Cymbeline: Early Modern Culture
Early Modern Culture
Early Modern Culture
1. Excerpt fromA World of Wonders, by Henri Estienne (1607--the English translation)
2. "The Necessity of Hanging," The Praise and Virtue of a Jail and Jailers, by John Taylor (1623)
3. Excerpt from "The Order for the Burial of the Dead," The Book of Common Prayer(1552)
4. Excerpt from "Colin Clout," by John Skelton (1545)
5. Excerpt fromA Flourish upon Fancy, by Nicholas Breton (1577)
6. Excerpt from "High Treason," The Country Justice, by Michael Dalton (1619)
7. Excerpt from The Game of Chess, by Jacobus de Cessolis, trans. William Caxton (1474)
Early Modern Culture
Cymbeline: Early Modern Culture