1London: G. Robinson for T. Cadmna, 1586.
1About a thirty years and five did Leir rule this land,
1When, doting on his daughters three, with them he fell in hand
22To tell how much they loved him. The eldest did esteem
33Her life inferior to her love, so did the second deem,
44The youngest said her love was such as did a child behoove,
55And that how much himself was worth, so much she him did love.
66The foremost two did please him well, the youngest did not so.
77Upon the Prince of Albany the first he did bestow,
88The middle on the Cornish prince: their dowry was his throne
99At his decease. Cordella's part was very small, or none,
1010Yet for her form, and virtuous life, a noble Gallian king
1111Did her, un-dowed, for his queen into his country bring.
21212Her sisters sick of father's health, their husbands by consent
1313Did join in arms. From Leir so by force the scepter went,
1414Yet, for they promise pensions large, he rather was content.
1515In Albany the quondam king at eldest daughter's court
1616Was settled scarce, when she repines, and lessens still his port.
1717His second daughter then, he thought, would show herself more kind,
1818To whom, he going, for a while did frank allowance find.
1919Ere long, abridging almost all, she keepeth him so low,
2020That of the two bads, for better's choice he back again did go.
2121But Gonorill at his return, not only did attempt
2222Her father's death, but openly did hold him in contempt.
32323His aged eyes pour out their tears, when holding up his hands,
2424He said: "O God, who so thou art, that my good hap withstands,
2525Prolong not life, defer not death, myself I over-live,
2626When those that owe to me their lives to me my death would give.
2727Thou town, whose walls rose of my wealth, stand evermore to tell
2828Thy founder's fall, and warn that none do fall as Leir fell.
2929Bid none affy in friends, for say, his children wrought his wrack:
3030Yea those that were to him most dear did loathe and let him lack.
3131Cordella, well Cordella said, she loved as a childe:
3232But sweeter words we seek than sooth, and so are men beguiled.
3333She only rests untried yet, but what may I expect
3434From her, to whom I nothing gave, when these do me reject.
3535Then die, nay, try, the rule may fail, and nature may ascend,
3636Nor are they ever surest friends, on whom we most do spend."
3737He ships himself to Gallia then, but maketh known before
3838Unto Cordella his estate, who rueth him so poor,
3939And kept his there arrival close, till she provided had
4040To furnish him in every want. Of him her king was glad,
4141And nobly entertained him; the Queen, with tears among,
4242(Her duty done) conferreth with her father of his wrong.
4343Such duty, bounty, kindness, and increasing love, he found
4444In that his daughter and her lord, for sorrows more abound
4545For this unkindly using her, then for the others crime.
4646And king-like thus in Agamps' court did Leir dwell, till time
4747The noble king his son-in-law transports an army great,
4848Of forcy Gauls, possessing him of dispossessed seat,
4949To whom Cordella did succeed, not reigning long in quite.
5050Not how her nephews war with her and one of them slew th'other
5151Shall followe: but I will disclose a most tyrannous mother.