20581843Enter Cornwall, Regan, Gonorill, and Bastard. 20601844Corn. Po
speedily to my Lord your husband,
shew him this
1846The army of
France is landed,
seeke out the villaine
20651849Corn. Leaue him to my di
Edmund keepe you our
si- 20661850ster company. The reuenge we are bound to take vpon your trai
- 20671851terous father, are not
fit for your beholding, adui
se the Duke
20681852where you are going to a mo
st fe
stuant preparation, wee are
1854Our po
shall be
swift and intelligence betwixt vs;
20701855Farwell deare
sister, farwell my Lord of
1858Stew. My Lord of
Glocester hath conueyed him hence,
fiue or
sixe and thirty of his Knights hot que
strits after
20761860him, met him at gate, who with
some other of the Lords depen
- 20771861dants are gone with him towards
Douer, where they boa
st to
20801863Corn. Get hor
ses for your mi
20811864Gon. Farwell
sweet Lord and
20821866Corn. Edmund farwell: go
seeke the traitor
20831867Pinion him like a theefe, bring him before vs,
20841868Though we may not pa
sse vpon his life
20851869Without the forme of iu
stice, yet our power
20861870Shall do a curte
sie to our wrath, which men may blame
20871871But not controle; who's there, the traitor?
20881872Enter Glocester, brought in by two or three. 20911874Corn. Binde fa
st his corky armes.
20921875Glost. What meanes your Graces, good my friends con
20931876You are my gue
sts, do me no foule play friends.
20961878Reg. Hard, hard, O
filthy traitor!
20971879Glost. Vnmercifull Lady as you are, I am true.
20991880Corn. To this chaire binde him, villaine thou
find -----
21001881Glost. By the kinde Gods tis mos
st ignobly done, to plucke me
21021883Reg. So white, and
such a Traitor.
21031884Glost. Naughty Lady, the
se haires which thou do
st raui
sh frõ (my chin,
21051885Will quicken and accu
se thee, I am your ho
21061886With robbers hands, my ho
spitable fauours
should not ru
ffell thus, what will you do?
21081888Corn. Come
sir, what letters had you late from
21101889Reg. Be
simple an
swerer, for we know the truth.
21111890Corn. And what confederacy haue you with the traitors lately
21131892Reg. To who
se hands haue you
sent the lunaticke king,
21151893Glost. I haue a letter gue
set downe,
21161894Which came from one that's of a neutrall heart,
21201898Corn. Where ha
st thou
sent the King?
21221900Reg. Wherefore to
Douer? wa
st thou not charg'd at perill ------
21241901Corn. Wherefore to
Douer? let him
st an
swer that.
21251902Glost. I am tide tot'h
stake, and I mu
st stand the cour
21281904Glost. Becau
se I would not
see thy cruell nayles
21291905Plucke out his poore old eyes, nor thy
21301906In his aurynted
sh ra
sh bori
sh phangs,
sea with
such a
storme of his lou'd head
21321908In hell blacke night endur'd, would haue laid vp
21331909And quencht the
fires, yet poore old heart,
21351911If Wolues had at thy gate heard that dearne time,
st haue
said, good Porter turne the key,
21371913All cruels el
scrib'd, but I
21381914The winged vengeance ouertake
such children.
21391915Corn. See't
shalt thou neuer, fellowes hold the chaire,
21401916Vpon tho
se eies of thine, lle
set my foote.
21411917Glost. He that will thinke to liue till he be old -----
21421918Giue me
some helpe, ô cruell, ô ye Gods!
21431919Reg. One
side will mocke another, tother to.
21441920Corn. If you
see vengeance ------
21451921Seruant. Hold your hand my Lord,
21461922I haue
seru'd you euer
since I was a childe,
21471923But better
seruice haue I neuer done you, then now to bid you (hold.
21501925Ser. If you did weare a beard vpon your chin, ide
shake it on
21511926this quarrell, what do you meane?
21521927Corn. My villaine.
Draw and fight. 21531928Ser. Why then come on, and take the chance of anger.
21541929Reg. Giue me thy
sword, a pe
stand vp thus.
21551930She takes a sword, and runs at him behinde. 21561931Seruant. Oh I am
slaine my Lord, yet haue you one eye left to
some mi
schiefe on him, oh!
He dies. 21581933Corn. Lea
st it
see more, preuent it, out vilde Ielly,
21601935Glost. All darke and comfortles, wheres my
21621936Edmund vnbridle all the
sparkes of nature, to quit this horrid
21641938Reg. Out villaine, thou cal
st on him that hates thee, it was hee
21661939that made the ouerture of thy trea
sons to vs, who is too good to
21681941Glost. O my follies, then
Edgar was abu
21691942Kinde Gods forgiue me that, and pro
sper him.
21701943Reg. Goe thru
st him out at gates, and let him
smell his way to
21711944Douer, how i
st my Lord? how looke you?
21731945Corn. I haue receiued a hurt, follow me Lady,
21741946Turne out that eyele
sse villaine, throw this
slaue vpon
21751947The dunghill,
Regan I bleed apace, vntimely
21761948Comes this hurt, giue me your arme.
Exit. 2176.11949Seruant. Ile neuer care what wickedne
sse I do,
2176.319512.Seruant. If
she liue long, and in the end meet the old cour
2176.41952of death, women will all turne mon
2177.519531.Ser. Let's follow the old Earle, and get the bedlam
2176.61954To lead him where he would, his rogi
sh madne
2176.819562.Ser. Goe thou, ile fetch
flaxe and whites of egges to
2176.91957apply to his bleeding face, now heauen helpe him.