A brief chronology of Henry IV' reign and Shakespeare's life

Some dates are approximate, especially those of the plays.

1367 Births of Richard and Henry, male heirs to the first and third sons of Edward III
1377 Death of Edward III. His grandson, Richard II, becomes king at age of 10
1386 Birth of Henry of Monmouth, later Henry V
1391 Birth of Edmund Mortimer, 5th Earl of March, great grandson to the second son of Edward III, via the female line
1398 Richard II banishes his cousin, Henry Bolingbroke, from England for 10 years. Edmund, Earl of March, declared Richard II's heir
1399 Death of Henry Bolingbroke's father, Duke of Lancaster, 3 February. Richard II seizes Lancastrian estates and banishes Henry for life. By October Richard is deposed and Henry is crowned Henry IV
1400 Death of Richard II at Pontefract castle. Henry IV leads unsuccessful campaign against Scotland. Owen Glendower raises rebellion in Wales
1402 Owen Glendower defeats and captures Sir Edmund Mortimer (uncle to Edmund, Earl of March). Henry Percy (Hotspur) defeats Scots at Battle of Holmedon
1403 The Percy family joins forces with Glendower and Sir Edmund Mortimer against Henry IV. Hotspur's army defeated at Battle of Shrewsbury in July
1405 "Yorkshire Rising," led by Earl of Northumberland, defeated
1413 Death of Henry IV. Accession of Henry V
1414 Lollard rebellion, led by Sir John Oldcastle, suppressed
1415 Henry V defeats French at Agincourt
1417 Sir John Oldcastle captured and executed by hanging and burning
1419 Treaty of Troyes. Henry V marries French princess, Katherine
1422 Death of Henry V. Accession of Henry VI at eight months old
1455-85 "Wars of the Roses": intermittent civil war between houses of Lancaster and York
1485 Henry Tudor defeats Richard III at Battle of Bosworth and is crowned Henry VII
1485-1509 Reign of Henry VII
1509-47 Reign of Henry VIII
1534 Act of Supremacy, declaring Henry VIII head of the Church of England
1547-53 Reign of Edward VI
1548 Edward Hall'sThe Union of the Two Noble and Illustre Families of Lancaster and York
1553-58 Reign of Mary I. Return to Catholicism
1558-1603 Reign of Elizabeth I. Return to Protestantism
1559 The Mirror for Magistrates
1563 Adoption of the Thirty-Nine Articles
1564 William Shakespeare born April 23
1569 Northern Catholic rebellion suppressed
1576 James Burbage builds The Theatre
1577 Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland(revised edn 1587)
1578 John Lyly, Euphues
1580 John Stow's Chronicles of England
1582 Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway
1583 Birth of Susanna
1583-84 Plots against Elizabeth on behalf of Mary Queen of Scots
1585 Births of Shakespeare's twins, Hamnet and Judith. Earl of Leicester sent to aid the Dutch against the Spanish
1587 Execution of Mary Queen of Scots February 8
1588 At some point, Shakespeare moves to London; family remains in Stratford. War with Spain. The Spanish Armada fleet destroyed in July
1588-94 Shakespeare writes the early comedies and histories and the early tragedy Titus Andronicus
1592 Shakespeare attacked in print by Robert Greene. Christopher Marlowe's Edward II. John Stow's Annals
1593 Venus and Adonis.Death of Marlowe
1593-1603 The Sonnets
1594 Shakespeare joins the Lord Chamberlain's Men. The Rape of Lucrece
1594-5 A Midsummer Night's Dream, Richard II, Romeo and Juliet
1595 Samuel Daniel,The First Fowre Bookes of the Ciuile Wars Between the Two Houses of Lancaster and Yorke
1596 Death of Shakespeare's son, Hamnet, in August. Campaign against Lord Chamberlain's Men's planned Blackfriars theater (November)

1596-8 The Merchant of Venice, Henry IV Parts I and II
1597 Earl of Essex sent to Ireland to put down a rebellion led by the Earl of Tyrone
1598 Publication of anonymous play, The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth
1598-9 Much Ado About Nothing, The Merry Wives of Windsor
1599 Shakespeare's company moves to the Globe. As You Like It, Henry V, Julius Caesar
1600-02 Twelfth Night, Troilus and Cressida, Hamlet, All's Well That Ends Well
1601 Shakespeare's father dies. Essex's abortive rebellion and his execution
1603 Death of Elizabeth I; coronation of James I, March 24 Shakespeare's company becomes the King's Men
1603-4 Measure for Measure, Othello
1604 James's confrontation of the Puritans at the Hampton Court Conference. Peace with Spain
1605 The Gunpowder Plot foiled November 5
1605-6 King Lear
1606-7 Macbeth, Timon of Athens, Antony and Cleopatra, Pericles
1608 Coriolanus
1609-11 Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale, The Tempest
1613-14 Henry VIII, The Two Noble Kinsmen. Shakespeare in retirement, living in Stratford. Globe burns
1616 Death of Shakespeare, April 23