Richard III
Title:Richard III
Company:Bard on the Beach
Director:Scott Wentworth
Location:Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Performance Dates:1998-06-19
Play:Richard III
Contributors:Bard on the Beach

Cast & Crew:
Christopher Weddell, Mr.King Edward IV
Weese, StanleyEdward
Taylor, HelenYoung Duke of York
Paul Gibson, DeanGeorge
Gaze, ChristopherRichard
Boyle, FrancisClarence's Son
Johnstone, DionEarl of Richmond
Paul Gibson, DeanArchbishop
David Marr, Mr.Duke of Buckingham
Adams, DonaldLord Rivers
VanderGriend, KerryLord Grey
Morgan, AllanLord Hastings
Linds, BrianLord Stanley
Yu, RaugauhannLord Lovell
David Mackay, Mr.Ratcliffe
Andrew Wheeler, Mr.Catesby
White, TrevorTyrrel
Boyle, FrancisCaptain Blunt
White, TrevorBrakenbury
Christopher Weddell, Mr.Lord Mayor
Wood, JanQueen Elizabeth
Idlette, PatriciaQueen Margaret
Taylor, HelenDuchess of York
Lyndall-Knight, TiffanyDaughter of Clarence
David Mackay, Mr.Murderer
Yu, RaugauhannMurderer
Wentworth, ScottDirector
Mara Gottler, Ms.Costume Design
Roberts, TedScenography
Vandergraaf, JuliaLighting Design
Ryan, GeorgeOriginal Music Composed and Performed by
Nicholas Harrison, Mr.Fight Director
Gann, AngelaAssistant Stage Manager