears to be a turned comma.
TLN: 39: rhis
Ambiguity: the "t" of "this" is printed "r". See TLN 39, TLN 600 and TLN 851.
TLN: 39: Princely

TLN: 56: cooI'd
Ambiguity: the "l" of cool'd is printed "I". See TLN 259, TLN 329, TLN 476, TLN 518, TLN 592, TLN 727, TLN 770 and TLN 1453.
TLN: 56: this.

TLN: 72: this
Irregularity: the ascender of the "t" in "let" is bent and also seems to have slipped. There are similarities with TLN 2618.
TLN: 73: hopes
Irregularity: the ascender of the "h" in "hopes" is broken.
TLN: 85: n="85>lIe
Ambiguity: the capital "I" and the small "l" of "Ile" have been printed in reverse order.
TLN: 89: lay
Ambiguity: "say" may read "lay".
TLN: 100: Trea{s}ons
Irregularity: the "s" of "Trea{s}ons" is partly damaged.
TLN: 108: blood:
Irregularity: the mark before the colon is too straight in shape to be a comma: maybe a broken piece of type or possibly a blank space showing.
TLN: 112: of
Irregularity: the "f" is only partly printed.
TLN: 131: n="131>Threc
Ambiguity: the second "e" of "Three" is a strangely italicized "c". See TLN 233, TLN 776 and TLN 2028.
TLN: 152: foote,
Irregularity: the straight line is part of a raised blank type that hold the lines in position. See TLN 154, TLN 287, TLN 315, TLN 382, TLN 557, TLN 742, TLN 895, TLN 927, TLN 1010, TLN 1033, TLN 1059, TLN 1062, TLN 1074.
TLN: 154: bo{s}ome.
Irregularity: the straight line is part of a raised blank type that hold the lines in position. See TLN 152.
TLN: 183: norm="MOWBRAY">Mo,
Ambiguity: there is a comma in place of a period.
TLN: 214: Armes,
Irregularity: a "colon" hovers above the comma.
TLN: 225: vengeance
Irregularity: the second "n" of "vengeance" is only partly printed.
TLN: 228: one)
Irregularity: the top part of the "closing parenthesis" is damaged.
TLN: 233: n="233>But
Irregularity: in the previous word, there is a Greek "_" or possibly an Old-English lettering in place of the "t".
TLN: 236: crack'd
Irregularity: in the previous word, the second "c" is strangely italicized. See TLN 131, TLN 776 and TLN 2028.
TLN: 238: Murders
Irregularity: the second "r" of "Murders" is only partly printed.
TLN: 248: n="248>Thou
Irregularity: the "h" of "Thou" is only partly printed.
TLN: 259: complaint
Ambiguity: "complaint" may read "compIaint". See TLN 56.
TLN: 266: misfortune
Irregularity: the "s" of "misfortune" looks strangely like a small type number 5. It might possibly be a badly damaged "s". See TLN 858.
TLN: 275: wotd
Irregularity: - the "r" of "word" is a small "t". See TLN 544 and See TLN 1223.
TLN: 287: welcome,
Irregularity: there is a raised piece of blank type after the comma. See TLN 152.
TLN: 315: truth,
Irregularity: a stray mark appears after the comma, most probably a raised piece of "blank type". See TLN 152.
TLN: 329: Royall
Irregularity: the previous word may read "Royall" or "RoyaIl". The first "l" looks lie a capital "I". See TLN 56.
TLN: 340: hardie
Irregularity: the ascender of the "d" in "hardie" is bent to the right.See TLN 377.
TLN: 377: doubly
Irregularity: the ascender of the "d" in "doubly" is bent to the right. See TLN 340.
TLN: 382: lot,
Irregularity: a stray mark appears after the comma, most probably a raised piece of "blank type". See TLN 152.
TLN: 389: Battell
Irregularity: the "B" of "Battell" is only partly printed.
TLN: 389: Aduer{s}arie

TLN: 451: de{s}erued
Irregularity: the ascender of the "d" in "de{s}erued" is bent to the left.See TLN 461, TLN 500 and TLN 1901.
TLN: 459: mouth
Irregularity: the "h" of "mouth" is only partly printed.
TLN: 461: dull
Irregularity: in the previous word, the ascender of the "d" is bent to the left. See TLN 451.
TLN: 461: vnfeeling

TLN: 467: Rich,
Irregularity: there is a comma in place of a period after the SP "Rich".
TLN: 476: ueuer
Irregularity: in the previous word, there is a turned "n" : "neuer" reads "ueuer". See TLN 2535.
TLN: 476: helpe

TLN: 500: worlds
Irregularity: the ascender of the "d" in "worlds" is slightly bent to the left. See TLN 451.
TLN: 501: thine
Irregularity: the "e" in "thine" is only partly printed.
TLN: 503: n="503>Hath
Irregularity: the second "h" in "Hath" is only partly printed.
TLN: 518: Iiue
Ambiguity: the "l" of "liue" is an "I". See TLN 56.
TLN: 532: {{s}h}ould
Irregularity: the "d" in "{{s}h}ould" is partly damaged and oddly shaped.
TLN: 536: Rich,
Irregularity: there is a comma in place of a period after the SP "Rich".
TLN: 540: remaine
Irregularity: the "a" in "remaine" has slipped downwards.
TLN: 544: teturn{{s}t}
Irregularity: the first "r" of "return{{s}t}" is a small "t". See TLN 275 and TLN 1223.
TLN: 545: Bnll.
Irregularity: the italicized "u" of "Bull" is turned. See TLN 576.
TLN: 557: returne.
Irregularity: a stray mark appears after the period, most probably a raised piece of "blank type". See TLN 152, TLN 154, TLN 287, TLN 315 and TLN 382, TLN 742 and TLN 895.
TLN: 559: fro{{s}t}ie
Irregularity: the "i" of "fro{{s}t}ie" is only partly printed.
TLN: 561: n="561>by
Irregularity: - the compositor has omitted to capitalize the "b" of "by". See TLN 563; TLN 579 and TLN 593.
TLN: 563: n="563>by
Irregularity: the compositor has omitted to capitalize the "b" of "by". See TLN 561, TLN 579 and TLN 593.
TLN: 576: Anmerle,
Irregularity: the italicized "u" of "Aumerle is turned. See TLN 545.
TLN: 579: n="579>but
Irregularity: - the compositor failed to capitalize the "b" of "but". See TLN 561, TLN 563 and TLN 593.
TLN: 592: voIume
Ambiguity: the "l" of "volume" is a capital "I". See TLN 56.
TLN: 593: but
Irregularity: the "b" in the previous word is not capitalized. See TLN 561, TLN 563 and TLN 579.
TLN: 600: familiat
Ambiguity: the small "r" of "familiar" is a "t". See TLN 39 and TLN 851.
TLN: 644: {{s}t}riue
Irregularity: the "{{s}t}" of "{{s}t}riue" is badly damaged.
TLN: 644: breth

TLN: 652: markt
Irregularity: the "t" of "markt" is broken.
TLN: 727: pIay
Ambiguity: the "l" of "play" may be a capital "I". See TLN 56.
TLN: 729: mec
Irregularity: the second "e" of "mee" is a "c". See TLN 1240, TLN 1631 and TLN 1634.
TLN: 741: thy'
Irregularity: in the previous word, the "apostrophe" may be a substitute for the "e" in "thye".
TLN: 742: thee.
Irregularity: a stray mark appears after the period, most probably a raised piece of "blank type". See TLN 152.
TLN: 762: cha{fi}ng
Ambiguity: Don Bailey notes that "cha{{s}i}ng" may read "cha{fi}ng" because of the cross of the "f" that connects with the "i".
TLN: 766: {s}o{#}roundly
Ambiguity: the words "{s}o" and "roundly" are not clearly spaced. There might be a compositorial confusion with "{s}urroundly".
TLN: 770: aIready
Ambiguity: the "l" of "already" is a capital "I". See TLN 56.
TLN: 771: tapt
Irregularity: in the previous word the "p" looks like a turned "d" as appears in TLN 340.
TLN: 771: and

TLN: 773: {s}oules)
Irregularity: the italicized "closing parenthesis" is partly damaged.
TLN: 776: {{s}i}ckne{{s}{s}}e
Ambiguity: the "c" of "{{s}i}ckne{{s}{s}}e" is oddly shaped. See TLN 131.
TLN: 799: death>
Irregularity: the "d" of "death" is faintly printed.
TLN: 851: Atrurneyes
Ambiguity: the second "t" of "Atturneyes" appears to be an "r", suggesting a compositorial error. "Atturneyes" reads "Atrurneyes". See TLN 39 and TLN 600.
TLN: 858: goods
Irregularity: the "s" in "goods" is badly damaged and looks strangely like a small type number 5. See TLN 266.
TLN: 861: cour{s}es
Irregularity: the "r" of "cour{s}es" is faintly printed.
TLN: 882: {s}o,
Irregularity: broken type used to create a made-up piece of punctuation. See TLN 1121 and TLN 1266.
TLN: 895: heires.
Irregularity: the stray mark is a raised piece of "blank type" after the period. See TLN 152.
TLN: 900: not
Irregularity: a stray mark between "wot" and "not" makes the words "wot" and "not" seem crammed together.
TLN: 915: {s}alles
Irregularity: the "i" of "{s}ailes" looks like an "l": either a compositorial misspelling or a damaged "l" chosen because it looked like an "i" when it was cast-off.
TLN: 927: Blan
Irregularity: there is a raised piece of "blank type" after the period. See TLN 152.
TLN: 974: to
Ambiguity: the "t" of "to" is partly broken.
TLN: 975: bur
Ambiguity: the "t" of "but" is an "r", suggesting a compositorial error. See TLN 39, TLN 600 and TLN 851.
TLN: 987: fore-father
Irregularity: the "hyphen" of "fore-father" is faint, possibly due to a slightly lowered type and poor inking.
TLN: 1010: not
Irregularity: in the previous word, a stray mark, most probably a raised piece of "blank type", appears before the "n". See TLN 152.
TLN: 1012: whereupon
Irregularity: the "e" of "whereupon" is faintly printed, possibly due to a slightly lowered type and poor inking.
TLN: 1026: fal{s}e
Irregularity: the "s" of fal{s}e is faintly printed.
TLN: 1033: greefe:
Irregularity: a stray mark, most probably a raised piece of "blank type", appears after the "colon". TLN 152.
TLN: 1043: Nobles
Irregularity: the "s" of "Nobles" is broken, even ressembling the Greek letters "_" ("sigma") or even "_" ("epsilon"), though in either case broken.
TLN: 1051: is`t
Irregularity: in the previous word, there is an "accent mark" in place of an "apostrophe".
TLN: 1059: warres?
Irregularity: in the previous word, a stray mark, most probably a raised piece of "blank type", appears after the "question mark".
TLN: 1061: poouide
Irregularity: - the "r" of "prouide" is an italicized "o".
TLN: 1062: there.
Irregularity: a stray mark, most probably a raised piece of "blank type", appears after the period. See TLN 152.
TLN: 1064: to
Irregularity: the "t" of "to" is turned. See TLN 1079.
TLN: 1074: {{s}h}ould
Irregularity: - there is a stray mark before the previous word, most probably a raised piece of "blank type". See TLN 152.
TLN: 1075: All
Irregularity: - there is a stray mark before the previous word, most probably a raised piece of "blank type". See TLN 152.
TLN: 1079: neerene{{s}{s}}e
Irregularity: the "r" of "neerene{{s}{s}}e" is turned. See TLN 1064.
TLN: 1081: Ba
Irregularity: there is no punctuation after the speech prefix.
TLN: 1121: this,
Irregularity: the punctuation is a small, made-up comma. See TLN 882 and TLN 1266.
TLN: 1139: is
Irregularity: the "s" of "is" is broken. See TLN 1043.
TLN: 1184: you
NOTE: under the previous word, there is a manuscript mark (an "underlining") unique to the page that Hinman chose for Norton.
TLN: 1204: Bo{s}ome,
Irregularity: the comma is damaged.
TLN: 1223: Atmes
Irregularity: the "r" of "Armes" is a "t". See TLN 275 and TLN 544.
TLN: 1240: Liucrie
Irregularity: --the first "e" of "Liuerie" is a "c". See TLN 729.
TLN: 1263: the{s}e
Irregularity: the "{s}" of "the{s}e" is very faintly printed.
TLN: 1266: could,
Irregularity: the previous punctuation appears to be a broken piece of type used as a comma. See TLN 882 and TLN 1121.
TLN: 1389: Lord
Irregularity: -the capital "L" of "Lord" is a bent roman letter.
TLN: 1412: the
Irregularity: the marks between "by" and "the" looks like a badly damaged "{{s}t}" with just the remnant of the {s}.
TLN: 1415: heauenly
Irregularity: the second "e" of "heauenly" is badly damaged.
TLN: 1453: lo{{s}t}
Irregularity: the "l" of "lo{{s}t}" might be a capital "I". The word may read "Io{{s}t}". See TLN 56.
TLN: 1509: yet
Irregularity: the "e" of "yet" is badly damaged.
TLN: 1514: Pa{{s}t}e,
Irregularity: the comma is broken.
TLN: 1631: grcene
Irregularity: the first "e" of "greene" is a "c". See TNL=729.
TLN: 1634: Plaine
Irregularity: the "e" of "Plaine" looks possibly like a "c". The word may read "Plainc". See TLN 729.
TLN: 1639: Elements
Irregularity: the "s" of "Elements" is damaged.
TLN: 1737: an
Irregularity: the "n" of "an" is damaged.
TLN: 1810: play
Irregularity: the "a" of "play" is damaged.
TLN: 1826: bootes
Irregularity: the "e" of "bootes" is damaged.
TLN: 1837: one
Irregularity: the "e" of "one" is damaged.
TLN: 1842: {s}ome
Ambiguity: without being italicized, the "{s}" of "{s}ome" is oddly shaped.
TLN: 1845: Common-wealth:
Ambiguity: without being italicized, the "colon" at the end of this line is oddly bent.
TLN: 1854: Flowers
Ambiguity: the "s" of "Flowers" is partly damaged.
TLN: 1864: What,
Ambiguity: the comma at the end of this line is possibly a period. Donald Bailey notes that both the Brandeis F1 and Sutro 2 F1 have a period and suggests that the comma may be a press variant.
TLN: 1869: n="1869>Aad
Ambiguity: the "n" of "And" is an "a".
TLN: 1870: skin
Irregularity: the "s" of "skin" is only partly printed.
TLN: 1884: Qu:
Irregularity: there seems to be a "slipped colon" after the SP.
TLN: 1901: oddes
Ambiguity: in the previous word, the ascender to the "d" is bent to the left. See TLN 451.
TLN: 1943: an{f}wer
Ambiguity: the "{s}" of "an{s}wer" is shaped like an {f} and the word reads an{f}wer.
TLN: 1943: man?

TLN: 2011: bani{{s}h}'d
Ambiguity: the "{{s}h}" of "bani{{s}h}'d" is damaged.
TLN: 2028: plume-pluckt
Ambiguity: the "c" of "plume-pluckt" is oddly shaped. See TLN 131.
TLN: 2069: you
Irregularity: the "u" of "you" has slipped down.
TLN: 2088: tuture
Ambiguity: "to tuture" may be a misspelling of "to tutor" or "to torture".
TLN: 2115: Part
Irregularity: the "a" of "Part" is only partly printed: an inking problem probably due to this different piece of "a" type that was possibly lower set.
TLN: 2128: Teares
Ambiguity: the capital "T" of "Teares" is badly damaged, making it look like the Greek letter "gamma", "_".
TLN: 2161: Pilate,
Irregularity: the italic "i" of "Pilate" is mangled.
TLN: 2280: awak'd
Irregularity: the first "a" of "awak'd" has slipped down.
TLN: 2376: his
Irregularity: "h" of "his" is broken.
TLN: 2411: Richards
Irregularity: in the previous word, the ascender to the italic "d" is bent to the left.
TLN: 2411: Friend

TLN: 2412: n="2412>And
Irregularity: in the previous word, the ascender to the "d" is bent to the left.
TLN: 2492: fa{{s}t}
Irregularity: the "{s}" of "fa{{s}t}" is broken.
TLN: 2535: withiu
Irregularity: the "n" of "within" is a "u". See TLN 476.
TLN: 2618: let
Irregularity: in the previous word, the ascender to the "t" is bent, and ressembles the Greek letter "_". See both TLN 72 and TLN 233.
TLN: 2623: husband
Irregularity: the "s" of "husband" is of a smaller type. See TLN 766.
TLN: 2776: Ri.
Irregularity: the "i" of "Ri. " is mangled and ressembles an italic "s".