Title: | A Midsummer Night's Dream |
Company: | Bard on the Beach |
Director: | Paul Gibson |
Country: | Canada |
Type: | Stage |
Location: | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada |
Performance Dates: | 2006-06-01 to 2006-09-24 |
Play: | A Midsummer Night's Dream |
Contributors: | Bard on the Beach |
Cast & Crew:
Name | Role |
Wasko, Mike | Theseus, Duke of Athens |
Rae, Karen | Hippolyta |
Butcher, Ian | Oberon |
Colleen Wheeler, Ms. | Titania |
Rideout, Kyle | Puck, or Robin Goodfellow |
Russell Roberts, Mr. | Egeus, father of Hermia |
Parnes, Parnelli | Lysander |
Laboucane, Josue | Demetrius |
Jean Wilkin, Tara | Hermia |
Poll, Melissa | Helena |
Jojic, Luisa | Philostrate |
Scott Bellis, Mr. | Bottom |
Cuffling, Bernard | Quince |
Zinyk, Allan | Snug |
Sutherland, Haig | Flute |
Russell Roberts, Mr. | Snout |
Moniz de Sa, Paul | Starveling |
Jojic, Luisa | Peaseblossom |
Wasko, Mike | Cobweb |
Rae, Karen | Moth |
Zinyk, Allan | Mustardseed |
Gibson, Paul | Director |
Caleb, Aaron | Assistant to the Director |
Mara Gottler, Ms. | Costume Designer |
McAllister, Kevin | Stage and Scenery Designer |
King, Gerald | Lighting Designer |
Juliani, Alessandro | Sound Design and Musical Arrangement |
Rose, Meg | Sound Design and Musical Arrangement |
Nicholas Harrison, Mr. | Fight Director |
Stephen Courtenay, Mr. | Production Stage Manager |
Hyde, Marcella | Apprentice Stage Manager |
Barker, Kelly | Assistant Stage Manager |