Internet Shakespeare Editions

Shakespeare in Performance: Stage Production

Hamlet (1994, Stratford Festival of Canada)

Theater CompanyStratford Festival of Canada
Release LocationsCanada
Start Date1994-06-02
End Date1994-09-17
Play ConnectionsHamlet (performance)

Cast Overview

MarcellusTim Barker
PriestTim Barker
RosencrantzKevin Bundy
BernardoSteve Cell
Player PoisonerSteve Cell
LaertesAntoni Cimolino
GuildensternJonathan Crombie
GentlewomanPhilippa Domville
ClaudiusPeter Donaldson
OpheliaSabrina Grdevich
Player KingRoland Hewgill
GhostWilliam Hutt
1st GravediggerWilliam Hutt
OsricDavid Jansen
Player PrologueDavid Jansen
HoratioTom McCamus
GentlewomanKristina Nicholl
2nd GravediggerRobert O'Driscoll
Player QueenDuncan Ollerenshaw
ReynaldoDuncan Ollerenshaw
HamletStephen Ouimette
PoloniusDouglas Rain
GentlewomanJane Spidell
GertrudeJanet Wright

Production Team and Crew Overview

Consultant DirectorWilliam Hutt
DirectorRichard Monette
DesignerDebra Hanson
Fight ArrangerJohn Stead
Stage ManagerNora Polley
Light DesignerKevin Fraser
Sound byLouis Applebaum
Sound byEvan Turner
Music byLouis Applebaum

Company Overview

Theater Company Stratford Festival of Canada

Production information courtesy of: Alan Somerset